December 29, 2015 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Mathematical reports, Romanian Academy, Vol. 17 (67), Nr. 3, 2015.
December 3, 2015 / Announcements
Certificat de acreditare
Pe 3 decembrie 2015 institutului i-a fost înmanat certificatul de acreditare, prin care i se conferă calificativul de
"Organizație cu recunoaștere internațională (Categoria A)" cu aprecierea performanței "foarte bine" la profilul "Matematică
și Informatică". [
November 30, 2015 / Announcements
Premiul "Vladimir Andrunachievici"
Cosiliul științific al Institutului de Matematică și Informatică în ședința din 30 noiembrie a luat hotărârea de a decerna Premiul anual ale institutului "Vladimir Andrunachievici" [
November 18, 2015 / PhD
Presentation of PhD thesis
Vineri, 27 noiembrie 2015, ora 14:00, in sala de conferinte IMI ASM (of. 340), va avea loc sedinta Seminarului Stiintific de Profil la specialitatea 111.02 "Ecuatii Diferentiale" in cadrul careia se va discuta teza de doctor in stiinte matematice "Complete study of cubic systems with invariant lines of total multiplicity 8" / "Studiul complet al sistemelor cubice cu drepte invariante de multiplicitate totala 8", autor Bujac Cristina. [
November 12, 2015 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Mathematica, Editura Academiei Române, Tome 55 (78), N.2, 2013.
November 6, 2015 / Announcements
Scientific Seminar
Vineri, 13 noiembrie 2015, ora 10:00 în Sala de Conferinte (of. 340) IMI va avea loc seminar dedicat memoriei prof. Iu. Rogojin. [
November 3, 2015 / Announcements
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Fuzzy-Like Multistage Decision Making. Studies in Computational Intelligence 533, Jiuping Xu. Ziqiang Zeng, Springer. 2014. (Donație de carte a Președintelui Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, Academician, doctor habilitat în chimie, profesor universitar Gheorghe Duca)
September 18, 2015 / Announcements
Noaptea cercetatorilor europeni
Pe 25 septembrie, ora 15:00 in scuarul Academiei de Stiinte va incepe Noaptea cercetatorilor europeni eveniment de promovare a stiintei, editia a II-a. [
September 15, 2015 / Announcements
Doors Open Day
The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova invites all former employees of the Institute to Doors Open Day, which will take place on October 2, 2015 at 15:00 in the Conference Hall (of. 340).
September 14, 2015 / Announcements
Raportul de autoevaluare IMI
September 10, 2015 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Institution - independent Model Theory. Diaconescu Razvan, Studies in Universal Logic, 2008.
July 16, 2015 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Studies in informatics and control, with emphasis on useful applications of advanced technology, Informatics and control publications, Edited by National Institute for R&D in Informatics, ICI Bucharest, Issue 2, Vol. 24, June, 2015.
May 24, 2015 / Announcements
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Studies in informatics and control, with emphasis on useful applications of advanced technology, Informatics and control publications, Edited by National Institute for R&D in Informatics, ICI Bucharest, Issue 1, Vol. 24, March, 2015.
May 15, 2015 / Announcements
Ziua internationalã a muzeelor in IMI
Institutul de Matematică și Informatică AȘM și unicul în Moldova Muzeu al tehnicii de calcul vă invită să petreceți ziua internațională a muzeelor împreună cu noi! [
May 14, 2015 / Announcements
FOI-2015 - Workshop on Foundations of Informatics
This workshop on Foundations of Informatics, to be followed up next year by the FOI-2016 conference, aims to bring together researchers from East and West Europe and worldwide by adding synergy to their endeavors to lay down and foster the research on the foundations of computer science also known as informatics. [
May 14, 2015 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 11, Nr. 2, pp. 953-1690, 2014.
May 8, 2015 / Announcements
Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică al AŞM anunţă cu adâncă tristeţe că la 7 mai 2015, la vârsta de 75 de ani, a decedat GALINA BELIAVSCAIA, doctor în matematică, cercetător științific coordonator, specialist remarcabil în domeniul algebrei și matematicii discrete. [
March 3, 2015 / Announcements
Advertisement of vacancies
The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science announces vacancies. [
February 19, 2015 / Announcements
Program of the special session of the scientific seminar dedicated to Prof. Valentin Belousov
On Friday, February 20, 2015 at 14:00 in the Conference Hall (of. 340) of the IMCS a special session of the scientific seminar dedicated to Prof. Valentin Belousov will be held. [
February 16, 2015 / Announcements
Anniversary of Prof. Valentin Belousov (1925-1988)
Dear colleagues, On February 20, 2015 we will celebrate the 90th Birthday Anniversary of Prof. Valentin Belousov (1925-1988). [
February 14, 2015 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 20, Issue 2, July, 2014.
February 8, 2015 / Library
Library Acquisitions
The library of IMCS was replenished by:
- Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 10, Nr. 4, pp. 2837-3493, 2013.