At the International Scientific and Didactic Book Fair, which took place at the Central Scientific Library "A. Lupan" of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova on October 10-13, 2011, the IMCS was awarded with the Diploma of Mention for the book "Academician Vladimir Andrunachievici", edited by the IMCS in 2009.
On this occasion we congratulate the IMCS researchers, who have contributed to the appearance of this book, especially authors and coordinators: the former IMCS Director, Dr. habil. Mihail Popa and journalist Tatiana Rotaru, and also members of the Editorial Board: Academician V. Arnautov, Dr. habil. A. Kashu, Corresponding Member C. Gaindric, Academician Yu. Ryabukhin. We gladly join Dr. habil. Mihail Popa who has expressed his gratitude at the beginning of the book:
The publication of this book springs from the need for knowing the history of science and our predecessors who laid the foundations of scientific research in the Republic of Moldova. If we forget our past and ignore the contributions made by the founders of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the scientists who have developed us as researchers, how will contemporary youth perceive this ungrateful attitude? Modern science without its origins is like a beautiful tree, which absorbs the life-giving sap with its strong roots, but hides them. We ought to examine retrospectively and to reconsider the place and the contribution of our predecessors in history, especially because our country has always been rich in prominent personalities who have shown their worth in various areas of life.
We recalled in this book an exponential image of Academician Vladimir Andrunachievici, one of the prominent figures of the second half of the 20th century, a scientist with vast culture and creativity. Since 1943 he has initiated in the Moldavian SSR an extensive research in mathematics, being a founding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics. When I proposed the idea to publish the book you hold in your hands, it was seconded with ardour by both our team of mathematicians and other colleagues who have known the Moldovan algebraist. I am glad to gather their testimonies into a collective wide-ranging tribute, and I think that this success will certainly generate another attempts to highlight the fate of other famous personalities in mathematics.
But today, at this happy ending of the book, we express our gratitude to the leadership of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, and especially to the President, Academician Gheorghe Duca, who has appreciated our initiative and has come up with an inspired preamble, updating the context and delivering the value. We cordially thank Mrs. Tatiana Rotaru, the author of this book and spokesperson for the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, who knew the scientist in the last 6 years of his life, interviewed him on several occasions and devoted her energy to editing the collected materials.
The disciples of Academician Vladimir Andrunachievici – Academician Yuri Ryabukhin, Academician Vladimir Arnautov, Prof. Alexei Kashu, Prof. Ion Goian and Prof. Gheorghe Ciocanu, as well as Prof. Ion Valuta, now the dean by age of algebraists in the Republic of Moldova, have made a significant contribution to editing this book. Illustrious foreign scientists – Prof. Alexander Mihalev (Moscow), Prof. Lev Shevrin (Ekaterinburg), Prof. Richard Wiegandt (Budapest) – have set forth their considerations on contribution of Academician Vladimir Andrunachievici and his impact on the development of algebraic research. We thank them in particular for this.
Academicians Andrei Andriesh, Mircea Bologa, Haralambie Corbu, Mitrofan Ciobanu, Alexey Simashkevich were receptive to our initiative and provided interesting information about the personality of Academician Vladimir Andrunachievci. We express our gratitude towards them for all the efforts that they made.
We make special mention of the contribution of Corresponding Member Constantin Gaindric, the successor of Academician Vladimir Andrunachievici in the function of Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, who has participated both in discussions on the concept of this book and in preparation of some materials.
We highly appreciate study and unusual details about Andrunachievici family tree, made knowingly by Prof. Vlad Ciubucciu.
The unique visions, sometimes surprising, about the life and work of Academician Vladimir Andrunachievici were proposed for this book by Dr. habil. Svetlana Cojocaru, Dr. Vladimir Levcenco, Sergey Neveadomski, thus extending the addressed area. We cordially thank them for it.
Mrs. Natalia Shpak, Mrs. Ludmila Bendas and Mrs. Tatiana Tofan participated in archives search, selection of certain materials and their preparation. Editorial works – graphical representation of the cover, technical editing and distribution of photographic images – were realized with a significant contribution of Dr. Andrei Braicov, Dr. Eugene Kuznetsov and Mrs. Silvia Cebanu. We express our most sincere thanks to them.