2018, 14 p.
This is the second part of overview published in Russian in the book devoted Academician V.A. Andrunakievich (Academicianul Vladimir Andrunachievichi: Bibliogra?e, Institutul de Matematica si Informatica, Chisinau, 2009).
2018, 17 p.
This is the first part of overview published in Russian in the book devoted Academician V. A. Andrunakievich (Academicianul Vladimir Andrunachievichi: Bibliografie, Institutul de Matematica si Informatica, Chisinau, 2009).
2017, 156 p.
2015, 60 p.
În această lucrare sunt prezentate ideile de bază ale cursului Teoria măsurării și integrala Lebesgue ținut studenților și masteranzilor Facultății Științe Exacte a Universității Academiei de Științe din Moldova, specialitățile Matematica și Informatica Aplicată.
2013, 215 p.
The basis for this edition served a series of lectures on the theory of topological groups, read by one of the authors for more than 10 years to the students specializing in mathematics of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Taras Shevchenko Transnistria State University.
The publication will be useful for: students and master's degree students in preparation of their theses on topological algebra; PhD students in preparation for PhD exams and doing scientific research on the theory of topological groups and rings; lecturers, reading special courses for fourth- and fifth-year university students specialized in mathematics.
2012, 132 p.
Lucrarea este destinată studenţilor facultăţilor de matematică şi informatică a instituţiilor de învăţămînt superior din republică, care studiază cursul de teorie a grafurilor. Este de asemenea utilă elevilor şi profesorilor de informatică pentru pregătirea către concursurile naţionale şi internaţionale de programare.
2012, 65 p.
Lucrarea prezintă o culegere de exerciții și probleme la disciplina analiză matematică pentru studenții Facultății de Științe Exacte a Universității Academiei de Științe din Moldova, specialitățile "Informatica", "Matematica". Culegerea poate fi folosită de studenții facultăților economice la cursurile "Matematică" și "Matematici Aplicate în Economie" , de profesorii de liceu și liceeni.
2011, 63 p.
Lucrarea include noțiuni generale și moderne de teoria mulțimilor tratate atractiv și prin variate exemple, fiind destinată studenților facultăților de matematică, informatică, economie și în general acelora care doresc să se familiarizeze cu noțiunile de bază ale teorie mulțimilor.
În lucrare este expusă teoria intuitivă a mulțimilor, numită de matematicieni "teoria naivă a mulțimilor". Prin conținutul ei, nu necesită cunoașterea unor noțiuni preliminare, fiind accesibilă și absolvenților de liceu.
2011, 59 p.
Using the method of generating functions and Hilbert’s series for graded algebras of unimodular comitants of two-dimensional nonlinear differential systems was found a mode to determine the finite upper bound on the number of algebraically independent focal pseudo-quantities. It provides a quantitative estimation of a finite maximal number of algebraically independent focal quantities, involved in solving of the center-focus problem.
2011, 268 p.
International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems “IIS 2011” took place on September 13-14, 2011 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. In the framework of the workshop problems and solutions regarding the following areas were discussed: Theoretical Computer Science; Formal Models of Computing; Information Technologies Applications in Knowledge-Based Society; Decision Support Systems; Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems; Knowledge Engineering and Management; Image Processing; Medical & Diagnostic Systems; Natural Language Processing; Business Intelligence Systems; Human-Centered Computing; Intelligent User Interfaces.
2010, 213 p.
This electronic manual represents an actualized edition of the book for students, master and PhD students, as well as scientific researchers. The entire cycle of necessary operations is described, from typesetting to getting final printed text output. All major LaTeX instructions are explained and illustrated by examples.
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2010, 81 p.
It is a lessons course, devoted in particular to Regression Analysis and designed as a guide for people, who want to become proficient in applying these technologies of analysis and quantitative evaluation (students, master and PhD students, etc.). The presented material is followed by practical examples and Annexes, containing laboratory works, prepared by the author basing on statistical data, referenced articles and manuals.
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2010, 96 p.
It is a lessons course, devoted in particular to Regression Analysis and designed as a guide for people, who want to become proficient in applying these technologies of analysis and quantitative evaluation (students, master and PhD students, etc.). The presented material is followed by practical examples and Annexes, containing laboratory works, prepared by the author basing on statistical data, referenced articles and manuals.
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2009, 68 p.
Problem book contains the necessary minimum of examples on mathematical analysis, especially for students of specialties: computer science, computer science and applied modern languages, сybernetics and economic informatics, information management (University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Moldova State University, Technical University of Moldova etc.). The problem book can be used as well by the students of economic faculties (Moldova State University, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova etc.) and partially by lyceum students.
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2008, 165 p.
Lucrarea prezintă un ciclu de lecţii despre sistemele numerice principale: numere naturale, întregi, raţionale, reale, complexe şi cuaternioni. Se aplică metoda axiomatică şi pentru fiecare sistem numeric se demonstrează unicitatea, existenţa şi proprietăţile de bază. Se adresează studenţilor de la specialitatea Matematică, profesorilor de matematică, poate fi utilă tuturor celor care se interesează de fundamentele
2008, 167 p.
Monograph for students from the faculties of mathematics.
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2008, 67 p.
Monograph for students, master and PhD students from the faculties of mathematics.
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2007, 43 p.
2007, 40 p.
2007, 49 p.
2007, 8 p.
2006, 54 p.
Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models are used in this course in order to understand business cycles, i.c. comovements of macroeconomic time series. The main parts of the cours are: Preliminaries, The Benchmark dynamic stochastic general equilibrium real business cycle (DSGE-RBC) model, Mathlab programmes.
Most of the eveloped theory concern frictionless models in wich “technology socks” are regarded as the main source of fluctuation; the real business cycle models originally due to Kyndall and Prescott are investigated.
2003, 51 p.
Lecture notes in question are aimed examination of the main growth R&D modlels both in the context of innovation and scale impact. The problem regarding to the growth nature - endogenous or exogenous - in 1 and 2 sectors models is investigated, and the policies and parameters role in type specifying is established.
Similarly, for the 1 and 2 sectors models problem of the endogenous growth in the business cycle terms is studied. For this models are obtained solutions and conditions of the cycles existence. At the end of lectures critici and debate under examined issues is bringing in.