A fost investigată familia de sisteme diferențiale pătratice ce posedă două drepte invariante paralele afine si care conține în calitate de subfamilie clasa de sisteme pătratice de tip Riccati. Au fost construite condițiile necesare și suficiente afin invariante pentru existența configurațiilor de drepte invariante. Au fost depistate criteriile invariante de realizare a fiecărei dintre cele 122 de configurații distincte posible si a fost construita diagrama de bifurcare in spatiul de 12 parametrii ai acestei familii (Bujac C., Vulpe N.)
Pentru sitemul diferențial ternar critic de tip Darboux cu nelinearități cubice a fost construită seria lui Lyapunov si cu ajutorul ei au fost determinate pe varietățile invariante condițiile necesare și suficiente de stabilitate a mișcării neperturbate după Lyapunov guvernate de acest sistem (M. Popa, N. Neagu).
S-a demonstrat, că dacă pentru sistemul diferenţial cubic suma multiplicităţilor liniei de la infinit şi a unei drepte afine reale invariante nu e mai mică ca patru, atunci punctul monodromic este de tip centru, dacă şi numai dacă se anulează primele patru mărimi Lyapunov. (Şubă A., Vacaraş O.)
Aplicând lema lui Zalcman în Cn, s-a găsit o condiție suficientă pentru normalitatea unei familii de funcții holomorfe de mai multe variabile complexe, care generalizează rezultatele unidimensionale cunoscute anterioare ale lui H.L. Royden și W. Schwick. (Dovbuș P.)
Pe baza abordării geometrice a construcției soluțiilor exacte ale sistemului de ecuații Navier-Stokes, sunt construite noi exemple de soluții exacte ale acesteia și sunt studiate proprietățile lor. Proprietățile integralelor generale ale ecuațiilor diferențiale ordinare de ordinul doi și trei sunt studiate folosind metodele teoriei invarianților LiouvilleTresse-Cartan și a generalizărilor sale. (Driuma V.)
S-au analizeazt şi s-au caracterizeazat tipurile principale de operatori de închidere ale unei categorii de module. În total se descriu 16 tipuri de operatori de închidere cu ajutorul funcţiilor asociate , definite prin submodulele dense sau închise. Pentru fiecare tip de operatori se arată condiţiile necesare şi suficiente asupra funcţiilor asociate respective.(Kashu A.I.)
Se știe că, pentru orice corp, mulțimea tuturor topologiilor, în care operațiile definite pe corp sunt continue, este o latice completă, iar în această latice topologia discretă este cel mai mare element, iar topologia antidiscretă este cel mai mic element. Cu toate acestea, problema posibilității specificării unei topologii Hausdorff nediscrete în orice corp de numere nu a fost încă rezolvată. S-au obținut câteva condiții suficiente pentru existența unei astfel de topologii într-un corp numărabil. (Arnautov V.)
A fost descrisă structura unor tipuri de grupuri abeliene local compacte cu proprietatea că inelul lor de endomorfisme continui este local (adică au un singur ideal maximal). (Popa V.)
Au fost descrise automorfismele unor (r, s, t) -cvasigrupuri de ordin mic (Şcerbacov V. ,Shvedyuk, I.N.). S-a continuat calcularea numărului de grupoizi neizomorfi cu identități clasice de tip Bol-Moufang de ordinul 3 (există 60 de identități în total) (Şcerbacov V. , Chernov, V.D.).
Se studiază ortogonalitatea cvasigrupurilor de ordinul 10 pe un grup diedric (Şcerbacov V., Radilov, P.A.). Folosind conceptul de derivată generalizată a unui cvasigrup, se obțin identități (identități autotopice) și se studiază existența unităților de stânga, de dreaptă și mdie în cvasigrupurile cu aceste identități (Şcerbacov V. , Malyutina, N.N.)
A fost extinsă noțiunea de AC-grupoid pe un grup arbitrar (Q,+) finit. A fost stabilită o corespondență biunivocă între AC-grupoizii definiți pe un grup (Q,+) și totalitatea funcțiilor definite pe Q, astfel dacă Card(Q) = n , atunci există nn AC grupoizi definiți pe (Q,+). (Izbaş V.)
Se continuă investigarea proprietăților structurii geometrice incidente, care este construită în mod natural dintr-un grup de permutare exact 2-tranzitiv pe un set infinit de simboluri. S-a arătat mai înainte că această geometrie parțială poate fi extinsă fără echivoc la un plan proiectiv cu un grup tranzitiv de colinieri. Acum efectuăm o clasificare a subplanelor parțiale ale acestui plan proiectiv. (Cuzneţov E.)
A fost construită o serie numărabilă de 3- varietăţi hiperbolice de volum finit cu poliedrul fundamental cu toate unghiurile diedre drepte. (Guțul I.)
Lucrări publicate:
ARTÉS, J.C., LLIBRE, J., SCHLOMIUK, D., VULPE, N. Geometric Configurations of Singularities of Planar Polynomial Differential Systems. A Global Classification in the Quadratic Case. Springer Nature, Birkhäuser , 699 pp. ISBN 978-3-030-50570-7, https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030505691
POPA M. N., PRICOP V. V. The Center and Focus Problem: Algebraic Solutions and Hypoteheses. Ed. Taylor&Frances Group, 2021, 215 p.
BUJAC, C. ; SCHLOMIUK, D.; VULPE N. Cubic differential systems with invariant straight lines of total multiplicity seven and four real distinct infinite singularities. Electron. J. Differential Equations. Vol. 2021 (2021), No. 83, pp. 1-110. (IF: 1,3)
OLIVEIRA R. D. S.; REZENDE A. C.; SCHLOMIUK, D.; VULPE N. Characterization and bifurcation diagram of the family of quadratic differential systems with an invariant ellipse in terms of invariant polynomials. Revista Matemática Complutense, 53 pp. (acceptat pentru publicare: 4 mai 2021) (IF: 1,36)
ARTES, J. C.; LLIBRE, J.; SCHLOMIUK, D.; VULPE, N. Invariant conditions for phase portraits of quadratic systems with complex conjugate invariant lines meeting at a finite point. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 70 (2021), no. 2, 923–945. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12215-020-00541-2 (IF: 0,67)
DOVBUSH, P. V.. On a Normality Criterion of W. Schwick. The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2021, 31(5), pages 5355–5358.
DOVBUSH, P. V., An Improvement of Zalcman’s Lemma in Cn, Journal of Classical Analysis, Volume 17, Number 2 (2021), 109–118.
BUJAC, C.; SCHLOMIUK, D.; VULPE, N. Quadratic differential systems possesing two parallel invariant affine lines. Preprint, núm. 8, 2021, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, 1–54.
V.I.ARNAUTOV, G.N.ERMAKOVA, On non-discrete topologization of some countable skew fields, Bul. Acad. de Știința Moldovei, 2021, 1(95)-2(96), 84 – 92.
VLADIMIR CHERNOV, VALENTINA DEMIDOVA, NADEGHDA MALYUTINA, VICTOR SHCHERBACOV. Groupoids up to isomorphism of order three with some Bol-Moufang identities. Proceedings WIIS 2021, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, p. 85-88.
Mykola NIKITCHENKO, Svetlana COJOCARU, Adrian IFTENE, Ioachim DRUGUS (Eds.) Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics:Proceedings MFOI-2020; 12-16 Jan. 2021, Kyiv: Interservice, 2021, 446 p. ISBN 978-966-999-143-0
I.ȚIȚCHIEV, C. GAINDRIC(Eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 214 p. ISBN 978-997568-438-5,
ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; OSWALD, M. Relations between Control Mechanisms for Sequential Grammars. Fundamenta Informaticae 181 (2-3), IOS Press, 2021, 239271.https://content.iospress.com/articles/fundamenta-informaticae/fi2058 FI=1.333
BUMBU, T. On Classification of 17th Century Fonts using Neural Networks. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol. 29, N.3 (87), 2021, ISSN 1561-4042. pp.291-298 http://www.math.md/publications/csjm/
COJOCARU, S.; GAINDRIC, C.; VERLAN, T. Artificial Intelligence Strategies: Republic of Moldova relative to European Union countries, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol. 29, N.3 (87), 2021, ISSN 1561-4042. pp.299-319, http://www.math.md/publications/csjm/
CIUBOTARU, C. Backtracking algorithm for lexicon generation. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol.29, no.1(85), 2021, pp. 135-152. http://www.math.md/publications/csjm/
G. HOROSH, V. SHCHERBACOV, A. TCACHENCO, T. YATSKO. On groupoids with BolMoufang type identities, CSJM v.28, n.3 (84), 2020, p. 314-327 http://www.math.md/publications/csjm/
ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S., P Systems with Limited Number of Objects. Journal of Membrane Computing 3(1), Springer, 2021, 1-9. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41965-020-00068-6
ALHAZOV, A.; LEPORATI, A.; MANZONI, L.; MAURI, G.; ZANDRON, C.,Alternative Space Definitions for P Systems with Active Membranes.Journal of Membrane Computing 3(2), Springer, 2021, 87-96. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41965-021-00074-2
ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.,When Catalytic P Systems with One Catalyst Can Be Computationally Complete. Journal of Membrane Computing 3(3), Springer, 2021, 170-181. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs41965-021-00079-x
ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; VERLAN, S. New Derivation Modes for Catalytic P Systems with One Catalyst. In: A. Maletti (Ed.) 31. Theorietag Automaten und Formale Sprachen, Univ. Leipzig, 2021, 5-8. http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/alg/pub/theotag21.pdf
ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; VERLAN, S., New Derivation Modes for Purely Catalytic P Systems, In: A. Maletti (Ed.) 31. Theorietag Automaten und Formale Sprachen, Univ. Leipzig, 2021, 9-12. http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/alg/pub/theotag21.pdf
ALHAZOV, A.; LEPORATI, A.; MANZONI, L.; MAURI, G.; ZANDRON, C. Evaluating Space Measures in P Systems. In G. Vaszil, C. Zandron, G. Zhang (Eds.): ICMC 2021, International Conference on Membrane Computing, Debrecen-Chengdu, Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen, ISBN 978-963-490-329-1, 2021, 54-68. https://konferencia.unideb.hu/sites/default/files/upload_documents/icmc-2021-proceedings-august2021.pdf
ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; VERLAN, S., Variants of Simple P Systems with One Catalyst Being Computationally Complete, In G. Vaszil, C. Zandron, G. Zhang (Eds.): ICMC 2021, International Conference on Membrane Computing, Debrecen-Chengdu, Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen, ISBN 978-963-490-329-1, 2021, 21-38 https://konferencia.unideb.hu/sites/default/files/upload_documents/icmc-2021-proceedings-august2021.pdf
Olesea CAFTANATOV, Daniela CAGANOVSCHI. Lucia ERHAN, Ecaterina HILEA State of the Art: Augmented Reality Business Cards. Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics MFOI-2020, January 12-16, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp.46-61. ISBN 978966-999-143-0 . http://mfoi2020.inf.ua/documents/Proceedings_MFOI_2020.pdf
ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; OSWALD, M.,Variants of Simple Purely Catalytic P Systems with Two Catalysts, In G. Vaszil, C. Zandron, G. Zhang (Eds.): ICMC 2021, International Conference on Membrane Computing, Debrecen-Chengdu, Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen, ISBN 978-963-490-329-1, 2021, 39-53 https://konferencia.unideb.hu/sites/default/files/upload_documents/icmc-2021-proceedings-august2021.pdf
STRATULAT, S.; PRIJILEVSCHI, D.; MORARI, G.; BUMBU, T. A Disambiguation Model for Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics MFOI-2020, January 12-16, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp.361-381. ISBN 978-966-999-1430. http://mfoi2020.inf.ua/documents/Proceedings_MFOI_2020.pdf
.BUMBU, T.; CERNEI, I. Ensuring Access to the Moldovan Legacy using Elements of Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics MFOI2020, January 12-16, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp.35-45. ISBN 978-966-999-143-0. . http://mfoi2020.inf.ua/documents/Proceedings_MFOI_2020.pdf
COLESNICOV, A.; MALAHOV, L.; COJOCARU, S.; BURTSEVA, L. Development of a platform for processing heterogeneous printed documents. Proceedings of the Conference on 12 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics MFOI-2020, January 12-16, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp.108122, ISBN 978-966-999-143-0. http://mfoi2020.inf.ua/documents/Proceedings_MFOI_2020.pdf
CIUBOTARU, C. Generation and visualization of graphical representations of finite automata. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p.52-60. http://www.math.md/wiis2021/Composed_Proc_WIIS2021_25_10_2021.pdf.
Petru BOGATENCOV, Grigore SECRIERU, Boris HÎNCU, Nichita DEGTEARIOV. Development of computing infrastructure for support of Open Science in Moldova. In Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems (WIIS2021) Proceedings, Chisinau, IMI, 2020, pp. 34-45, http://www.math.md/wiis2021/proceedings.html
CAFTANATOV. O., BUMBU. T., ERHAN. L., CERNEI. I., IAMANDI. V., LUPAN. V., CAGANOVSCHI. D., CURMEI. M. Discover the Moldavan Cultural Heritage through e-Moldova Portal by Using Crowdsourcing Concept. Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 65-75. http://www.math.md/wiis2021/proceedings.html
CAFTANATOV. O. Enhancing Print Media in E-Learning by using Augmented Reality. Conferința științifică internațională „Abordări inter/transdisciplinare în predarea științelor reale, (concept steam)” dedicată aniversării a 70 de ani de la nașterea profesorului universitar Anatol GREMALSCHI Republica Moldova, Chişinău, 29 - 30 octombrie 2021.
COLESNICOV, A.; MALAHOV, L.; COJOCARU, S.; BURTSEVA, L. On XML Standards to Present Heterogeneous Data and Documents. Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp.112-117. http://www.math.md/wiis2021/Composed_Proc_WIIS2021_25_10_2021.pdf.
BUMBU, T. On Classification of 17th Century Fonts using Neural Networks. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. pp. 58-64.
COJOCARU, S.; GAINDRIC, C.; VERLAN, T. Considerations on the Artificial Intelligence Strategies. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 1415, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. pp. 87-111. http://www.math.md/wiis2021/Composed_Proc_WIIS2021_25_10_2021.pdf.
DRUGUS, I.; BUMBU, T.; BOBICEV, V.; DIDIC, V.; BURDUJA, A.; PETRACHI, A.; ALEXEI, V. Punctilog: A New Method of Sentence Structure Representation. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. pp. 118-129. http://www.math.md/wiis2021/Composed_Proc_WIIS2021_25_10_2021.pdf
Constantin GAINDRIC, Sergiu ȘANDRU, Sergiu PUIU, Olga POPCOVA, Iulian SECRIERU, Elena GUȚULEAC. Advanced pre-hospital triage based on vital signs in mass casualty situations” Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 130-134.
ALBU V. The Plirophoria: The Missing Puzzle of the Ultimate Picture of the Universal Information, Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp.26-33
Vladimir CHERNOV, Valentina DEMIDOVA, Nadeghda MALYUTINA, Victor SHCHERBACOV. Groupoids up to isomorphism of order three with some Bol-Moufang identities. Proceedings WIIS2021, Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, p. 85-88. http://www.math.md/wiis2021/Composed_Proc_WIIS2021_25_10_2021.pdf.
TITCHIEV, I. Collaborative learning modelled by High-Level Petri nets, Proceedings WIIS2021, Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, October 14-15, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 178-184. http://www.math.md/wiis2021/Composed_Proc_WIIS2021_25_10_2021.pdf.
PARAHONCO, A.; PETIC, M. Generation and use of educational content within adaptive learning. În: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2021, October 1415, 2021, Chisinau, ISBN 978-9975-68-438-5, pp. 156 – 167. http://www.math.md/wiis2021/proceedings.html
PETIC, M.; GOREA, A.; TITCHIEV, I. Approaches in Assessing the Credibility of Online Information. In: Proceedings of the 15 the International Conference “Linguistic Resources and Tools for Natural language processing”, online, 14-15 december 2020. 151-160. ISSN 1843-911X.
Teze la conferinţe internaţionale:
BUJAC, C., SCHLOMIUK, D., VULPE, N. One class of quadratic differential systems with two invariant lines. International Conference Mathematics&IT: Research and education (MITRE – 2021) dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Moldova State University. July 01 – 03, 2021, Chișinău, ABSTRACTS, p. 17-18.
ȘUBĂ, A. Centers of cubic differential systems with two parallel invariant straight lines of total multiplicity three. International Conference Mathematics&IT: Research and education (MITRE – 2021) dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Moldova State University. July 01 – 03, 2021, Chișinău, ABSTRACTS, p. 83-84.
DRYUMA, V. The Riemann spaces related with Navier-Stokes equations. International Conference Mathematics&IT: Research and education (MITRE – 2021) dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Moldova State University. July 01 – 03, 2021, Chișinău, ABSTRACTS, p. 3233.
DRYUMA V. On the properties of smooth manifolds defined by intersections, International Online Conference „Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis”, May 25-28, 2021, Odesa, Ukraine, Abstracts, p. 31-32.
ДРЮМА, В.С. Об интегрировании уравнений Навье-Стокса в переменных Лагранжа”, Международная конференция «Лазерные, плазменные исследования и технологии – ЛаПлаз-2021» Сборник научных трудов. Ч.1, М.: НИЯУ «МИФИ (Национальный исследовательский университет МИФИ» стр.106-107 2021. УДК: 001.89 [621.373.8+533.9+539.2+621.384] (06)
ДРЮМА В. Геометрический подход к изучению течений несжимаемой жидкости. XXIX Научная сессия Совета РАН по нелинейной динамике, Институт океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова, РАН 14-15 декабря , 2020. Тезисы докладов, стр.17.
NEAGU, N., POPA, M. Stability conditions of unperturbed motion governed by critical thtree-dimensional differential system of Darboux type with cubic nonlinerities. International Conference Mathematics&IT: Research and education (MITRE – 2021) dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Moldova State University. July 01 – 03, 2021, Chișinău, ABSTRACTS, p. 6263.
DRYUMA, V, ” The Riemann spaces related related to the Navier-Stokes equations”, International Conference “Analitical and Numerical methods in Differential equations “( ANMD E 2021 and Yanenko 100) , August 23-26, 2021, UST ( School of Mathematics, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand, Abstracts , p. 11.
NEAGU N; POPA, M. Stability conditions of unperturbed motion governed by critical three-dimensional differential system of Darboux s^3(1,2,3). In: The 28th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, CAIM 2021, BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, 17-18 September, 2021. Bucharest, Romania, Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics – ROMAI. ”Gheorghe Mihoc - Caius Iacob” Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of Romanian Academy. p. 21-22.
ARNAUTOV, V. I. , ERMAKOVA, G. N. Some sufficient conditions for the existence of non-discrete Hausdorff topologies on countable skew fields. International Conference Mathematics&IT: Research and education (MITRE – 2021) dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Moldova State University. July 01 – 03, 2021, Chișinău, ABSTRACTS, p. 11-12.
ALESCHENKO, S. A., ARNAUTOV, V. I. Some properties of analogues of generalized nilpotent elements of commutative pseudo-normed rings. International Conference Mathematics&IT: Research and education (MITRE – 2021) dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Moldova State University. July 01 – 03, 2021, Chișinău, ABSTRACTS, p. 9.
CHERNOV, V. D., MALYUTINA, N. M., SHCHERBACOV, V. A. Groupoids of order three with Bol-Moufang identities up to isomorphism. International Conference Mathematics&IT: Research and education (MITRE – 2021) dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Moldova State University. July 01 – 03, 2021, Chișinău, ABSTRACTS, p. 24-25.
DAMIAN, F., MAKAROV, P. On the regular star equidistant polytopes in hyperbolic space. International Conference Mathematics&IT: Research and education (MITRE – 2021) dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Moldova State University. July 01 – 03, 2021, Chișinău, ABSTRACTS, p. 28.
DAMIAN F., MAKAROV P. On star regularequidistantpolyhedrons in lobacevsky space. International Symposium "Actual Problems of Mathematics and Informatics" dedicated to the 90th birthday of professor Ion Valutse. Communications, November 27-28, 2020, p.60.
GUTSUL, I. On hyperbolic 3-manifolds with right-angled fundamental polyhedron. International Conference Mathematics&IT: Research and education (MITRE – 2021) dedicated to the 75-th anniversary of Moldova State University. July 01 – 03, 2021, Chișinău, ABSTRACTS, p. 39.
POPA V., On the structure of some LCA groups with local ring of continuous endomorphisms, In: International conference "Mathematics&IT:Research and education (MITRE – 2021)”, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Moldova State University, ABSTRACTS, 01-03 July, 2021. Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, p. 7273.ISBN 978-9975-158-19-0
KUZNETSOV EUGENE. About a linearity of coordinatization ternar of an arbitrary finite projective plane. The 28th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 17th–18th September 2021, Book of Abstracts, p. 53.
KUZNETSOV EUGENE, NAVAL KIRILL. Application of an asymmetric encryption algorithm based on a modified Vigenere cipher in blockchain technology. The 28th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 17th–18th September 2021, Book of Abstracts, p. 57.
KUZNETSOV EUGENE, IZBASH VLADIMIR, IZBASH OLGA. Elaboration of the technology of creation on interactive manuals using the Google Suite for Education package and presentation capabilities of the LATEX programm language. The 28th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 17th–18th September 2021, Book of Abstracts, p. 65.
IZBASH V., On IG-quasigroups. The 28th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 17th–18th September 2021, Book of Abstracts, p. 52.
BURTSEVA, L.; COJOCARU, S.; MALAHOV, L.; COLESNICOV, A. Heterogeneous document processing: Case study of mathematical texts. Abstracts of International Conference Mathematics & It: Research and Education (MITRE-2021) dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Moldova State University, July 1-3, 2021, pp. 96–97. ISBN 978-9975-158-19-0 http://cecmi.usm.md/mitre/ro/node/475
BUMBU., T. On Classification of 17th Century Fonts using Neural Networks. Abstracts of International Conference Mathematics & It: Research and Education (MITRE-2021) dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Moldova State University, July 1-3, 2021, pp. 95–96, ISBN 978-9975-158-19-0. http://cecmi.usm.md/mitre/ro/node/475
Olesea CAFTANATOV Intelligent Interfaces. Proceedings. Conferință științifică internațională patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicații în dezvoltarea societății durabile de mâine, ediția a III-a. Februarie 11, 2021. Chișinău, ASM, pp.23-24. ISSN 2558 – 894X.
CIUBOTARU, C. Utilizarea imaginilor la studierea automatelor finite. In: Abstracts of International Conference „Mathematics & IT: Research and Education” (MITRE-2021), Chișinău, July 01–03, 2021, p.120-121. http://cecmi.usm.md/mitre/ro/node/475
CORLAT Andrei, JARDAN Ion, Aplicațiile numerelor complexe în rezolvarea diferitor probleme. International Conference Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education (MITRE-2021), July 01-03, 2021, Chişinău, Moldova, p. 121. http://cecmi.usm.md/mitre/ro/node/475
.Olesea CAFTANATOV, Veronica IAMANDI. Evaluarea e-learning cu ajutorullistelor de verificare Proceedings. Conferinţa virtuală internaţională „Mathematics & IT: Research and Education (MITRE-2021)", Iunie 1-3, 2021. USM, Chișinău. http://cecmi.usm.md/mitre/ro/node/475
V. D. CHERNOV, N.N. MALYUTINA, V. A. SHCHERBACOV. Groupoids of order three with Bol-Moufang identities up to isomorphisms. Abstract of International conference Mathematics & IT: Research and Education (MITRE-2021) Moldova State University July 01 - 03, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, p. 24-25. http://cecmi.usm.md/mitre/ro/node/475
TITCHIEV, I.; IAMANDI V., Analysis of learning management systems features, International Conference Mathematics & IT: Research and education (MITRE -2021) dedicate to the 75 th anniversary of Moldova State University. Abstracts, July 01-03, 116-117, Chișinău, 2021, ISBN 9789975-158-19-0 http://cecmi.usm.md/mitre/ro/node/475
.PARAHONCO, A.; PETIC, M. Steps in content generation for e-cources. In: Abstracts of International Conference Mathematics & It: Research and Education (MITRE-2021) July 1-3, 2021, 109-110. ISBN 978-9975-158-19-0 http://cecmi.usm.md/mitre/ro/node/475