Differential geometry, theory of differential equations; theoretical and mathematical physics
Important publications
On theory of surfaces defined by the first order system of differential equationsl. Buletinul A.Ş. M., Matematica, No. 1(56), 2008, 161--175.
Towards a theory of spaces of constant curvature. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics , 146(1) , 2006, 1622-1645.
Riemann extensions in theory of the first order differential equations. Barcelona Conference in Planar Vector Fields, Book of Abstracts , CRM, Spain, February 13-17, 2006, 7-8.
Nonlinear multidimensional equations connected with commuting vector fields and their integration. International Conference „Differential Equations and Related Topics”, dedicated to I.Petrovskii, Book of Abstracts, Moscow, Russia, May 21-26, 2007, p. 79.
Dunajski generalization of the second heavenly equation: dressing method and the hierarhy. Journal Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, No. 40(48), Nov 2007,14383--14393 (coautors L.Bogdanov, S.Manakov).
On the Riemann Extension of the Godel space-time metric. Buletinul A.Ş. M., Matematica, No. 3(49), 2005, 43--62.
On geometrical properties of the spaces defined by the Pfaff equarions. Buletinul A.Ş. M., Matematica, No. 1(47), 2005, 69--84.
Publications in Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica and Quasigroups and Related Systems