On Friday, February 21, 2014 at 14:20 in the Conference Hall (of. 340) of the IMCS a special session of the scientific seminar dedicated to Prof. Valentin Belousov will be held.
Chair: Academician M. Ciobanu.
14:20-14:40 Opening address by G. Beleavscaia. 14:40-15:00 Fedir M. Sokhatsky and Ievgen M. Pirus, (Ukraine). Parastrophically orthogonal quasigroups. 15:00-15:15 E. Cojuhari. Monoids algebras over noncommu-tative rings (PDF). 15:15-15:30 Leonid Ursu. About inverse matrix of non-symmetric 3-IP-loop. 15:30-15:45 V. Ursu. De ce semibuclele nu pot fi lasate în pace? Coffee break (15 min.) 16:00-16:15 G. Belyavskaya. Successively orthogonal systems of k-ary operations (PDF). 16:15-16:30 V. Izbaş. Aplicaţii compatibile cu relaţii de echivalenţă (PDF). 16:30 -16:45 D. Ceban, P. Syrbu. On π-quasigroups of type T1. 16:45-17:00 I. Larionova-Cojocaru, P. Syrbu. On recursively differentiable binary quasigroups. 17:00-17:15 I. Grecu. On multiplication groups of isostrophic quasigroups. 17:15-17:30 L. Chiriac. Despre proprietăţi ale grupoizilor cu unităţi multiple şi conexiunea între distributivitate şi paramedialitate în grupoizii topologici. 17:30-17:45 E. Kuznetsov. Invariant transformations of loop transversals – the case of autotopies. 17:45-17:55 V. Shcherbacov. On identities defining a CML. 17:55-18:15 Miscellaneous.