Institutional Projects (Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development)
International Collaboration
Finalized Projects
- Digital Mathematical Library of Moldova DML-md, a first step towards Eu-DML
- An Adaptive Decision Support Framework for the Management of Mass Casualty via an Artificial Intelligence Based Multilayered Approach integrating an Intelligent Reachback Information System
- European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques, COST Action.
- A network for Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Machine Learning, COST action.
- Prospective European Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network, COST action.
- European Network for Game Theory, COST action.
- European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics, COST action.
- Connecting Education and Research Communities for an Innovative Resource Aware Society, COST action.
- Deterministic and stochastic methods for solving optimization and control problems
- Intelligent information systems for solving ill-structured problems, processing knowledge and big data
- Network for informational methods in supporting persons predisposed to preventable strokes using common devices
- Innovative approaches to applied computations and software development for gender equality regulation on labour market
- Intelligent information tools for quantifying and assessing diffuse liver diseases based on non-invasive measurements and laboratory tests
- Mathematical modeling of risk factors and patients clustering for preventive stroke management
- Development of a toolkit for modeling strategies to mitigate social disasters caused by catastrophes and terrorism
- Models and Technologies for Intelligent Systems and High Performance Computing
- Algebraic and geometric invariants in qualitative study of polynomial differential systems
- Modern trends in algebra, topology and geometry: fundamental researches and applications
- Analytical and numerical methods for solving the problems of evolution, optimization and queuing theory
- Distributed informational system "DICOM Network"
- Modeling and Mitigation of Social Disasters Caused by Catastrophes and Terrorism
- Modelling of Stochastic Dynamic Systems and Algorithms for Solving Markov Decision Problems
- Numerical methods and algorithms for solving stochastic dynamic decision problems
- Computer-Aided Tools for Diagnostics and Classification of Early Stages of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with Predictive Models for Risk Assessment of Complications (CATDC-NAFLD)
- Clinical decision support system in domain of ultrasound examination of the hepato-pancreato-biliary zone (SONARES 13)
- Priority systems with semi-Markov switching and control on complex networks
- Instrumental support for complex applications porting to the regional HPC infrastructure
- Semi-Markov queuing models
- Systems and technologies of distributed processing of information and evaluating the effectiveness of their use
- Dynamical Systems and Their Applications (DynSysAppl)
- Models of high performance computations based on biological and quantum approaches
- Developing information technology support for computational linguistic resources interoperability
- High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe's Research Communities (HP-SEE)
- Advanced technologies of intelligent systems development for Information Society
- Methods and algorithms for solving deterministic and stochastic problems for modelling of dynamic decision systems
- Actual problems of algebra and differential equations: theoretical and applied aspects
- Information resources management and assistance in inter-academic scientific cooperation and in management of cooperation between the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the Romanian Academy
- Innovative methods for visualization and ultrasound investigation for medical purposes
- Methods and algorithms for solving dynamic stochastic problems
- Analysis of priority queueing models in modern systems of information resources diversification
- Evaluation and adaptive training of staff in medical diagnostics domain
- Mathematical model of tuberculosis control in the Republic of Moldova
- Computer monitoring technology for operational state and accidental risk of poison-fluid and petroleum depots
- Modeling of the dependance constraints - economic grows in conditions of sustainable development
- Decision support and algorithmic design on a multilayered grid structure within the communication network CENETIX
- A Data Warehouse Approach of Standard Reference Images for Computer-Aided Sonography of Abdominal Diseases (CASAD)
- Analyzing and modelling of the data processing in the future network systems
- Creation of data transmission network segments based on 1Gbps technology implementation
- Fundamental research in algebraic structures and logic calculus, applications for coding of information
- Development of Scientific and Technological Support for Building Information Society in Moldova
- Topological and differential algebra
- Numerical modelling of the astrophysics' problems related to non stationary multidimensional gravitational magnetic dynamics of gases
- Multidimensional integrable nonlinear equations, dynamical systems and their geometrical properties
- Methods and algorithms for solving of the control problems of the dynamic complex systems
- Methods and algorithms elaboration for multimedia information transportation protocol investigation in the fireless network without thread with centralized control
- New algorithms for electronic information certification and cryptographic schemes for secret protection
- Sistem informational pentru managementul stiintific al institutiei de cercetare
- Instrumentar multimedia pentru facilitarea promovarii artei moldovenesti (arta muzicala)
- Sistem automatizat de instruire in domeniul examinarii ultrasonografice
- Sisteme multidimensionale integrabile neliniare si proprietatile lor geometrice
- Power and efficiency of natural computing: neural-like P (membrane) systems
- Informational tools for assistance of sonographic examinations
- Fluxuri dinamice multi-produs optime in retele si grafuri minime saturate
- Study of geometric and group properties of nonlinear dynamical systems
- Informational systems: theory and applications
- Aplicatiile algebrelor Lie ale operatorilor la sisteme diferentiale polinomiale in cazul grupului afin de transformari
- Problemele fluxurilor multiprodus optime in retele dinamice si metodele de solutionare a lor
- Ridicarea rolului si eficientei investitiilor de stat in cresterea economica durabila
- Calcul Celular - Calcul biomolecular la nivelul celulelor vii
- Analiza si elaborarea modelelor de prioritati si servire ciclica cu statii neomogene si aplicarea lor pentru proiectarea retelelor regionale fara fir pentru transportul datelor, vocii si video-informatiei
- Studiul teoretic si modelarea numerica a instabilitãtilor si proceselor disipative in colapsul stelar si curentilor nestationari in cimpul gravitational
- RoLTech. Platforme pentru tehnologia limbii romane: resurse, instrumentar si interfete
- Instrumentar pentru generarea interfetelor in sistemele de calcul simbolic
- Aplicatii ale Resurselor reutilizabile pentru Tehnologia Limbajului Natural
- Sistem informatic pentru diagnosticul ultrasonografic
- Deterministic and stochastic methods for modeling of complex dynamical systems
- Application of the lattice methods for investigation of topologies in groups and rings, of torsions in modules and of hyperbolic varieties