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Proiect: Sisteme informatice inteligente pentru soluționarea problemelor slab structurate, procesarea cunoștințelor și volumelor mari de date

Proiect: Metode deterministe și stochastice de soluționare a problemelor de optimizare și control

În anul 2020 participanții proiectului au efectuat cercetări în cadrul următoarelor etape:

  1. Analiza asimptotică a proceselor deterministe și stocastice; aflarea caracteristicilor de bază și aplicarea acestora pentru cercetarea problemelor aplicative stocastice dinamice, în special, a problemelor de difuzie și de servire cu priorități.
  2. Extinderea metodelor clasice de optimizare pentru problemele stocastice de control pe intervale finite și infinite de timp și aplicarea acestora la cercetarea problemelor aplicative din mecanică și economie.

Lucrări publicate:

  1. ARTES J. C.; LLIBRE J.; SCHLOMIUK, D.; VULPE N. Global topological configurations of singularities for the whole family of quadratic differential systems. Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst. 19, 51 (2020), 32 pp. (IF: 1,4)
  2. ARTES J. C.; LLIBRE J.; SCHLOMIUK, D.; VULPE N. Invariant conditions for phase portraits of quadratic systems with complex conjugate invariant lines meeting at a finite point. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2, 23 pp. (IF: 0,67)
  3. DOVBUSH P. V. Zalcman's lemma in Cn. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. Volume 65, 2020 , Issue 5, Pages: 796-800 .
  4. DOVBUSH P. V. On a Normality Criterion of W. Schwick. J Geom Anal (2020).
  5. DOVBUSH P. V. Zalcman-Pang's lemma in Cn. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations (2020). .1080/17476933.2020.1797704
  6. DOVBUSH P. V. On normal families in Cn. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations (2020). 16
  7. ȘUBĂ, A.; TURUTA, S. Solution of the center problem for cubic differential systems with one or two affine invariant straight lines of total algebraic multiplicity four. ROMAI J., 2019, vol. 15, nr. 2, pp. 101-116. ISSN 1841--5512.
  8. ŞUBĂ, A.; TURUTA, S. Solution of the problem of the center for cubic differential systems with the line at infinity and an affine real invariant straight line of total algebraic multiplicity five. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova. Mathematics. 2019, no.2(90), 13-40. ISSN 1024-7696.
  9. TURUTA, S. Solution of the problem of the center for cubic differential systems with three affine invariant straight lines of total algebraic multiplicity four. Bulletin of ASM. Mathematics. 2020, vol. 92, nr. 1, pp. 89--105. ISSN 1024--7696.
  10. ŞUBĂ, A.; TURUTA, S. Classification of cubic differential systems with a monodromic critical point and multiple line at infinity. The Scientific Journal of Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”, Economic and Engineering Studies, no. 2(6), 2019, 100--105. ISSN: 2587-313X, E-ISSN: 2587-3121.
  11. LAZARI, A.; LOZOVANU, D. New algorithms for finding the limiting and differential matrices in Markov chains. Buletinul AȘM, ser. Matematica, N 1 (92), 2020, ISSN10247696, pp 75 – 88.
  12. BUZATU, R. Binary linear programming approach to graph convex covering problems. Buletinul AȘM, ser. Matematica, N 3(91), 2019, ISSN1024-7696. (în tipar).
  13. BUZATU, R. On the computational complexity of optimization convex covering problems of graphs. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Vol.28, Nr.2(83), 2020, ISSN:1561-4042, pp. 187-200.
  14. CAPCELEA, M.; CAPCELEA, T. Laurent-Padé approximation for locating singularities of meromorphic functions with values given on simple closed contours. Buletinul AȘM, ser. Matematica, N. 2(93), 2020, ISSN1024-7696, pp. 76-87.
  15. COLESNICOVA, T.; NAVAL, E. Some Approaches to Gender Problem Examination in Republic of Moldova. Proceedings of the International Symposium: Experience, Knowledge, Contemporary Challenges, 6th Edition „Humanity at a crossroad Between digital Economy and Need for a Paradigm of going back to Nature”, Editura „ARTIFEX” Bucureşti, ISBN 978 – 606 – 8716 – 54 – 1. pp. 324-345. 2020
  16. NAVAL, E. Optimization Model for Moldova with Multiple Criteria. Conferinţa internaţională “Dezvoltarea Economico - Socială Durabilă a Euroregiunilor şi a Zonelor Transfrontaliere”, 30 octombrie 2020, Iaşi, România, V. XXXVII, ISBN 978-606-685742-0, pp343-353.
  17. SECRIERU, G. Analysis of formation of viscous heat conducting gas flows for small perturbations of parameters. International Research Journal. Nr. 5(74)/2020, v. 5, Moscow, Russia. ISSN 2411-6467. DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.5.74.757, pp. 61-65.
  18. ŞEREMET, V.; CREŢU. I. Three - dimensional influence functions and integration formulas for many boundary value problems within a thermo-elastic half-layer. Transylvanian Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics, V. 12, N. 1, ISSN 2067-239X. 2020, pp. 45-58.
  19. BROADBRIDGE, P.; KOLESNIK, A.; LEONENKO, N.; OLENKO, A.; OMARI. D. Spherically restricted random hyperbolic diffusion. Entropy, V. 22, IF. 2.5, ISSN 10994300, 2020, pp.217-248.
  20. LOZOVANU, D.; PICKL, S. On the existence of stationary Nash equilibrium in average stochastic games with finite state and action spaces. Contributions to Game Theory and Management, St. Petersburg State University, V. 13, ISN2310-2608. 2020, pp 304-323.
  21. CAPCELEA, M.; CAPCELEA, T. Calcul Numeric cu aplicații în MATLAB. Aproximarea funcțiilor – Chișinău: Editura Universul, 2020 – 137p.
  22. MITEV, L. Лабораторные работы IT Software для Бизнеса (lb. rus.). Ciclul de lucrări de laborator, ULIM, 2020, 44 p.
  23. ŢIȚCHIEV, I.; VASCAN, T; ȚURCANU, L. „Aspecte didactice privind formarea profesorilor școlari de informatică”, suport metodic, Chișinău, 2020, Tipografia ”Valinex”, 231 p., ISBN 978-9975-68-404-0
  24. БАЛАН, Л. А.; ТЯГУЛЬСКАЯ, Л. А.; РУССУ, А. Н.; ЦИЦКИЕВ, И. И.; ЛЯХУ, А. А.; ГАРБУЗНЯК, Е. С.; ПОДОЛЯН, А. С.; СТАШКОВА, О. В. ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ДИСТАНЦИОННЫХ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ. КОЛЛЕКТИВНАЯ МОНОГРАФИЯ. Приднестр. гос. ун-т им. Т.Г. Шевченко, Рыбниц. филиал – Рыбница, 2020 (Tipogr. ”Valinex”). – 300 с. (в обл.), Chisinau, Republica Moldova, 111-135. ISBN 978-9975-68-373-9
  25. S.COJOCARU, C.GAINDRIC, G.MAGARIU, T.VERLAN, E.ZAMȘA, Sistem informatic StrokeMD, capitolul 5 din monografia “Accidentul Vascular Cerebral: Epidemiologie, factori de risc, prevenție”, Chișinău, 2020, 173-211. ISBN978-9975151-64-1.
  26. PAN, L.; ALHAZOV, A; SU, H.; SONG, B. Local Synchronization on Asynchronous Tissue P Systems With Symport/Antiport Rules. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience 19 (2), 315-320, 2020. (IF. 2.29)
  27. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S.; PAN, L.; SONG, B. Time-freeness and Clock-freeness and Related Concepts in P Systems. Theorеtical Computer Science 805, Elsevier, 127-143, 2020. (IF: 0.747)
  28. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S. P Systems with Randomized Right-hand Sides of Rules. Theorеtical Computer Science 805, Elsevier, 144-16, 2020. (IF: 0.747)
  29. COLESNICOV, A.; MALAHOV, L.; COJOCARU, S.; BURTSEVA, L. Semiautomated workow for recognition of printed documents with heterogeneous content. In: Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Nr.3, 2020z, 223-240,.
  30. BUMBU T. On Alignment of Textual Elements in a Parallel Diachronic Corpus. In: Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Nr.3, 2020, 241-248,.
  31. TITCHIEV, I. Aplicarea Rețelelor Petri la rezolvarea problemelor de logică / APPLICATION OF PETRI NETS IN LOGICAL PROBLEMS SOLVING, Acta et Commentationes. Științe Exacte și ale Naturii. Revistă Științifică, Nr.2(8), Chișinău, 2019, 103-110. ISSN 2537-6284. – apărut în a.2020 – categoria B
  32. GAINDRIC, C., Cu privire la noțiunile date, informații, cunoștințe, Akademos, v.3, 2020, 13-16 – categoria B
  33. ALHAZOV, A. Some open problems. In: D. Orellana-Martín, Gh. Păun, A. RiscosNúñez, I. Pérez-Hurtado, Eds.: Eighteenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, RGNC Report 1/2020, Sevilla, 2020, 1-8.
  34. ALHAZOV, A.; LEPORATI, A.; MANZONI, L.; MAURI, G.; ZANDRON, C. Alternative Space Definitions for P Systems with Active Membranes. In: D. OrellanaMartín, Gh. Păun, A. Riscos-Núñez, I. Pérez-Hurtado, Eds.: Eighteenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, RGNC Report 1/2020, Sevilla, 2020, 9-20.
  35. ALHAZOV, A.; FREUND, R.; IVANOV, S. Catalytic P Systems with Weak Priority of Catalytic Over Non-catalytic Rules. In: D. Orellana-Martín, Gh. Păun, A. Riscos-Núñez, I. Pérez-Hurtado, Eds.: Eighteenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, RGNC Report 1/2020, Sevilla, 2020, 21-32.
  36. COLESNICOV, A.; MALAHOV, L.; COJOCARU, S.; BURTSEVA, L. On convergent technology in development of information systems for processing of documents with heterogeneous content, In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 61-68. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  37. TITCHIEV, I. Parallel architecture and software by workflow Petri nets, In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 0405, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020, 196-201. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  38. GAINDRIC, C., POPCOVA, O., PUIU, S., SECRIERU I., GUTULEAC E., COJOCARU S. An approach to structure information regarding patient diagnostics in the form of taxonomy in management of mass casualty disasters. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 75-201. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  39. SECRIERU, I., GUTULEAC E., POPCOVA O. Regional intelligent data warehouse for DLD cases. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 185-188. ISBN 9789975-68-415-6.
  40. SECRIERU, I., GUTULEAC E., POPCOVA O. Regional intelligent data warehouse for DLD cases. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 185-188. ISBN 9789975-68-415-6.
  41. NISTOR, M. S., CAO, V. L., PHAM, T. S., PICKL, S., GAINDRIC C., COJOCARU, S. Introducing an AI-based Response Framework for Mass Casualty Management, In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 0405, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 125-130. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  42. GOLUBEV, A., BOGATENCOV, P., SECRIERU G., MATENCO E. Incident Handling and Personal Data Protection in Medical Images systems. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 91-96. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  43. GOLUBEV, A. DICOM image optimization for CLOUD solutions, Open science platforms and mobile systems. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 8390. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  44. DEGTEARIOV, N., BOGATENCOV, P., ILIUHA, N., SECRIERU, G. Upgrading Cloud Infrastructure for Research Activities Support. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 170-175. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  45. ALBU, V. A Road Map for an Informational Ontology of Information/Energy/Matter’ Homeostatic Unity Inspired by Information Catastrophe. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 15-24. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  46. RUSU, A., RUSU, E. On weak-functionally complete systems of formulas containing paraconsistent negation in a paraconsistent logic In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 170-175. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  47. PARAHONCO, A., PETIC, M., NEGARA, C. The model of Web crawler for expansion the scope of initial search. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 139150. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  48. PETIC, M., GOREA A., CIOBANU I. Important aspects in assessing the credibility of unstructured information. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 151156. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  49. CAFTANATOV, O., MALAHOV, L. Researching and valorizing the lexicon of the Romanian Language in a general Romanian context. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2020, December 04-05, 2020, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 2020. 210-214. ISBN 978-9975-68-415-6.
  50. GOLUBEV, A. Overview of Artificail Intelligence Algorithms and Big Data in Medical Investigations for Implementation in Telemedicine. In: Materialele Conferinței științifice a doctoranzilor Tendințe contemporane ale dezvoltării științei: viziuni ale tinerilor cercetători. Ediția a IX-a, vol. I, Universitatea de Stat „Dimitrie Cantemir”, Chișinău 2020, 18-22.
  51. NEGUȚA, A., BOGATENCOV P., GOLUBEV A. Sistem informațional pentru analiza calității produselor folosind inteligență artificială. In: Materialele Conferinței științifice a doctoranzilor Tendințe contemporane ale dezvoltării științei: viziuni ale tinerilor cercetători. Ediția a IX-a, Universitatea de Stat „Dimitrie Cantemir”, Chișinău, 2020, 2327.
  52. GOREA, A. Instrumente disponibile pentru verificarea similitudinii imaginilor și a credibilității textelor online. In: Materialele Conferinței tehnico-ştiinţifică a studenților, masteranzilor și doctoranzilor. 2020, vol. I, Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Chișinău, 2020. 114-118. ISBN 978-9975-45-633-3.
  53. ПАРАХОНЬКО, А.В., ПЕТИК, М.В. Изучение возможностей систем адаптивного обучение. In: Materialele Conferinței tehnico-ştiinţifică a studenților, masteranzilor și doctoranzilor. 2020, vol. I, Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, Chișinău, 2020. 163-166. ISBN 978-9975-45-633-3.
  54. GOREA, A. Anumite particularități de evaluare a credibilității informației. In: Materialele Conferinței științifice a doctoranzilor Tendințe contemporane ale dezvoltării științei: viziuni ale tinerilor cercetători. Ediția a IX-a, vol. I, Universitatea de Stat „Dimitrie Cantemir”, Chișinău 2020, vol. I, 28-35.
  55. GOREA, A. Crowdsourcing aspects when assessing the credibility of online information. In: Materials of The IX International Scientific-Practical Conference “Information Control Systems and Technologies (ICST–Odessa — 2020)”, September 24th–26th 2020. Odesa, 2020. 296-299. ISBN 978-617-7867-04-2.

Teze la conferinţe internaţionale:

  1. ȘUBĂ, A.; TURUTA, S. Problem of the center for cubic differential systems with invariant straight lines, including the line at infinity, of total multiplicity five. In: International scientific conference "Modern problems of Differential Equations and their application", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the professor S.D. Eidelman, 16-19 September, 2020, Chernivtsi, Ucraina, p. 77.
  2. ДРЮМА, В.С. ” О геометрии системы уравнений Навье-Стокса”, доклад и тезисы доклада в сб. трудов VI Международной конференции «Лазерные, плазменные исследования и технологии – ЛаПлаз-2020», 11 – 14 февраля 2020 года в НИЯУ «МИФИ (Национальный исследовательский университет МИФИ».
  3. ДРЮМА, В.С. доклад, ” Геометрии системы уравнений Навье-Стокса и ее приложения”, 20.02.2020 Всероссийская Научно-практическая конференция “НаукаОбщество-Технологии -2020“ (SST-2020) Московский Политехнический Университет Факультет базовых компетенций, Кафедра физики МПУ, ул. Павла Корчагина, дом 22, 3 этаж, 318 аудитория)
  4. ДРЮМА, В.С. ” О геометрии системы уравнений Навье-Стокса”, доклад и тезисы доклада в сб. трудов VI Международной конференции «Лазерные, плазменные исследования и технологии – ЛаПлаз-2020», 11 – 14 февраля 2020 года в НИЯУ «МИФИ (Национальный исследовательский университет МИФИ».
  5. DRYUMA V., Geometric properties of the Navier-Stokes equations end theitr applcations.IV International Scientific Conference, Лазерные, плазменные исследования и технологии - ЛАПЛАЗ 2020, Collected Works of International Scientific Conference УДК: 001.89 . Сборник научных трудов. Ч.1. М.: НИЯУ МИФИ, 11-14 Февраля, Москва, стр.82- 83.
  6. ДРЮМА В. О геометрии системы уравнений Навье-Стокса, стр.33, Тезисы докладов Международная XXIV конференция “Нелинейные задачи теории гидродинамической устойчивости и турбулентность’, М.: Издательство Московского Университета, 2020 .-131 стр. (Электронное издание).
  7. DRYUMA V. On the Ricci-flat metric in the theory of Navier-Sokes equations and its applications, The six-th International conference "Quasilinear Equations, Inverse Problems and their Applications" will online from November 30 to December 2, 2020, Abstract, p.8.
  8. POPA M., PRICOP V. About an algebraic vision on the center and focus problem, 2 p., Conferința Internațională „Modern problems of Differential Euations and their applications” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the professor S. D. Eidelman. Cernăuți, 16 – 18 septembrie 2020.
  9. POPA M., PRICOP V.. Comitants of Lie algebra of rotation groups for ternary system with quadratic nonlinearities. 4 p. Conferința științifică națională cu participare internațională „ Invățământ superior: tradiții, valori, perspective”, Chișinău, 29 – 30 septembrie, 2020.
  10. NAVAL, E. Evaluarea Egalităţii de Gen şi Abilitării Femeilor. Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională „Implicaţii Economice şi Sociale ale Pandemiei Covid-19: Analiză, Prognoze şi Strategii de Atenuare a Consecinţelor". Moldova, Chișinău, 23 octombrie 2020. ISBN 978-9975-3305-6-5, 2020, pp.15.
  11. ŞEREMET, V.; ŞEREMET, D. The Derivation of volume dilatation caused by a unit point heat source. Proceedings of 12 International Congress on Thermal Stresses (ICTS2019), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. 2019, pp. 74.
  12. LOZOVANU, D.; PICKL, S. Optimal Stationary Strategies for Stochastic Control Problems on Networks with Discounted Costs. Proceedings of 8th Cologne_Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization(CTW-2020), IASI ( Institute for Systems Analysis and Computer Science, Italy), September, 14-16, 2020, pp. 1-4.
  13. LOZOVANU, D.; PICKL, S. Pure and Mixed Stationary Strategies for Mean Payoff Games on Networks. Abstract of GTM-2020 conference, St. Petersburg University,. October 5-9, 2020, pp, 42.
  14. MSHKOY, GH.; MITEV, L. Computational Aspects of Modeling Performance Characteristics for Polling Models with semi-Markov Switching and Priorities. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on ''Distributed Computer and Communication Networks (DCCN-2020): ''Control, Computation, Communications, Moscow, 14-18 September, 2020, pp.54-60.
  15. NISTOR, M. S., PHAM, T. S., PICKL, S., GAINDRIC, C., COJOCARU, S. A concise review of AI-based solutions for mass casualty management, In: The 1st International Workshop on Computational & Information Technologies for Risk-Informed Systems CITRisk-2020, October 16-18, Kherson, Ukraine
  16. COJOCARU, S., BURTSEVA, L., COLESNICOV, A., MALAHOV, L. Structure analysis of historic documents with heterogeneous content, In: Workshop-ul Lexicografia academică românească. Provocările informatizării, 28-29 mai 2020
  17. BUMBU, T. Evaluarea corpusului diacronic paralel cu texte romanești din noul testament din 1648 & 1990, In: Workshop-ul Lexicografia academică românească. Provocările informatizării, , 28-29 mai 2020
  18. BOGATENCOV, P., DEGTEARIOV, N., HOROS, G., ILIUHA, N., SECRIERU, G.. Heterogeniuos Cloud Based Computing Infrastructure for Reseach Data Storing and Processing. In: 9th International Conference "Distributed Computing and Grid Technologies in Science and Education" (GRID'2020,