A few hundred years ago the famous German mathematician, physicist and astronomer Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), known as the Prince of Mathematics, referred to mathematics as "the Queen of the Sciences". Many years have gone by since then and the rulers of the world forget or overlook some eternal truths.
Nonetheless, by divine inspiration the Government of the Republic of Moldova decided this year to award the National Prize for outstanding results achieved in mathematics and informatics to Mrs. Svetlana Cojocaru, Dr. habil. in Computer Science, Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, No. 139-145, August 26, 2011).
To this significant event the IMCS team wishes Mrs. S. Cojocaru good health, and to obtain with her considerable intelligence also in the future distinctive results in the intelligent information systems domain. At once we join reviewers of her scientific work, writing: "the research of Dr. habil. Svetlana Cojocaru has brought a substantial contribution to the development of computer science in the Republic of Moldova, has promoted the affirmation of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, currently led by she, as an international recognized excellence center". We sincerely wish you every success and to add new valuable works to your impressive list of 140 scientific publications. Be always the first, as you were and are: the first woman Dr. habil. at the IMCS, the first woman Dr. habil. in Computer Science in the Republic of Moldova, the first woman Director of the IMCS...