

December 23, 2010 / Announcements
Radio Documentary 14.08.2010

IMCS staff has rendered assistance to flood victims from Cotul Morii village. Dr. Vladimir Izbash has been delegated from the IMCS to make respective donation. Radio Moldova Station has broadcasted a radio programme about this event, which, with the permission of the authors, we bring to your attention. []

December 23, 2010 / Announcements
Presentation of habilitation thesis in physico-mathematical sciences "Topologico-algebraic systems and their applications"

On Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 15:00, in room 218 (building 4, Moldova State University) a Profile Seminar on specialty 01.01.04 "Geometry and topology" will take place, where habilitation thesis in physico-mathematical sciences "Topologico-algebraic systems and their applications", author Liubomir Chiriac, will be discussed. []

December 10, 2010 / Announcements
To the Science and Innovation Organizations

Hereby we inform that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has published summary data about International Events on Education, Science and Innovation scheduled for 2011. []

November 12, 2010 / Announcements
Seminar on Computer Science

On Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 15:00 in the Conference Hall (of. 340) of the IMCS a seminar on Computer Science will take place on the theme "Concept-oriented query language for data modeling and analysis". Presenter: Dr. Alexander Savinov (SAP, Dresden, Germany). []

November 6, 2010 / Announcements
Presentation of PhD thesis in physico-mathematical sciences "Construction of algebraic structures on compactifications of topological algebras"

On Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 16:00, in room 218 (building 4, Moldova State University) a Profile Seminar on specialty 01.01.04 "Geometry and topology" will take place, where a PhD thesis in physico-mathematical sciences "Construction of algebraic structures on compactifications of topological algebras", author Mrs. Ina Ciobanu, will be discussed. []

November 1, 2010 / Announcements
Congratulations on thesis defense!

On October 22, 2010 our colleague Serghei Verlan defensed in France (Universite Paris-Val de Marne Creteil East) his habilitation thesis entitled "Study of language-theoretical computational paradigms inspired by biology". Cordial greetings from the IMCS team! []

October 26, 2010 / Announcements
The 2011 international Millennium Youth Camp

MY Camp 2011 will be organised on Saturday 11 - Friday 17 June 2011. []

October 25, 2010 / Announcements
The world's governments did what Nobel hadn't done

A rain of state awards, recently given to a group of teaching staff from universities and schools on the occasion of World Teachers' Day and 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Tiraspol State University, has also reached two scientists in mathematics. []

October 24, 2010 / Library
Library Acquisitions

  • Cadernos de Matematica, vol 11, N01, May 2010, Universidade de Sao Paulo;
  • Studies in Informatics and control, March 2010, vol. 19, Issue 1;
  • Studies in informatics and control, June 2010, vol. 19, Issue 2;
  • Newsletter No 77, September 2010, European Mathematical Society;
  • Oberwolfach Reports, vol. 7, N 1, pp. 1-949, 2010, European Mathematical Society.

October 19, 2010 / Library
Library Acquisitions

  • Lucrarile Conferintei Resurse Lingvistice si Instrumente Pentru Prelucrarea Limbii Romane.
  • ERCIM News, April 2010.
  • Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society, June 2010.

September 16, 2010 / Announcements
Doors Open Day

The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova invites all former employees of the Institute to Doors Open Day, which will take place on September 30, 2010 at 14:00 in the Conference Hall (of. 340). []

September 6, 2010 / Announcements
Research visit to the Fields Institute, Canada

Recently, Professor Gheorghe Mishkoy has returned from the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada, where he was on a working visit in the period 11.08.2010-22.08.2010. []

August 20, 2010 / Announcements
Professor Alexei Kashu - 70 years old. A destiny conjoint with mathematics and love to country

Birthday greetings! []

August 19, 2010 / Library
Library Acquisitions

Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 2479-3106, 2009. European Mathematical Society. []

June 3, 2010 / Library
Library Acquisitions

Task Quarterly, Scientific Bulletin of Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk, Volume 13, Number 4, October 2009. []

May 25, 2010 / Announcements
English courses

STCU informs you about a new programme for Chief Technology Commercialization Officers (CTCOs) - English language courses. []

May 25, 2010 / Library
Library Acquisitions

  • Corpus de sunete gnatosonice, Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Monica Feraru, Performantica, Iasi 2008 (CD);
  • Sisteme nuantate (fuzzy) si soft-computing, Horia-Nicolai L. Teodorescu, Politehnium, Iasi 2007;
  • Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 1783-2477, European Mathematical Society, 2009.

May 20, 2010 / Announcements
Seminar "Institute of Computer Science, Iasi Subsidiary of the Romanian Academy: research domains, cooperation perspectives"

On Friday, May 21, 2010 at 12:00 am in the Conference Hall (of. 340) of the IMCS a seminar will take place on the theme "Institute of Computer Science, Iasi Subsidiary of the Romanian Academy: research domains, cooperation perspectives". Presenter: Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu. []

May 14, 2010 / Announcements
Advertisement of Deputy Director vacancy

The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova announces a vacancy of Deputy Director for Science. []

April 27, 2010 / Library
Library Acquisitions

Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "OVIDIUS" Constanta, Seria Matematica, Volumul XVII (2009), fascicola 2;
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "OVIDIUS" Constanta, Seria Matematica, Volumul XVII (2009), fascicola 3. []

April 21, 2010 / Announcements
Grid Computing Infrastructure in Moldova and applications gridification

National Grid Initiative represented by the RENAM Association invites you to attend two training seminars entitled: "Grid Computing Infrastructure in Moldova" []

April 19, 2010 / Library
Library Acquisitions

Academos, Revista de Stiinta, Inovare, Cultura si Arta.
Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society. []

April 15, 2010 / Announcements
Anniversary of Dr. Galina Belyavskaya

Dear colleagues, on April 19, 2010 we celebrate the 70th Birthday Anniversary of Dr. Galina Belyavskaya - prominent specialist in the theory of quasigroups, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, author of more than 120 scientific publications. []

April 1, 2010 / Conferences
Teleconference seminar on Computer Science (modified)

On April 7, 9, 15, 2010 in the Conference Hall (of. 340) of the IMCS teleconference sessions will be held on theme "Formal Reasoning on gene assembly in ciliates - an example of Natural Computing". Presenter: Dr. V. Rogozhin. []

March 25, 2010 / Conferences
ECIT - The 6th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies

Organizing Committee of the 6th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies (ECIT 2010), October 7-9, 2010, Iasi, Romaina, has the pleasure and honor to invite you to attend the conference in 2010 and to announce a call for papers. []

March 17, 2010 / Announcements
Sustinerea tezei de doctor

Vineri, 26 martie 2010, orele 15-00, la sedinta Consiliului Stiintific specializat DH din cadrul Institutului de Matematica si Informatica al Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova (str. Academiei, 5 cab.340) va avea loc sustinerea tezei de doctor "Bucle Moufang comutative si CH-cuasigrupuri cu conditii de finitudine". []

March 15, 2010 / Library
Library Acquisitions

Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisco, Dell'Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Volume LVI(2008-2009), Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata "G. Vitali"; Kobe Journal of Mathematics, Volume 26, Number 1-2, December 2009, Kobe Univeristy; Cadernos de Matematica, Volume 10, Number 2, October 2009, Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas e de Computacao, Universidade de Sao Paulo. []

February 17, 2010 / Announcements
Programul sedintei speciale a seminarului stiintific consacrate prof. Valentin Belousov

Sedinta speciala a seminarului stiintific consacrat prof. Valentin Belousov se va desfasura in incinta IMI, c. 340, Vineri 19.02.2010 []

February 8, 2010 / Announcements
Aniversarea prof. Valentin Belousov (1925-1988)

Va informam ca la 20 februarie 2010 se implinesc 85 ani de la nasterea profesorului Valentin Belousov. Comunitatea stiintifica, Societatea Matematica din Republica Moldova, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova si Institutul de Matematica si Informatica al Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova vor celebra aceasta aniversare intr-o sesiune speciala a seminarului stiintific "Algebra si Logica Matematica", care va avea loc la Institutul de Matematica si Informatica la 19 februarie 2010. []

February 3, 2010 / Conferences
Conferinta Internationala "Telecomunicatii, Electronica si Informatica" ICTEI 2010

In perioada 20-23 mai 2010 isi va desfasura lucrarile cea de-a treia editie a Conferintei Internationale "Telecomunicatii, Electronica si Informatica" ICTEI 2010. []

January 22, 2010 / Conferences
Conferinta Internationala "Information Technologies, Systems and Networks"

În perioada 25-26 februarie 2010 la Chisinau va avea loc Conferinta Internationala "Information Technologies, Systems and Networks" (ITSN-2010) dedicata tehnologiilor informationale, sistemelor si retelelor. []

January 11, 2010 / Library
Library Acquisitions

Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp 1-978, 2009. European Mathematical Society, Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp 979-1781, 2009. European Mathematical Society. []