Members of the UnivER-SCIENCE educational scientific cluster (Lyceum of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and Public Association "Promotion through Intelligence") organize a session of the Oncoming Olympians School – 2011 on mathematics for grade IX, XII students. This session will include workshops for students and invited teachers, as well as "Vladimir Andrunachievici" Mathematical Contest.
Since January 2011 lessons on competitive mathematics for grade V, VI pupils; workshops with teachers of mathematics, animators of mathematics circles from schools of Moldova; lessons on Romanian language and literature for grade IX, XII students; workshops with teachers of Romanian language and literature; mathematical contest for grade V pupils; mathematical contest for grade VI pupils; "Grigore Vieru" Romanian language and literature contest for grade IX, XII students have been organized in the framework of the Oncoming Olympians School – 2011. These meetings have been attended by 150 pupils and 50 teachers from the districts of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau municipality, Balti municipality, Romania and Ukraine.
A session on mathematics including the "Vladimir Andrunachievici" International Mathematical Contest for grade IX, XII students will be held on April 27-30, 2011 at the Lyceum of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. About 100 students from grade IX, XII and 40 teachers from the districts of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau municipality, Balti municipality, Romania and Ukraine will participate in this session.
The programme of the session on mathematics of the Oncoming Olympians School – 2011 includes:
Organizing Committee of the Oncoming Olympians School – 2011