At the Xth jubilee edition of the "Made in Moldova 2011" National Exhibition, which took place on February 1-5, 2011, the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science participated with the SonaRes Decision Support System for Sonographic Diagnostics.
This system is destined for physicians-sonographists and is aimed at increasing the investigation quality, reducing level of operator dependence, assistance in quickly obtaining of information on specific diseases of the abdominal region organs, increasing quality of obtained images.
The IMCS display stand was visited by specialists and some public figures form our country. Prime Minister V. Filat, First Deputy Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament V. Plahotniuc, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy V. Lazar, President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Academician Gh. Duca, members of the Moldovan Parliament have shown interest in the exhibits presented by researchers.
Dr. L. Burţeva, Dr. G. Magariu, Dr. I. Ţiţchiev and researchers Iu. Secrieru, O. Popcova, T. Verlan, N. Bruc, I. Pavlenco have provided competent and understandable explanations for visitors about the SonaRes system possibilities.
President of the Competition Jury Mr. V. Lazar has presented to the IMCS Director, Dr. habil S. Cojocaru a Gold Medal and a diploma, awarded to the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science.