On September 11, 2011 we will celebrate the 70th Birthday Anniversary and 47 years of scientific and scientific-organizational activity of Constantin Gaindric, a distinguished mathematician and computer scientist, Dr. habil., Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Principal Researcher of the IMCS, Honorary Director of the IMCS.
He was born in Zaicani village, Riscani district, Republic of Moldova. In 1957 he graduated from the school in his native village, and in 1962 – from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the "Alecu Russo" State Pedagogical Institute (Balti). In 1964-1966 – postgraduate studies at the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. At the same time, from 1964 to 1967, he worked at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR (senior laboratory assistant, junior researcher). Over the 1968-1977 period he worked at the State Planning Committee of the Moldavian SSR as Director of the Computing Center (1968-1972), as Deputy Director for scientific research of the Institute of Planning (1972-1974), as Deputy Director for scientific research of the Institute of Technico-Scientific Information and Economic Research (1974-1977). In 1972 he received his PhD in technical sciences from the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
He plays an important role in the life and work of the IMCS, has been working here since 1977: Deputy Director for scientific research (1977-1991), Director (1991-2005), Principal Researcher (2005 – present). He founded the Information Systems Laboratory, a new scientific direction and a new scientific school. Gained management experience allowed him to organize work of the IMCS, overcoming all difficulties and the crisis that hit the Republic of Moldova in the early years of its independence. He has also contributed to image renewal and spread in about 150 countries of the journal "Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica". He is the founder of a new scientific journal – "Computer Science Journal of Moldova".
During the period 2002-2004 he was President of the Supreme Commission for Attestation of the Republic of Moldova, and from 2004 to 2009 – President of the National Council for Accreditation and Attestation of the Republic of Moldova. In this position Prof. Constantin Gaindric has made considerable efforts to the promotion of scientific and basic human values by developing and implementing programs and strategies for both: training and increasing qualification of scientific specialists, and accreditation of the science and innovation institutions.
Recognition of his scientific contribution to development and implementation of many methods and algorithms for modeling of various economic branches functioning led in 2000 to successful defense of his thesis, receiving Dr. habil. in technical sciences from the Technical University of Moldova.
Through an extraordinary scientific work Prof. Constantin Gaindric has contributed to the development of mathematics and computer science, as well as to training of highly qualified specialists. Under his supervision 5 PhD theses and 1 Dr. habil. thesis were defended. Currently he is scientific adviser and consultant of 4 young researchers. Thus in 2002 he was awarded the title of Professor for the contribution to formation of young generation of scientists.
He has led computer science research in 5 international projects and in many national programs and projects.
Research interests of Prof. Constantin Gaindric include, but are not limited to:
In the framework of research in decision support systems he proposed a new conceptual structure, representing an important new direction in decision management.
The investigation results are reflected in about 130 scientific publications. The monograph "Decision making. Methods and Technologies" (in Romanian) was assumed as a basis for courses in several institutions of higher education in Moldova. The book "Considerations on the Information Society Creation in Moldova" (in Romanian) was the first work that has given an impulse to research in this domain in Moldova.
Prof. Constantin Gaindric has contributed to the development of strategy and action plan for informatization of society in the Republic of Moldova. He gives much attention to research focused on studying the global information society and information society creation in Moldova.
His extraordinary scientific, didactic and management activities have been highly appreciated by the community of the country and abroad, receiving the following distinctions:
In 2007 he was elected as a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. In 2006 and 2011, respectively, he was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the "Alecu Russo" State University (Balti) and of the Tiraspol State University.
Simultaneously with his professional work he carries out intense social activity, being a member of several scientific societies and national committees of the Republic of Moldova.
Prof. Constantin Gaindric is a member of Editorial Boards of several scientific journals:
On the occasion of this anniversary the IMCS team and the entire scientific community would like to express our deep respect and gratitude to Prof. Constantin Gaindric, an eminent person, and to wish him strength for new achievements and fruitful research activity in the future.