Mr. NECULAI CURTEANU, Principal Researcher of the Institute of Computer Science, Iasi Subsidiary of the Romanian Academy, has made a significant donation of books to the library of IMCS. The titles tell the value of these books:
- Donald G. Firesmith, Object-oriented requirements analysis and logical design, A software engineering approach, Wiley professional computing, 1993;
- N. A. B. Gray, Programming with Class, A practical introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with C++, University of Wollongong, Australia, 1994;
- Guy E. Blelloch, K. Mani Chandy, Suresh Jagannathan editors, Specification of parallel algorithms, DIMACS series in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, American Mathematical Society, Vol. 18, DIMACS Workshop, May 9-11, 1994;
- Thomas Merz, PostScript Acrobat/PDF, Applications, Troubleshooting, and Cross-Platform Publishing, Springer, 1996;
- Sivarama P. Dandamudi, Introduction to assembly language programming, undergraduate texts in computer science, Springer, From 8086 to Pentium Processors, 1998:
- Thomas Merz, Web Publishing with Acrobat/PDF, Springer, 1998;
- Mark Walmsley, Multi-Thredded Programming in C++, Springer, 2000;
- Martijn Oostdijk, Generation and presentation of formal mathematical documents, 2001;
- Wen-Hong Zhu, Virtual decomposition control, Toward hyper degrees of freedom robots, Springer tracts in advanced robotics, Vol. 60, 2010;
- Gregory Dudek, Michael Jenkin, Computational principles of mobile robotics, Second edition, Cambridge University Press, 2010.