Mr. NECULAI CURTEANU, Principal Researcher of the Institute of Computer Science, Iasi Subsidiary of the Romanian Academy, has made a significant donation of books to the library of IMCS. The titles tell the value of these books:
- Myrna H. Wooders, Topics in mathematical economics and game theory: essays in honor of Robert J. Aumann, American Mathematical Society, 1999.
- G. George Yin Qing Zhang, Lectures in applied mathematics, Mathematics of stochastic manufacturing systems, vol. 33, AMS-SIAM summer seminar in applied mathematics, June 17-22, 1996, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1997.
- David Edwards, Introduction to graphical modelling, Springer texts in statistics, 1995.
- R. Dennis Cook, Regression graphics. Ideas for studying regression through graphics, Willey series in probability and statistics, 1998.
- James R. Thompson, Simulation a modeler's approach, Willey series in probability and statistics, 2000.
- James Antonio Bucklew, Introduction to rare event simulation, Springer series in statistics, 2004.