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Lucrări publicate:

  1. ARTÉS, J.C., LLIBRE, J., SCHLOMIUK, D., VULPE, N. Geometric Configurations of Singularities of Planar Polynomial Differential Systems. A Global Classification in the Quadratic Case. Springer Nature, Birkhäuser , 699 pp. ISBN 978-3-030-50570-7,
  2. POPA M. N., PRICOP V. V. The Center and Focus Problem: Algebraic Solutions and Hypoteheses. Ed. Taylor&Frances Group, 2021, 215 p.
  3. BUJAC, C. ; SCHLOMIUK, D.; VULPE N. Cubic differential systems with invariant straight lines of total multiplicity seven and four real distinct infinite singularities. Electron. J. Differential Equations. Vol. 2021 (2021), No. 83, pp. 1-110. (IF: 1,3)
  4. OLIVEIRA R. D. S.; REZENDE A. C.; SCHLOMIUK, D.; VULPE N. Characterization and bifurcation diagram of the family of quadratic differential systems with an invariant ellipse in terms of invariant polynomials. Revista Matemática Complutense, 53 pp. (acceptat pentru publicare: 4 mai 2021) (IF: 1,36)
  5. ARTES, J. C.; LLIBRE, J.; SCHLOMIUK, D.; VULPE, N. Invariant conditions for phase portraits of quadratic systems with complex conjugate invariant lines meeting at a finite point. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 70 (2021), no. 2, 923–945. (IF: 0,67)
  6. DOVBUSH, P. V.. On a Normality Criterion of W. Schwick. The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2021, 31(5), pages 5355–5358.
  7. DOVBUSH, P. V., An Improvement of Zalcman’s Lemma in Cn, Journal of Classical Analysis, Volume 17, Number 2 (2021), 109–118.
  8. BUJAC, C.; SCHLOMIUK, D.; VULPE, N. Quadratic differential systems possesing two parallel invariant affine lines. Preprint, núm. 8, 2021, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, 1–54.
  9. V.I.ARNAUTOV, G.N.ERMAKOVA, On non-discrete topologization of some countable skew fields, Bul. Acad. de Știința Moldovei, 2021, 1(95)-2(96), 84 – 92.
  10. VLADIMIR CHERNOV, VALENTINA DEMIDOVA, NADEGHDA MALYUTINA, VICTOR SHCHERBACOV. Groupoids up to isomorphism of order three with some Bol-Moufang identities. Proceedings WIIS 2021, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, p. 85-88.
  11. Mykola NIKITCHENKO, Svetlana COJOCARU, Adrian IFTENE, Ioachim DRUGUS (Eds.) Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics:Proceedings MFOI-2020; 12-16 Jan. 2021, Kyiv: Interservice, 2021, 446 p. ISBN 978-966-999-143-0
  12. I.ȚIȚCHIEV, C. GAINDRIC(Eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 214 p. ISBN 978-997568-438-5,
  13. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; OSWALD, M. Relations between Control Mechanisms for Sequential Grammars. Fundamenta Informaticae 181 (2-3), IOS Press, 2021, 239271. FI=1.333
  14. BUMBU, T. On Classification of 17th Century Fonts using Neural Networks. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol. 29, N.3 (87), 2021, ISSN 1561-4042. pp.291-298
  15. COJOCARU, S.; GAINDRIC, C.; VERLAN, T. Artificial Intelligence Strategies: Republic of Moldova relative to European Union countries, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol. 29, N.3 (87), 2021, ISSN 1561-4042. pp.299-319,
  16. CIUBOTARU, C. Backtracking algorithm for lexicon generation. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol.29, no.1(85), 2021, pp. 135-152.
  17. G. HOROSH, V. SHCHERBACOV, A. TCACHENCO, T. YATSKO. On groupoids with BolMoufang type identities, CSJM v.28, n.3 (84), 2020, p. 314-327
  18. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S., P Systems with Limited Number of Objects. Journal of Membrane Computing 3(1), Springer, 2021, 1-9.
  19. ALHAZOV, A.; LEPORATI, A.; MANZONI, L.; MAURI, G.; ZANDRON, C.,Alternative Space Definitions for P Systems with Active Membranes.Journal of Membrane Computing 3(2), Springer, 2021, 87-96.
  20. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.,When Catalytic P Systems with One Catalyst Can Be Computationally Complete. Journal of Membrane Computing 3(3), Springer, 2021, 170-181.
  21. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; VERLAN, S. New Derivation Modes for Catalytic P Systems with One Catalyst. In: A. Maletti (Ed.) 31. Theorietag Automaten und Formale Sprachen, Univ. Leipzig, 2021, 5-8.
  22. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; VERLAN, S., New Derivation Modes for Purely Catalytic P Systems, In: A. Maletti (Ed.) 31. Theorietag Automaten und Formale Sprachen, Univ. Leipzig, 2021, 9-12.
  23. ALHAZOV, A.; LEPORATI, A.; MANZONI, L.; MAURI, G.; ZANDRON, C. Evaluating Space Measures in P Systems. In G. Vaszil, C. Zandron, G. Zhang (Eds.): ICMC 2021, International Conference on Membrane Computing, Debrecen-Chengdu, Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen, ISBN 978-963-490-329-1, 2021, 54-68.
  24. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; VERLAN, S., Variants of Simple P Systems with One Catalyst Being Computationally Complete, In G. Vaszil, C. Zandron, G. Zhang (Eds.): ICMC 2021, International Conference on Membrane Computing, Debrecen-Chengdu, Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen, ISBN 978-963-490-329-1, 2021, 21-38
  25. Olesea CAFTANATOV, Daniela CAGANOVSCHI. Lucia ERHAN, Ecaterina HILEA State of the Art: Augmented Reality Business Cards. Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics MFOI-2020, January 12-16, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp.46-61. ISBN 978966-999-143-0 .
  26. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; OSWALD, M.,Variants of Simple Purely Catalytic P Systems with Two Catalysts, In G. Vaszil, C. Zandron, G. Zhang (Eds.): ICMC 2021, International Conference on Membrane Computing, Debrecen-Chengdu, Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen, ISBN 978-963-490-329-1, 2021, 39-53
  27. STRATULAT, S.; PRIJILEVSCHI, D.; MORARI, G.; BUMBU, T. A Disambiguation Model for Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics MFOI-2020, January 12-16, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp.361-381. ISBN 978-966-999-1430.
  28. .BUMBU, T.; CERNEI, I. Ensuring Access to the Moldovan Legacy using Elements of Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics MFOI2020, January 12-16, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp.35-45. ISBN 978-966-999-143-0. .
  29. COLESNICOV, A.; MALAHOV, L.; COJOCARU, S.; BURTSEVA, L. Development of a platform for processing heterogeneous printed documents. Proceedings of the Conference on 12 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics MFOI-2020, January 12-16, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp.108122, ISBN 978-966-999-143-0.
  30. CIUBOTARU, C. Generation and visualization of graphical representations of finite automata. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p.52-60.
  31. Petru BOGATENCOV, Grigore SECRIERU, Boris HÎNCU, Nichita DEGTEARIOV. Development of computing infrastructure for support of Open Science in Moldova. In Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems (WIIS2021) Proceedings, Chisinau, IMI, 2020, pp. 34-45,
  32. CAFTANATOV. O., BUMBU. T., ERHAN. L., CERNEI. I., IAMANDI. V., LUPAN. V., CAGANOVSCHI. D., CURMEI. M. Discover the Moldavan Cultural Heritage through e-Moldova Portal by Using Crowdsourcing Concept. Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 65-75.
  33. CAFTANATOV. O. Enhancing Print Media in E-Learning by using Augmented Reality. Conferința științifică internațională „Abordări inter/transdisciplinare în predarea științelor reale, (concept steam)” dedicată aniversării a 70 de ani de la nașterea profesorului universitar Anatol GREMALSCHI Republica Moldova, Chişinău, 29 - 30 octombrie 2021.
  34. COLESNICOV, A.; MALAHOV, L.; COJOCARU, S.; BURTSEVA, L. On XML Standards to Present Heterogeneous Data and Documents. Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp.112-117.
  35. BUMBU, T. On Classification of 17th Century Fonts using Neural Networks. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. pp. 58-64.
  36. COJOCARU, S.; GAINDRIC, C.; VERLAN, T. Considerations on the Artificial Intelligence Strategies. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 1415, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. pp. 87-111.
  37. DRUGUS, I.; BUMBU, T.; BOBICEV, V.; DIDIC, V.; BURDUJA, A.; PETRACHI, A.; ALEXEI, V. Punctilog: A New Method of Sentence Structure Representation. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. pp. 118-129.
  38. Constantin GAINDRIC, Sergiu ȘANDRU, Sergiu PUIU, Olga POPCOVA, Iulian SECRIERU, Elena GUȚULEAC. Advanced pre-hospital triage based on vital signs in mass casualty situations” Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 130-134.
  39. ALBU V. The Plirophoria: The Missing Puzzle of the Ultimate Picture of the Universal Information, Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp.26-33
  40. Vladimir CHERNOV, Valentina DEMIDOVA, Nadeghda MALYUTINA, Victor SHCHERBACOV. Groupoids up to isomorphism of order three with some Bol-Moufang identities. Proceedings WIIS2021, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, p. 85-88.
  41. TITCHIEV, I. Collaborative learning modelled by High-Level Petri nets, Proceedings WIIS2021, Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 178-184.
  42. PARAHONCO, A.; PETIC, M. Generation and use of educational content within adaptive learning. În: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 1415, 2021, Chisinau, ISBN 978-9975-68-438-5, pp. 156 – 167.
  43. PETIC, M.; GOREA, A.; TITCHIEV, I. Approaches in Assessing the Credibility of Online Information. In: Proceedings of the 15 the International Conference “Linguistic Resources and Tools for Natural language processing”, online, 14-15 december 2020. 151-160. ISSN 1843-911X.

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