On April 27-30, 2011 in Chisinau, at the Lyceum of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, a session on mathematics of the Oncoming Olympians School – 2011 including "Vladimir Andrunachievici" International Mathematical Contest for grade IX, XII students took place. 40 students of grade IX, XII and 20 teachers from the districts of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau municipality, Balti municipality participated in the framework of this session.
On April 28 students and teachers worked in the framework of three workshops, where they took part in a number of methodological-didactic conferences-dialogues conducted by scientific researchers and professors of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Tiraspol State University (Chisinau), Moldova lyceum teachers.
On April 29 "Vladimir Andrunachievici" Mathematical Contest for grade IX, XII students took place, procedure for carrying out of which is similar to the International Mathematics Olympiad. 4 topics of increased difficulty were given to participants for a time of 4.5 hours. Students solutions were evaluated and coordinated by the Contest Jury together with teachers (team leaders). All participants were awarded Certificates of Participation, and winners received diplomas, awards and medals (grade IX: 3 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze; grade XII: 2 Gold, 4 Bronze).
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova has actively participated in organization of this contest, supporting it with logistics and experienced specialists: V. Baltag – Jury Chairman, V. Izbash – Chairman of the coordinators group, E. Kuznetsov, V. Cebotari, F. Damian, M. Petic, S. Botnari, S. Cibotaru – coordinators. Also, IMCS has granted to the winners 4 special awards.
Organization and successful carrying out of this contest expresses deep respect for the great scientist and science organizator in the Republic of Moldova, mathematician academician Vladimir Andrunachievici.