The Specialized Scientific Council DH 01.01.06 at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova inform you that due to absence of members of the Scientific Council (Vasile Ursu, Dr. habil., Docent, Technical University of Moldova; Marius-Gabriel Pasa, Dr. in mathematics, Professor, Iasi, Romania) there is required a modification of the date of defense of PhD thesis in physico-mathematical sciences for:
- Turcana Alina – August 25, 2012, 8:00 (previously the date was set for August 21, 2012);
- Cerbu Olga – August 25, 2012, 9:30 (previously the date was set for August 21, 2012).
This modification was requested because of the fact that these members of the Scientific Council could not be present on August 21, 2012 as being in a trip abroad.