Young people have the key role in resolving global challenges in the future. The target of the international Millennium Youth Camp (MY Camp) is to find young people interested in mathematics, science and technology, and help them start up a career in these fields. MY Camp also aims to raise awareness of the educational and working opportunities available in Finland and promoting the Millennium Technology Prize, Finland's tribute to developers of life-enhancing technological innovations, awarded by Technology Academy Finland.
MY Camp is an inspiring way of offering young people an overview of Finnish expertise and top-level research in the natural sciences, mathematics and technology. Students network with each other, with individuals in Finnish companies and organisations, and with top scientists. During the one-week-camp, MY Campers are introduced to a number of Finnish companies and higher educational institutions. In addition to lectures, workshops and visits to MY Camp partners, the programme includes project work supervised by top-level experts and carried out in small multi-national groups. The first-ever MY Camp was organised in Helsinki in June 2010. Almost one thousand applications were received from 62 countries and from all continents, and 30 talented young people from 14 countries were selected as participants. The camp got excellent feedback from all the MY Campers and organisers.
MY Camp is free of charge for the participants. The main organisers are Technology Academy Finland and the Finnish Science Education Centre LUMA.
MY Camp 2011 will be organised on Saturday 11 – Friday 17 June 2011. All young people born between years 1992–1995 are eligible to apply for the camp. The application period starts on 15 October and ends on 15 December 2010. The application form will be available at the MY Camp website.