December 6, 2011 / Announcements
Defense of PhD thesis
On Thursday, December 22, 2011 at 14:00 at the meeting of the Specialized Scientific Council D* at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in the Conference Hall (of. 340), the defense of PhD thesis "Automation of the process of computational linguistic resources creation" will take place. [
November 18, 2011 / Announcements
Scientific Seminar
On Monday, November 21, 2011 at 14:30 in the Conference Hall (of. 340) of the IMCS a scientific seminar will take place on the theme "Programming of graphics accelerators using CUDA technology". Presenter: Dr. habil. Boris Rybakin. [
November 1, 2011 / Announcements
There were some great times
At the International Scientific and Didactic Book Fair, which took place at the Central Scientific Library "A. Lupan" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova on October 10-13, 2011, the IMCS was awarded with the Diploma of Mention for the book "Academician Vladimir Andrunachievici", edited by the IMCS in 2009. [
October 28, 2011 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii "Ovidius" Constanta, Seria Matematica, Vol. XVIII, fascicola 2, 2010;
- Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii "Ovidius" Constanta, Seria Matematica, Vol. XIX, fascicola 1, 2011;
October 17, 2011 / Announcements
Presentations from the seminars held on October 12-13, 2011
On October 12-13, 2011 in the Conference Hall of the IMCS two seminars took place, where the following communications were presented:
- "Bio-Inspired Computing: Achievements and Dreams" by Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy Gheorghe Paun;
- "Mathematics, Ideal Worlds and Reality" by Dr. Dan Farcas (Romania).
October 4, 2011 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- International journal of applied mathematics and computer science, Editors Joanna Kolofziej, Fatos Xhafa, Special section Eficient resource management for grid-enabled applications, Volume 21, Nr 2, 2011;
September 20, 2011 / Announcements
Doors Open Day
The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova invites all former employees of the Institute to Doors Open Day, which will take place on October 07, 2011 at 14:00 in the Conference Hall (of. 340). [
September 19, 2011 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
Теоретический минимум и алгоритмы цифровой подписи, Н. А. Молдовян, Учебное пособие, Санкт-Петербург, 2010;
Cercetari privind autooxidarea alimentelor si metode de prevenire, retardare si/sau diminuare, Chim. Maria-Raluca Szabo, Teze de doctorat, Seria 4: Inginerie Chimica, Nr 14, Editura Politehnica, 2008;
September 10, 2011 / Announcements
Congratulations to Corresponding Member Constantin Gaindric
On September 11, 2011 we will celebrate the 70th Birthday Anniversary and 47 years of scientific and scientific-organizational activity of Constantin Gaindric, a distinguished mathematician and computer scientist, Dr. habil., Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Principal Researcher of the IMCS, Honorary Director of the IMCS.
September 7, 2011 / Announcements
Ad astra
A few hundred years ago the famous German mathematician, physicist and astronomer Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), known as the Prince of Mathematics, referred to mathematics as "the Queen of the Sciences". Many years have gone by since then and the rulers of the world forget or overlook some eternal truths. [
July 20, 2011 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Implementation and Applocation of Automata, Beatrice Bouchou-Markhoff, Pascal Caron, Jean-Marc Champarnaud, Denis Maurel (Eds.), Proceedings, 16th International Conference, CIAA 2011, Blois, France, July 2011;
- Mathematica, Editura Academiei Romane, Tome 51 (74), N.2, 2009;
July 19, 2011 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Oberwolfach Reports, Vol.7, N 4, pp. 2569-3355, 2010;
- Contributii privind aprinderea si arderea combustibilului, shchimbul de caldura si controlul acestora in generatoarele de aer calc, independente. Teze de doctorat, Ing. Florin Marcut, Seria 8: Inginerie Industriala, N 31, Editura Politehnica, 2010;
July 13, 2011 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Параллельное программирование для графических ускорителей, Б.П.Рыбакин, Москва, 2011.
June 30, 2011 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, Piotr Doerffer, Jaroslaw Rybicki, Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk Task, Vol.14, N 1-2, January-April 2010;
- Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, Piotr Doerffer, Jaroslaw Rybicki, Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk Task, Vol.14, N 3, July 2010;
May 31, 2011 / Announcements
The Best Student in Mathematics
BOSCANEAN ANDRIAN, the grade XII fm student from the Lyceum of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, has been awarded the Diploma "The Best Student in Mathematics" for academic year 2010-2011 and a special prize from the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. [
May 26, 2011 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society, Issue 79, March 2011;
- Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 7, N 3, 2010;
- Labirintul cunoasterii, Dan D. Farcas, Editura Paideia, Bucuresti, Romania 2009;
- Privind peste umar, Gheorghe Paun, Editura TIPAR6, Pitesti, Romania 2010.
May 26, 2011 / Conferences
IIS 2011 - International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems
We invite you to participate in the IIS 2011 - International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, which will take place on September 13-14, 2011 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. [
May 11, 2011 / PhD
Information on organization of tests and exams for PhD students
May 1, 2011 / Announcements
Results of the "Vladimir Andrunachievici" Mathematical Contest
On April 27-30, 2011 in Chisinau, at the Lyceum of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, a session on mathematics of the Oncoming Olympians School - 2011 including "Vladimir Andrunachievici" International Mathematical Contest for grade IX, XII students took place. 40 students of grade IX, XII participated in the framework of this session.
April 22, 2011 / Announcements
"Vladimir Andrunachievici" Mathematical Contest
On April 27-30 a session of the Oncoming Olympians School - 2011 on mathematics for grade IX, XII students will be organized. This session will include workshops for students and invited teachers, as well as "Vladimir Andrunachievici" Mathematical Contest. [
March 31, 2011 / Announcements
US Academic Exchange Programs
On March 30, 2011 at 10:00 in Senate Hall of the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova the Fulbright Program of grants for graduate students, teachers and researchers from the Republic of Moldova was presented. The presentation was made by the representative of the US Embassy in Moldova Mrs. Valerie A. Colby (Department for Culture and Science). [
March 22, 2011 / Publications
Monograph "Algebre iterative lantiale de functii pseudo-booleene trivalente"
Monograph: RATIU, MEFODIE T. Algebre iterative lantiale de functii pseudo-booleene trivalente (in Romanian), Iasi, Alexandru Myller, 2010, 276 p. [
March 19, 2011 / Announcements
Defense of habilitation thesis in physico-mathematical sciences "Topologico-algebraic systems and their applications"
On Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 14:30, at the meeting of the Specialized Scientific Council DH 01.01.04-05 at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the defense of habilitation thesis in physico-mathematical sciences "Topologico-algebraic systems and their applications", author Mr. Liubomir Chiriac, will take place. [
March 11, 2011 / Library
Library Acquisitions
As a gift from E. A. Grebenicov, the library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Е. А. Гребеников, Ю. А. Митропольский, Ю. А. Рябов, Введение в резонансную аналитическую динамику, Москва, Янус-К, 1999, 320 с.;
- Е. А. Гребеников, Математические проблемы гомографической динамики, Москва, МАКС-Пресс, 2010, 256 с.;
February 23, 2011 / Announcements
Program of the special session of the scientific seminar dedicated to Prof. Valentin Belousov
On Friday, February 25, 2011 at 14:30 in the Conference Hall (of. 340) of the IMCS a special session of the scientific seminar dedicated to Prof. Valentin Belousov will be held. [
February 14, 2011 / Announcements
The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science expresses sincere condolences on the death of Senior Researcher Dr. DORIAN DRUCIOC (04.11.1958 - 11.02.2011). We convey our deepest sympathy to his family and relatives. [
February 11, 2011 / Announcements
Anniversary of Prof. Valentin Belousov (1925-1988)
Dear colleagues, on February 20, 2011 we will celebrate the 86th Birthday Anniversary of Prof. Valentin Belousov. [
February 9, 2011 / Announcements
Participation at the "Made in Moldova 2011" National Exhibition
At the "Made in Moldova 2011" National Exhibition the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova was awarded with a Gold Medal. [
January 26, 2011 / Announcements
Advertisement of vacancies
The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science announces vacancies. [
January 5, 2011 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Discussiones Mathematicae, General Algebra and Applications, Volume 28, Number 2 (2008), Volume 29, Number 1,2 (2009), Volume 30, Number 1 (2010), University of Zielona Gora Press, Zielona Gora, Poland;
- Discussiones Mathematicae, Graph Theory, Volume 28, Number 1-3 (2008), Volume 29, Number 1-3 (2009), Volume 30, Number 1-4 (2010), University of Zielona Gora Press, Zielona Gora, Poland.