
Deterministic and stochastic methods for modeling of complex dynamical systems

Programmee:Institutional Projects
Execution period:2006 – 2010
Institutions:Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
Project Leader:Lozovanu Dmitrii
Participants: Lozovanu Dmitrii, Rybakin Boris, Mishkoy Gheorghe, Secrieru Grigore, Kolesnik Alexander, Shider Natalia, Fonoberova Maria, Naval Elvira, Geru Vitalie, Drucioc Dorian, Burca Fevronia, Smolina Liudmila, Culicovschi Anatolie, Cinic Boris, Popovscaia Marina
Keywords:mathematical modeling, optimization, optimal control, deterministic methods, stochastic methods


The project goal is to develop deterministic and stochastic methods for studying and solving dynamical problems with application of modern computing technologies. Will be developed algorithms for solving discrete multiobjective control problems, problems of optimal flows finding in networks, and some problems concerning with modeling of economic development under risk conditions, queueing problems with priorities, finite speed diffusion problems, as well as mechanical problems.