
Algebraic and geometric invariants in qualitative study of polynomial differential systems

Programmee:Institutional Projects
Execution period:2015 – 2019
Institutions:Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
Project Leader:Vulpe Nicolae
Participants: Popa Mihail, Suba Alexandru, Dovbush Peter, Dryuma Valery, Baltag Valeriu, Calin Iurie, Orlov Victor, Bujac Cristina, Ciubotaru Stanislav, Vacaraș Olga


The objectives: the solution of some actual problems in differential equations, the dissemination and popularization of obtained results as well as the specification of the ways and possibilities for applications and implementation of the results.

The role and significance of the project consist: (i) in the ensuring of continuity and succession in the research work; (ii) in the support and progress of the scientific schools existing in our country; (iii) in the implication of the youth in research work; (iv) in the extension of the sphere of application of scientific results. In particular, the application of theoretical results of this domain in some problems of biology, medicine, ecology, energetic, is supposed.

The necessary conditions for realization of the planned tasks are partially ensured by the existence of a strong collective of specialists of high qualification (1 corresponding member of ASM, 4 doctors habilitat and 4 doctors in sciences). Continuing the traditions of the scientific school founded by well-known mathematician from Moldova academician C. Sibirschi, this collective can realize the planned tasks on the high level of the last performances in domains.

The expected results: