Yurie Rogozhin Programming System Laboratory
Research domains
- Theoretical foundations of computer science (formal models of computation, grammars and formal languages, computational algebra);
- Natural language processing;
- Modeling and simulation systems;
- Software development technology (methods, advanced design environments for programming systems development, methodologies and integrated technologies for software development, unstructured data processing systems).
Monographs and chapters in monographs published abroad
- L.Malahova, A.Colesnicov, G.Holban, N.Curteanu. LATEX prin exemple. Iași, Ed. Moldova, 1995.
- S. Cojocaru, A. Podoplelov, V. Ufnarovski. Non-Commutative Groebner Bases and Anick's resolution. In: Progress in Mathematics, vol.173, Chapter 7, Birkhäuser Verlag, 1999, p.139-159.
- M. Margenstern, Yu. Rogozhin. Time-varying distributed H systems of degree 1 generate all recursively enumerable languages. In: „Words, Semigroups, and Transductions. Festschrift in Honor of Gabriel Thierrin” (M. Ito, Gh. Păun, Sh. Yu, Eds.), World Scientific, 2001, 329-340.
- M. Margenstern, Yu. Rogozhin. Time-varying distributed H systems of degree 2 generate all recursively enumerable languages. In: “Where Mathematics, Computer Science, Linguistics and Biology Meet”, Chapter 35, Kluwer Academic publishers, 2001, pp. 399-407.
- J. Backelin, S. Cojocaru, V. Ufnarovski. BERGMAN. In: “Computer Algebra Handbook”. J.Grabmeier, E.Kaltofen, V.Weispfenning (Eds.). Springer, 2003, pp. 349-352.
- A. Alhazov, C. Martín-Vide, L. Pan. Solving Graph Problems by P Systems with Restricted Elementary Active Membranes. In: N. Jonoska, Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg: Aspects of Molecular Computing - Essays dedicated to Tom Head on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2950, Festschrift, Springer, 2004, pp. 1-22.
- A. Alhazov, D. Sburlan. Static Sorting P Systems. In: G. Ciobanu, Gh. Păun, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez: “Applications of Membrane Computing, Natural Computing Series”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005, pp. 215-252.
- J. Backelin, S. Cojocaru, V Ufnarovski. Mathematical computations using Bergman. Lund University, Sweden, 2005, ISBN 91-631-7203-8, 206 p.
- L.Burţeva, S.Cojocaru, C.Gaindric, G.Magariu, T.Verlan. Digital divide: A glance at the problem in Moldova, în monografia Information technologies communication and human development:Opportunities and challenges, Idea group Inc.2006 , Hershey, London, Melbourne, Singapore, pp. 77-115 (Reeditat în Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, IGI global, (6 Volumes). Edited by Craig Van Slyke, University of Central Florida, IGI Global, Hershey, New York, USA, 2008, Volume IV, Chapter 5.21, pp.2531- 2565).
- L.Burţeva, S.Cojocaru, C.Gaindric, G.Magariu, T.Verlan. Digital divide: Introduction to the problem, în monografia Information technologies communication and human development:Opportunities and challenges, Idea group Inc.2006 , Hershey, London, Melbourne, Singapore, pp.57-76. (Reeditat în: 1.Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, (6 Volumes). Edited by Craig Van Slyke, University of Central Florida, IGI Global, Hershey, New York, USA, 2008 ,Volume I, Chapter 1.6, pp.74-90.2. Selected Readings on Global Information technology. Contemporary Applications, Section I, Fundamental Concepts and Theories, Chapter II, Edited by Rahman, Hakikur, ISBN: 9781605661162, pp. 21-36).
- S. Cojocaru. Interfeţe inteligente. Subcapitolul în monografia F.G. Filip „Sisteme suport pentru decizii”, Editura tehnică, Bucureşti, 2007, pp. 213-215.
- A. Alhazov, A. Krassovitskiy, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. Small Size Insertion and Deletion Systems. In: Martín-Vide, C. ed. Mathematics, Computing, Language, and Life: Frontiers in Mathematical Linguistics and Language Theory, Imperial College Press, 2010, pp. 459-524. ISBN 978-1-84816-560-1.
- R. Freud, A. Alhazov, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. Communication P Systems. In Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa. The Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing, 2010, pp. 118-143. ISBN13: 9780199556670. ISBN10: 0199556679.
- S. Verlan, P. Frisco. Splicing P Systems. In Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa. The Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing, 2010, pp. 198-226. ISBN13: 9780199556670. ISBN10: 0199556679.
- A. Alhazov, G. Bel-Enguix, Yu. Rogozhin. About a New Variant of HNEPs: Obligatory Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors. In: Bio-Inspired Models for Natural and Formal Languages (Edited by Gemma Bel-Enguix and M. Dolores Jiménez-López), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, pp. 191-204 (book chapter).
- G. Bel-Enguix, A. Krassovitskiy, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. On the Lower Bounds for Asymmetrical Insertion-deletion Languages. In: Biology, Computation and Linguistics: New Interdisciplinary Paradigms. Eds. G. Bel-Enguix, etc. Series Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, vol.228, 2011, pp. 145-154 (book chapter).
- N. Curteanu. The Segmentation-Cohesion-Dependency Parsing Strategy and Linguistic Theory, TehnoPress, Iaşi, România, 2012, 428 p., 2012. ISBN: 987-973-702-928-7.
Monographs published in the Republic of Moldova
- М.В. Евстюнин, С.К. Кожокарь, А.Н. Терехов, В.А. Уфнаровский. Как Паскаль и Оберон попадают на Самсон или искусство построения трансляторов. Кишинев, Штиинца, 1991, 304 c.
- S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric. Considerente asupra edificării societăţii informaţionale în Moldova, Chişinău, Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică, 2003, 95 p.
- L.Burţeva, S.Cojocaru, C.Gaindric, G.Magariu, T.Verlan. Servicii electronice în sectorul administraţiei publice (e-government); Inviolabilitatea informaţiei personale şi dreptul la informaţie. Chişinău, Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică, 2004, 72 p.
- E. Boian, Gh. Căpăţână, A. Prepeliţă, E. Seiciuc. Sisteme de operare: MS/DOS, UNIX. Îndrumar didactic. Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică, Catedra Tehnologii de programare, Chişinău, CEP USM, 2011, 130 p.
Participation in series edition
- Machines, Computations and Universality. M. Margenstern, Yu. Rogozhin (Editors). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 2055, Third International Conference, MCU 2001 Chişinău, Moldavia, May 23-27, 2001, Proceedings, 320 p.
- Computational Commutative and Non-Commutative Algebraic Geometry. S. Cojocaru, G. Pfister, V. Ufnarovski (Editors). NATO Sciene Series. Series III: Computer and Systems Sciences – Vol.196, IOS Press, 2005, 325 p.
- Alhazov A., Cojocaru S., Gheorghe M., Rogozhin Yu. (Eds.). 14th International Conference on Membrane Computing. CMC14, Chişinău, Moldova, August 20-23, 2013. Proceedings. Ch.: Tipografia Sirius SRL, 2013, 333 p. ISBN 978-9975-4237-2-4.
- Gaindric C., Cojocaru S. (Eds.). International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems. IIS2013, Chişinău, Moldova, August 20-23, 2013. Proceedings. Ch.: Tipografia Sirius SRL, 2013, 274 p. ISBN: 978-9975-4237-1-7.
Publications in international series books
- A. Alhazov, M. Margenstern, S. Verlan. Fast Synchronization in P Systems. In: D.W. Corne, P. Frisco, Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa: Membrane Computing - 9th International Workshop, WMC 2008, Edinburgh, Revised Selected and Invited Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5391, Springer, 2009, pp. 118-128. http://www.springerlink.com/content/0932812w05548831/ (IF: 0.402).
- A. Alhazov, C. Ciubotaru, S. Ivanov, Yu. Rogozhin. The family of Languages Generated by Non-Cooperative Membrane Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2010, 6501, pp. 65-79, ISBN: 978-3-642-18122-1 (IF: 0.402).
- A. Alhazov, R. Freund, K. Morita. Reversibility and Determinism in Sequential Multiset Rewriting. Unconventional Computation 2010, Tokyo, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6079, 2010, pp. 21-31, ISBN 978-3-642-13522-4 (IF: 0.402).
- A. Alhazov, S. Ivanov, Y. Rogozhin. Polymorphic P systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2010, vol. 6501, pp. 80-93, ISBN: 978-3-642-18122-1 (IF: 0.402).
- A. Alhazov, K. Morita. On Reversibility and Determinism in P Systems. Membrane Computing, 10th International Workshop, WMC 2009, Curtea de Argeş, Revised Selected and Invited Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5957, 2010, pp. 158-168, ISBN 978-3-642-11466-3 (IF: 0.402).
- A. Alhazov, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. A Small Universal P Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2010, vol. 6501, pp. 94-101, ISBN: 978-3-642-18122-1 (IF: 0.402).
- K. Imai, A. Alhazov. On Universality of Radius 1/2 Number-Conserving Cellular Automata.Unconventional Computation 2010, Tokyo, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6079, 2010, pp. 45-55, ISBN 978-3-642-13522-4 (IF: 0.402).
- S. Verlan. Look-Ahead Evolution for P Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5957, 2010, pp. 479-485, ISBN 978-3-642-11466-3 (IF: 0.402).
- Ts. Ogiro, A. Alhazov, Ts. Tanizawa, K. Morita. Universality of 2-State 3-Symbol Reversible Logic Elements - A Direct Simulation Method of a Rotary Element. Natural Computing, PICT 2, Springer Japan, 2010, pp. 252-259, ISSN:1867-2914, ISBN-13:978-4-431-53867-7.
- M. Petic. Automatic derivational morphology contribution to Romanian lexical Acquisition. Special issue: Natural Language Processing and its Application. Research in Computing Science, Mexico, vol. 46, 2010, pp. 67-78, ISSN 1870-4069.
- A. Alhazov, G. Bel-Enguix, A. Krassovitskiy, Yu. Rogozhin. About Complete Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors without Substitution. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, vol. 6691, 2011, pp. 441-448 (IF: 0.402).
- A. Alhazov, C. Ciubotaru, S. Ivanov, Yu. Rogozhin. The family of languages generated by non-cooperative membrane systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6501, 2011, pp. 65-80 (IF: 0.402).
- A. Alhazov, S. Ivanov, Yu. Rogozhin. Polymorphic P Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6501, 2011, pp. 81-94 (IF: 0.402).
- A. Alhazov, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. A Small Universal Splicing P System. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6501, 2011, pp. 95-102 (IF: 0.402).
Publications in international journals
- A. Alhazov, E. Csuhaj-Varju, C. Martin-Vide, Yu. Rogozhin. On the Size of Computationally Complete Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors. Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, 2009, vol. 410, pp. 3188-3197. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2009.05.003 (IF 1.085).
- A. Alhazov, J. Dassow, C. Martín-Vide, Yu. Rogozhin, B. Truthe. On Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Nodes of Two Types. Fundamenta Informaticae, 91 (1), 2009, pp. 1-15. http://iospress.metapress.com/content/334516mq0331136k/ (IF: 0.615).
- A. Alhazov, R. Freund, M. Oswald, S. Verlan. Partial Halting and Minimal Parallelism Based on Arbitrary Rule Partitions. Fundamenta Informaticae, 91 (1), 2009, pp. 17-34. http://iospress.metapress.com/content/u5q8536868207185/ (IF: 0.615).
- A. Alhazov, I. Petre, V. Rogojin. The Parallel Complexity of Signed Graphs: Some Decidability Results and an Improved Algorithm. Theoretical Computer Science, 410, 24-25, 2009, pp. 2308-2315. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2009.02.028 (IF 1.085).
- A. Alhazov, S. Cojocaru, L. Malahova, Yu. Rogozhin. Dictionary Search and Update by P Systems with String-Objects and Active Membranes. International Journal of Computers, Comunications & Control (IJCCC), Vol IV(2009), No 3, pp. 206-213, http://www.journal.univagora.ro/?page=article_list&volume=IV&nr=3
- Krassovitskiy A., Rogozhin Yu., Verlan S. Computational Power of P Systems with Small size Insertion and Deletion Rules. In: EPTCS (Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science), 2009, nr 1, pp. 108-117, doi:10.4204/EPTCS.1.10 www.eptcs.org
- V. Rogojin. Successful elementary gene assembly strategies. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 20, 3, 2009, pp. 455-477. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0129054109006681 (IF 0.512).
- Rogozhin Yu., Verlan S. New choice for small universal devices: Communication P systems. In: EPTCS (Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science), 2009, nr 1, pp. 235-242, doi:10.4204/EPTCS.1.23 www.eptcs.org
- A. Alhazov, C. Li, I. Petre. Computing the Graph-Based Parallel Complexity of Gene Assembly. Theoretical Computer Science, 2010, 411, 25, pp. 2359-2367, ISSN: 0304-3975 (IF: 1.103).
- S. Verlan, A. Alhazov, I. Petre. A Sequence-Based Analysis of the Pointer Distribution of Stichotrichous Ciliates. Biosystems, 2010, 101, 2, pp. 109-116, ISSN: 0303-2647 (IF: 1.653).
- A. Alhazov, A. Krassovitskiy, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. P systems with minimal insertion and deletion. Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, vol. 412, 2011, pp. 136-144 (IF 1.085).
- A. Alhazov, A. Krassovitskiy, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. P Systems with Insertion and Deletion Exo-Operations. Fundamenta Informaticae, IOS Press, 110, number 1-4, 2011, pp. 13-28, DOI 10.3233/FI–2011–530 (IF: 0.615).
- A. Alhazov, V. Kogler, M. Margenstern, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. Small universal TVDH and test tube systems. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, vol.22, issue 1, 2011, pp. 143-154 (IF 0.512).
- S. Azimi, T. Harju, M. Langille, I. Petre, V. Rogojin. Directed overlap-inclusion graphs as representations of ciliate genes, Fundamenta Informaticae, 110(1-4), pp. 29-44, 2011 (IF: 0.615).
- A. Krassovitskiy, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. Computational power of insertion-deletion (P) systems with rules of size two. Natural Computing, Springer, vol. 10, no. 2, 2011, pp. 835-852, DOI 10.1007/s11047-010-9208-y (IF: 0.609).
- N. Bruc, S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, E. Grabov, V. Macari, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. Management of research organization: informational support. Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy, Tome XXXIV, 2011, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, pp. 185-200, ISSN:1224-1407.
- L. Burtseva, C. Gaindric, S. Cojocaru. Images and rules based decision support system in ultrasound examination of abdominal zone, Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy. Computer Science, Series IV, Tome XXXIV, 2011, pp. 173-184.
- S. Ivanov, A. Alhazov, V. Rogojin, M. A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo. Forward and Backward Chaining with P Systems, International Journal of Natural Computing Research, Vol. 2, 2011, pp. 56-66.
- M. Petic. Generative mechanisms of Romanian derivational morphology. In: Memoirs of the Scientific Sections of the Romanian Academy, Series IV, Tome XXXIV, Bucureşti: Editura Academiei, 2011, pp. 21-30.
- Czeizler E., Rogojin V., Petre I. The Phosphorylation of the Heat Shock Factor as a Modulator for the Heat Shock Response, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol. 9, no. 5, Sept.-Oct. 2012, 1326-1337. DOI:10.1109/TCBB.2012.66, ISSN: 1545-5963. Impact factor 1.543.
- Alhazov A. Properties of Membrane Systems. M. Gheorghe, Gh. Păun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, S. Verlan (Eds.): Membrane Computing - 12th International Conference, CMC 2011, Fontainebleau, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7184, Springer, 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28024-5_1, 1-13. ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN: 978-3-642-28023-8. Impact factor 0.402.
- Alhazov A., Freund R., Morita K. Sequential and Maximally Parallel Multiset Rewriting: Reversibility and Determinism. Natural Computing,11(1), 2012, 95-106. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11047-011-9267-8. ISSN:1567-7818. Impact factor 0.609
- Alhazov A., Krassovitskiy A., Rogozhin Yu. Circular Post Machines and P Systems with Exo–insertion and Deletion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7184, Springer, 2012, 73 – 86. ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN: 978-3-642-28023-8. Impact factor 0.402.
- Freund R., Rogozhin Yu., Verlan S. P Systems with Minimal Left and Right Insertion and Deletion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7184, Springer, 2012, 226-242. ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN: 978-3-642-28023-8. Impact factor: 0.402.
- Ivanov, S. Basic Concurrency Resolution in Clock-Free P Systems . Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7184, Springer, 2012, http://www.springerlink.com/content/h241p18770225p07/, 226-242. ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN: 978-3-642-28023-8. Impact factor 0.402.
- Morita K., Ogiro T., Alhazov, A., Tanizawa T. Non-degenerate 2-State Reversible Logic Elements with Three or More Symbols Are All Universal. Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 18(1), 2012, 37-54. ISSN: 1542-3980. Impact factor: 0.343. http://www.oldcitypublishing.com/MVLSC/MVLSCabstracts/MVLSC18.1abstracts/MVLSCv18n1p37-54Morita.html
- Riku Louhimo, Marko Laakso, Tuomas Heikkinen, Susanna Laitinen, Pekka Manninen, Vladimir Rogojin, Minna Miettinen, Carl Blomqvist, Jianjun Liu, Heli Nevanlinna, Sampsa Hautaniemi. Identification of genetic markers with synergistic survival effect in cancer , BMC Systems Biology. 2013, 7(Suppl 1):S2 (12 August 2013). ISSN 1752-0509 (IF 2.98).
- Alhazov A., Freund R., Heikenwälder H., Oswald M., Rogozhin Yu., Verlan S. Sequential P Systems with Regular Control. E. Csuhaj-Varjú, M. Gheorghe, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, Gy. Vaszil: Membrane Computing - 13th International Conference, CMC13, Budapest, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2013, vol. 7762, 112-127. (IF 0.402).
- Alhazov A., Rogozhin Yu., Verlan S. On Small Universal Splicing Systems. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 2012, 23, 7, 1423-1438. Print ISSN: 0129-0541. Online ISSN: 1793-6373 (IF 0.416).
- Fernau H., Freund R., Ivanov S., Schimd M. L., Subramanian K. G. Array Insertion and Deletion P Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2013, vol. 7956, 67–78. (IF 0.402).
Publications in proceedings
- A. Alhazov, E. Boian, S. Cojocaru. Modelling Inflections in Romanian Language by P Systems with String Replication. In: Proc. of the 10th Workshop on Membrane Computing, WMC10, Curtea de Arges (Romania), August 24-27, 2009, pp. 116-128. http://www.gcn.us.es/?q=node/442/
- A. Alhazov, S. Cojocaru, L. Malahova, Yu. Rogozhin. Dictionary Search and Update by P Systems with String-Objects and Active Membranes. In: Proceedings of the 7th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, (R. Gutiérrez-Escudero et. al., eds.) Fénix Editora, Sevilla, 2009, vol. I, pp. 1-8. http://www.gcn.us.es/?q=node/414/
- A. Alhazov, A. Krassovitskiy, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. P Systems with Minimal Insertion and Deletion. In: Proceedings of the 7th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, (R. Gutiérrez-Escudero et. al., eds.) Fénix Editora, Sevilla, 2009, vol. I, pp. 9-21. http://www.gcn.us.es/?q=node/414/
- A. Alhazov, A. Krassovitskiy, S. Verlan. A Note on P Systems with Small-Size Insertion and Deletion. In: A Note on P Systems with Small-Size Insertion and Deletion. In: Proc. of the 10th Workshop on Membrane Computing, WMC10, Curtea de Arges (Romania), August 24-27, 2009, pp. 534-537, http://www.gcn.us.es/?q=node/442/
- A. Alhazov, K. Morita. A Short Note on Reversibility in P Systems. In: Proceedings of the 7th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, (R. Gutiérrez-Escudero et. al., eds.) Fénix Editora, Sevilla, 2009, vol. I, pp. 23-28. http://www.gcn.us.es/?q=node/414/
- A. Alhazov, K. Morita. On Reversibility and Determinism in P Systems. In: Preproceedings of the 10th Workshop on Membrane Computing, WMC10, Curtea de Argeş (Romania), 2009, pp. 129-140. http://www.gcn.us.es/?q=node/442/
- N. Bruc, E. Grabov, V. Macari, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. On information analytical system for scientific institution scientific activity. In: Proceedings of the 4-th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Computer science and information technologies 2009". Lviv, 2009, pp. 260-263.
- S. Cojocaru, E. Boian, M. Petic. Derivational morphology mechanisms in automatic lexical information acquisition. - In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering, Principles and Techniques, KEPT2009, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), July 2-4, 2009, pp. 25-32.
- S. Cojocaru, E. Boian, M. Petic. Stages in automatic derivational morphology processing, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering, Principles and Techniques, KEPT2009, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), July 2-4, 2009, Selected Papers, pp. 97-104.
- Ts. Ogiro, A. Alhazov, Ts. Tanizawa, K. Morita. Universality of 2-State 3-Symbol Reversible Logic Elements – A Direct Simulation Method of a Rotary Element. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Natural Computing, Himeji (Japonia), 2009, pp. 220-227.
- A. Alhazov, C. Ciubotaru, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Ivanov. The Membrane Systems Language Class. LA symposium, RIMS Kôkyûroku Series vol. 1691, Kyoto University, 2010, pp. 44-50. ISSN: 1881-6193.
- A. Alhazov, C. Ciubotaru, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Ivanov. The Membrane Systems Language Class. In: Proceedings of the Eighth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, Spain, February 1-5, 2010, RGNC Report 1/2010, Fenix Editora, Sevilla, 2010, pp. 23-36. ISBN 978-84-614-2357-6.
- A. Alhazov, C. Ciubotaru, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Ivanov. The Membrane Systems Language Class. LA symposium, Kyoto University, 2010, 12-1 – 12-9. ISSN: 1881-6193.
- A. Alhazov, C. Ciubotaru, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Ivanov. The family of Languages Generated by Non-Cooperative Membrane Systems. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Membrane Computing. Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, 24-27 August, 2010, pp. 37-52. ISBN-10: 3642181228. ISBN-13: 978-3642181221.
- A. Alhazov, S. Ivanov, Yu. Rogozhin. Polymorphic P Systems. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Membrane Computing. Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, 24-27 August, 2010, pp. 53-66. ISBN-10: 3642181228. ISBN-13: 978-3642181221.
- A. Alhazov, K. Morita, C. Iwamoto. A Note on Tatami Tilings. LA symposium, RIMS Kôkyûroku Series vol. 1691, Kyoto University, 2010, pp. 1-7. ISSN: 1881-6193.
- A. Alhazov, K. Morita, C. Iwamoto. A Note on Tatami Tilings. LA symposium, Kyoto University, 2010, 2-1 – 2-6. ISSN: 1881-6193.
- A. Alhazov, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. A Small Universal P Systems. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Membrane Computing. Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, 24-27 August, 2010, 67 – 74. ISBN-10: 3642181228. ISBN-13: 978-3642181221.
- Е. Боян, С. Кожокару, А. Колесников, Л. Малахова, К. Чуботару. О применении P-систем в компьютерной лингвистике. In: Прикладна лінгвістика та лінгвістичні технології: MegaLing-2009, Зб. наук. пр. / НАН України. Укр. мовн.-інформ. фонд, Таврійськ. нац. ун-т ім. В.І.Вернадського, 2009, pp. 62-70. ISBN 978-966-507-269-0.
- R. Freund, M. Kogler, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Verlan. Graph-Controlled Insertion-Deletion Systems. In: Proceedings DCFS 2010. EPTCS 31, 2010, pp. 88-98, doi:10.4204/EPTCS.31.11. ISSN: 2075-2180.
- Л. Малахова, А. Колесников. Опыт адаптации системы управления контентом для использования неспециалистами. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference "Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics" ICTEI 2010, volume II. Chisinau, pp. 226-229 ISBN: 978-9975-45-136-9.
- K. Morita, Ts. Ogiro, A. Alhazov, Ts. Tanizawa. Non-degenerate 2-State Reversible Logic Elements with Three or More Symbols Are All Universal. Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Reversible Computation, Bremen, 2010, pp. 27-34.
- M. Petic. Mecanismele generative ale morfologiei derivaţionale, Lucrările Conferinţei Resurse Lingvistice şi Instrumente pentru prelucrarea limbii române, Ed. Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Bucureşti, 2010, pp. 195-202. ISSN:1843-911X.
- E. Boian, S. Cojocaru, V. Macari, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. On simulation of inflection process in Romanian language by P-systems with string replication. In CD: Proceedings of the ECIT 2010 – 6th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies. Iasi, Romania, October 7-9, 2010. ISSN: 2069-038X, ISBN: 9772069038003.
- N. Bruc, S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, E. Grabov, V. Macari, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. System for support of scientific management and cooperation of research institutions: conceptual approach. In CD: Proceedings ECIT2010 – 6th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies. Iasi, Romania, October 7-9, 2010, The Romanian Academy, Iaşi Branch. ISSN: 2069-038X, ISBN: 9772069038003.
- L. Burtseva, C. Gaindric. Approaches of computer-aided decision making in ultrasound domain, In CD : Proceedings ECIT 2010 - 6th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies. Iasi, Romania, October 7-9, 2010, ISSN: 2069-038X.
- A. Colesnicov, L. Malahov. Modern Information Technologies in Computational Linguistics. In CD: Proceedings of the ECIT 2010 – 6th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies. Iasi, Romania, October 7-9, 2010. ISSN: 2069-038X, ISBN: 9772069038003.
- А. Е. Колесников, Л. А. Малахова, Е. Т. Боян, С. К. Кожокару, К. С. Чуботару. Перспективные информационные технологии и решение лингвистических задач. In CD: Cборник тезисов международного симпозиума RETRO'2010 (Ретроспектива филологии в информационном обществе знаний) Крым, Песчаное, (CD), 2-6 июля, 2010, Крым, Песчаное, Украина. Отв. редактор С.С. Дикарева, Центр когнитивной и прикладной лингвистики ТНУ им. В.И. Вернадского и УЯГФ НАН Украины (Симферополь), 2010, УДК 81'33, ББК 81.1.431б, ISSB 978-966-491-054-2.
- A. Alhazov, G. Bel-Enguix, A. Krassovitskiy, Yu. Rogozhin. Complete Obligatory Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Springer, vol. 89, 2011, pp. 275-282, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19917-2.
- A. Alhazov, L. Boian, C. Ciubotaru, S. Cojocaru, A. Colesnicov, L. Malahova, Y. Rogozhin. Application of P system models in computer linguistics. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems IIS2011, September 13-14, 2011, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 101-104.
- A. Alhazov, L. Burtseva, S. Cojocaru, A. Colesnicov, L. Malahova, Y. Rogozhin. Joining bio-inspired and quantum approaches in computer algebra and computer linguistics. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Membrane Computing (CMC12) Fontainebleau, France, August 23-26, 2011, University of Paris Est Creteil Val de Marne, pp. 471- 478.
- A. Alhazov, A. Krassovitskiy, Yu. Rogozhin. Circular Post Machines and P Systems with Exo-Insertion and Deletion. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Membrane Computing, CMC12, Fontainebleau, France, August 23-26, 2011, pp. 63-66.
- E. Boian, N. Bruc, S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, V. Macari, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. How to meet user needs by generating report on scientific publications in IAS IMCS. In Proceedings of “International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, September 13-14, 2011, pp. 123-126, ISBN 978-9975-4237-0-0.
- E. Boian, O. Burlaca, C. Ciubotaru, S. Cojocaru, A. Colesnicov, G.Magariu, L. Malahov, M. Petic, T. Verlan. Applications Based on Reusable Linguistic Resources. Multilinguality and interoperability in language processing with emphasis on Romanian, Editors: Dan Tufiș, Corina Forăscu. București: Editura Academiei Române, 2010, pp. 461-475, ISBN 978-973-27-1972-5.
- E. Boian, O. Burlaca, C. Ciubotaru, S. Cojocaru, A. Colesnicov, G.Magariu, L. Malahov, M. Petic, T. Verlan. Applications Based on Reusable Linguistic Resources. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technologies, Systems and Networks ITSN 2010, Edited by: Veaceslav Perju, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, February 25-26, 2010, V. 1, pp. 54-63.
- E. Boian, C. Ciubotaru, S. Cojocaru, A. Colesnicov, L. Malahov, M. Petic. Creation and Development of the Romanian Lexical Resources. In: G. Anghelova, et.all (eds), Proceedings of International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, September 12-14, 2011, pp. 678-685.
- E. Boian, O. Palade, M. Petic. Aspects of Stemmer and Lemmatiser Construction for Romanian Language Purposes. In: Proceedings of International Workshop Intelligent Information Systems 2011, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, September 13-14, 2011, pp. 220-223.
- N. Bruc, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. Elaborating of Ultrasound Images Ontology in Ultrasound Diagnostics. In “2011 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB)”, Iasi, Romania, November 24-26, 2011. In CD, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy Publishing House, Iaşi, România, Editors: Hariton Costin, Alexandru Morega, Liliana Vereştiuc. ISBN: 978-606-544-078-4.
- N. Bruc, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. An approach to ontology elaboration for gallbladder ultrasound images. In Proceedings of “International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, September 13-14, 2011, pp. 131-134, ISBN 978-9975-4237-0-0.
- E. Burca. Classification of Specification Definition Markers for DLRLC Entries. În Proceedings of the International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, IMI, Chisinau, 2011, Moldova, pp. 224-227, ISBN 978-9975-4237-0-0.
- L. Burtseva. Knowledge acquisitions and medical image analysis: mutual enrichment for decision support, International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems IIS’2011, September 13-14, 2011, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 135-138, ISBN 978-9975-4237-0-0.
- L. Burtseva, S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, O. Popcova, I. Secrieru. SonaRes – computer-aided approach for advanced ultrasound medical diagnostics. In: Proceedings of International conference on nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, Chisinau, Moldova, July 7-8, 2011, pp. 441-444.
- L. Burtseva, S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, O. Popcova, I. Secrieru. SonaRes – Diagnostic decision support system for ultrasound examination, Proceedings E-health and Bioingineering conference (EHB-2011), IEEE International Conference, November 24 -26, 2011, Iasi, Romania, pp. 239-242, ISBN 978-606-544-078-4.
- L. Burtseva, S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, O. Popcova, Iu. Secrieru. SonaRes – computer-aided approach for advanced ultrasound medical diagnostics. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering (ICNBME-2011). Chisinau, Moldova, July 7-8, 2011, pp. 441-444. ISBN 978-9975-66-239-0.
- C. Ciubotaru, V. Gîsca. Morpho-syntactic Disambiguation Using Attribute Grammars. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, IIS’2011, September 13-14, 2011, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 228-231.
- S. Cojocaru, A. Colesnicov, A. Heinle, V. Levandovskyy, L. Malahova, G. Studzinski, V. Ufnarovski. Creation of a Knowledge Framework for Non-Commutative Computer Algebra. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on "Microelectronics and Computer Science", Chişinău, Republic of Moldova, September 22-24, 2011, pp. 166-169.
- S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, C. Ciubotaru. Organizarea cercetărilor în domeniul informaticii şi tehnologiilor informatice în Institutul de Matematică şi Informatică. Materialele conferinței științifice „Probleme actuale ale organizării și autoorganizării sistemului de cercetare-dezvoltare în Republica Moldova”, Chișinău, 8 aprilie, 2011, pp. 171-179.
- A. Colesnicov, V. Demidova, L. Malahov, M. Petic. Integrated Web platform for cultural heritage presentation exampled by the musical art in Moldova, In: Proceedings of International Workshop Intelligent Information Systems 2011. Chişinău, 13-14 septembrie, 2011, pp. 151-154.
- E. Czeizler, V. Rogojin, I. Petre. The phosphorylation of the heat shock factor as a modulator for the heat shock response, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, In: F.Fages (ed.), ACM, 9-24, Best paper award, 2011, pp. 9-24.
- I. Drugus. Metalingua, a formal language for metalogic, semantic Web and languistic, In: Proceedings of International Workshop Intelligent Information Systems 2011. Chișinău, 12-14 septembrie, 2011, pp. 167-170.
- C. Gaindric, N. Bruc, S. Cojocaru, E. Grabov, V. Macari, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. Informational system for support of scientific management. Materialele conferinţei Ştiinţifice "Probleme actuale ale organizării şi autooorganizării sistemului de cercetare-dezvoltare în Republica Moldova." Chişinău, 8 aprilie, 2011, 165-170.
- C.V. Gaindric, S.K. Cojocaru, N.L. Bruc, G.A. Magariu, T.B. Verlan. Ultrasound images ontology Elaborating in ultrasound diagnostics domain. In International scientifical technical Internet-conference "Informational systems and technologies" (ИСиТ 2011), Orel, April 1- May 31, 2011, v. 1, pp. 16-22. ISBN 978-5-93932-376-5. (in Russian).
- C.V. Gaindric, S.K. Cojocaru, G.A. Magariu, T.B. Verlan, V.V. Macari, E.T. Boian, N.L. Bruc. System for informational support of research institution management. In International scientifical technical Internet-conference "Informational systems and technologies" (ИСиТ 2011), Orel, April 1- May 31, 2011, v. 2, pp. 19-25. ISBN 978-5-93932-376-5. (in Russian).
- S. Ivanov. Formal Strategies in P Systems. In: Proceedings of International Workshop Intelligent Information Systems 2011. Chişinău, 13-14 septembrie, 2011, pp. 240-243.
- V. Macari. Architecting a Hibrid Computation System Using Microsoft Parallel Extensions, Open MPI, nVidia CUDA. In: Proceedings of International Workshop Intelligent Information Systems 2011. Chişinău, 13-14 septembrie, 2011, pp. 248-251.
- V. Macari, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. Simulation of P systems with string objects. In "Twelfth International Conference on Membrane Computing" (CMC12), August 23-26, 2011, Fonainebleau/Paris, France, pp. 315-322.
- M. Petic. Procedural method of lexical acquisition. In: Proceedings of International Workshop Intelligent Information Systems 2011. Chişinău, 13-14 septembrie, 2011, pp. 252-255.
- M. Petic, V. Gîsca, O. Palade. Multilingual mechanisms in computational derivational morphology. In: Proceedings of Workshop on "Language Resources and Tools with Industrial Applications", Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 30-31, 2011, pp. 29-38.
- E. Zamşa. Foray into the Stroke Management Study Using ICT Solutions. In: Proceedings of International Workshop Intelligent Information Systems 2011, Chişinău, 13-14 septembrie, 2011, pp. 260-263.
- Alhazov A.; Antoniotti M.; Freund R.; Leporati A.; Mauri G. Self-Stabilization in Membrane Systems. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, Spain, January 30 – February 3 (2012), (RGNC REPORT 1/2012 Research Group on Natural Computing, Sevilla University), ISBN: 978-84-940056-4-4, 1-10.
- Alhazov A.; Antoniotti, Leporati. Characterizing the Computational Power of Energy-Based P Systems. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, Spain, January 30 – February 3 (2012), (RGNC REPORT 1/2012 Research Group on Natural Computing, Sevilla University), ISBN: 978-84-940056-4-4, 11-24.
- Alhazov A., Freund R. Asynchronous and Maximally Parallel Deterministic Controlled Non-Cooperative P Systems Characterize NFIN U coNFIN. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, Spain, January 30 – February 3 (2012), (RGNC REPORT 1/2012 Research Group on Natural Computing, Sevilla University), ISBN: 978-84-940056-4-4, 25-34.
- Alhazov, Freund, Heikenwälder, Oswald M., Rogozhin Yu., Verlan S. Time-Varying P Systems. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Membrane Computing, CMC13, Budapest, 2012 (E. Csuhaj-Varjú, M. Gheorghe, G. Vaszil, Eds.), Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2012, 99-114. http://www.sztaki.hu/tcs/proba/cmc13/CMC13-proceedings.pdf . ISBN: 978-963-311-372-1.
- Alhazov A., Leporati A., Mauri G., Porreca A. E., Zandron C. The Computational Power of Exponential-Space P Systems with Active Membranes. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, Spain, January 30 – February 3 (2012), (RGNC REPORT 1/2012 Research Group on Natural Computing, Sevilla University), Volume I, ISBN: 978-84-940056-5-7, Full volume ISBN: 978-84-940056-4-4, 2012, 35-60, http://www.gcn.us.es/10BWMC/10BWMCvolI/papers/artiom2.pdf
- Alhazov A., Rogozhin Yu. The Power of Symport-3 with Few Extra Symbols. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, Spain, January 30 – February 3 (2012), 61-68 (RGNC REPORT 1/2012 Research Group on Natural Computing, Sevilla University), Volume I, ISBN: 978-84-940056-5-7, Full volume ISBN: 978-84-940056-4-4, 2012, 61-68.
- Alhazov A., Rogozhin Yu. One-Membrane Symport P Systems with Few Extra Symbols. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Membrane Computing, CMC13, Budapest, 2012 (E. Csuhaj-Varjú, M. Gheorghe, G. Vaszil, Eds.), Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2012, 59-62. ISBN: 978-963-311-372-1. http://www.sztaki.hu/tcs/proba/cmc13/CMC13-proceedings.pdf
- Bogatencov P., Secrieru G., Iliuha N. Cеть науки и образования как инфраструктура для grid – приложений. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference “Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics”, Volume II, Chisinau, UTM, 2012, ISBN 978-9975-45-082-9, p. 163-169.
- Bogatencov P., Iliuha N., Secrieru G. Computing Infrastructure and Services Deployment for Research Community of Moldova. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT2012), Georgia, Tbilisi, 17-19 October 2012. IEEE, Red Hook, NY, USA, 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1740-5, p. 499-503.
- Boian E., Ciubotaru C., Cojocaru S., Colesnicov A., Malahov L. Utilizarea resurselor reutilizabile ale limbii române în procesul de recunoaștere a textelor. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics, May 17-20, 2012, Vol. II, Chișinău, TUM, ISBN: 978-9975-45-082-9, 62-65.
- Боян Елена, Кожокару Светлана, Колесников Александр, Малахова Людмила, Чуботару Константин. Использование электронных ресурсов румынского языка в процессе распознавания текстов. В: Збiрник наукових праць “Прикладна лiнгвiстика та лiнгвiстичнi технологii”, MEGALING-2011, Киiв, 2012, Украiнський мовно- iнформацiйний фонд Нацiональноi академii наук Украiни, 49-56. IBSN 978-966-02-6578-3.
- Боян Елена, Кожокару Светлана, Колесников Александр, Малахова Людмила, Чуботару Константин. Моделирование словоизменения румынского языка средствами мембранных вычислений. В: Збiрник наукових праць “Прикладна лiнгвiстика та лiнгвiстичнi технологii”, MEGALING-2011, Киiв, 2012, Украiнський мовно- iнформацiйний фонд Нацiональноi академii наук Украiни, 57-72. IBSN 978-966-02-6578-3.
- Curteanu N., Cojocaru S., Moruz A. Lexicographic modeling and parsing experiments for the dictionary of modern literary Russian language. Proceedings of thwe 8th International conference “Linguistic resources and tools for processing of Romanian language”, Iași, 2012, ISSN: 1843-911X, 189-198.
- Freund R., Rogozhin Yu., Verlan S. P Systems with Minimal Left and Right Insertion and Deletion. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, Spain, January 30 – February 3 (2012), (RGNC REPORT 1/2012 Research Group on Natural Computing, Sevilla University), ISBN: 978-84-940056-4-4, 123-136.
- Ivanov S. A Formal Framework for Clock-free Networks of Cells. .In: Proceedings of the Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, Spain, January 30 – February 3 (2012), (RGNC REPORT 1/2012 Research Group on Natural Computing, Sevilla University), 251-265. ISBN: 978-84-940056-4-4.
- Petic M. Lexical derivation approaches for functional extention of computational linguistic resources. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference “Linguistic Resources and Tools for processing of the Romanian language” 8-9 december 2011, 26-27 april 2012. Bucharest, Editura Universitatii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi, ISSN: 1843-911X, 29-38.
- Petic M. Unele aspecte de exploatare a documentelor Web în scopurile morfologiei compuţationale. In: The 4th International Conference „Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics. Proceedings. Volume I, Chişinău, 17-20 mai, 2012, ISBN: 978-9975-45-082-9, 111-116.
- Verlan S. A Note on the Probabilistic Evolution for P Systems. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, Spain, January 30 – February 3 (2012), (RGNC REPORT 2/2012 Research Group on Natural Computing, Sevilla University), ISBN: 978-84-940056-4-4, 229-234.
- Alhazov A., Leporati A., Mauri G., Porreca A. E., Zandron C. Simulating EXPSPACE Turing Machines Using P Systems with Active Membranes. 13th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, ICTCS 2012, Varese. 2012, 4.
- Bejinariu S. I., Costin M., Ciobanu A., Cojocaru S. Similarities Identifcation in Logo Images. International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, IIS2013, Chişinău, Moldova, August 20-23, 2013. Proceedings. 2013, 53-59. ISBN 978-9975-4237-1-7.
- Boian E., Ciubotaru C., Cojocaru S., Colesnicov A., Malahov L., Petic M. Language Technology and Resources for Cultural and Historic Heritage Digitalization. International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, IIS2013, Chişinău, Moldova, August 20-23, 2013. Proceedings. 2013, 64-73. ISBN 978-9975-4237-1-7.
- Bruc N. Medical image ontologies. International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, IIS2013, Chişinău, Moldova, August 20-23, 2013. Proceedings. 2013, 206 – 209. ISBN 978-9975-4237-1-7.
- Burtseva L. Modern developments of the automatic annotations of medical images. International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, IIS2013, Chişinău, Moldova, August 20-23, 2013. Proceedings. 2013, 79-82. ISBN 978-9975-4237-1-7.
- Cojocaru S., Gaindric C., Popcova O., Secrieru I. Concept of shared platform for clinicians and researchers in domain of ultrasound diagnostics. Proceedings 2nd International conference on nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering ICNBME - 2013, Chisinau, Moldova, April,18-20, 2013. 667- 670.
- Cojocaru S., Gaindric C., Puiu S. The evaluation of DSS SonaRes – the initial results. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2013, "Improving Quality of Life through Research and Innovation", November 21-23, Iasi. 2013. CD. ISBN 978-1-4799-2372-4.
- Curteanu N., Moruz A., Cojocaru S. Formalization of a General SCD-based Parser for Dictionaries Using Parametrized Grammars. International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, IIS2013, Chişinău, Moldova, August 20-23, 2013. Proceedings. 2013, 89-93. ISBN 978-9975-4237-1-7.
- Curteanu N., Moruz A., Cojocaru S. Recursiveness in sense dependency hypergraphs. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference "Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing of the Romanian Language", May 16-17, 2013, Miclăuşeni-Iaşi, Romania. 2013, 119-130. ISSN 1843-911X.
- Petic M., Ţiţchiev I., Frinea I., Iliuha N., Macari V. Some aspects of studying of High Performance Technologies by Moldavian young researchers. 6th International Academic Conference of Young Scientists "Computer Science and Engineering 2013" (CSE-2013), Lviv, Ukraine, November 21-23, 2013. 2013. CD
- Ţiţchiev I., Petic M., Macari V. Posibilități de procesare paralelă ale imaginilor prin intermediul funcțiilor OPENCV. Conferința internațională științifico-practică ”Dezvoltarea inovaţională din Republica Moldova: problemele naţionale şi tendinţele globale”, 7-8 noiembrie, 2013. 2013. 589-591. ISBN 978-9975-4266-0-2.
- Алхазов А., Боян Е., Кожокару С., Колесников А., Малахова Л., Петик М., Чуботару К. Модели мембранных систем аффиксации слов для румынского языка. Прикладна лiнгвiстика та лiнгвiстични технологii, MEGALING-2012, Киев. 2013, 9-21.
- Боян Е., Кожокару С., Колесников А., Малахова Л., Чуботару К., Петик М. Технология создания исторических ресурсов румынского языка. Міжнародна наукова конференція MegaLing’2013, Киев. 2013. 13. http://megaling.ulif.org.ua/tezi-2013-rik/
- Боян Е., Кожокару С., Чуботару К., Колесников А., Малахова Л., Петик М. Электронные лингвистические ресурсы для исторического румынского литературного языка. IV Международный научный симпозиум RETRO'2013, Крым, 2013, 17. http://www.retro.crimea.edu/publications/2013_1_boyn_kozhokaru_chubotaru_kolesnikov_malakhova_petic.pdf, http://www.retro.crimea.edu/publications.html
Publications in national journals
- A. Alhazov, E. Boian, S. Cojocaru. Modelling Inflections in Romanian Language by P Systems with String Replication. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol. 17, no. 2(50), 2009, pp. 160-178.
- A. Alhazov. Minimal Parallelism and Number of Membrane Polarizations. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2010, vol. 18, no. 2(53), pp. 149-170.
- A. Alhazov, E. Boian, L. Burtseva, C. Ciubotaru, S. Cojocaru, A. Colesnicov, V. Demidova, S. Ivanov, V. Macari, G. Magariu, L. Malahova, V. Rogojin, Yu. Rogozhin, T. Tofan, S. Verlan, T. Verlan. Investigations on Natural Computing in the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. Computer Science Journal of Moldova. 2010, vol. 18, no. 2(53), pp. 101-138.
- A. Alhazov, C. Ciubotaru, S. Ivanov, Yu. Rogozhin. Membrane Systems Languages Are Polynomial-Time Parsable. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2010, vol.18, no. 2(53), pp. 139-148.
- S. Cojocaru, E. Boian/ Determination of inflexional group using P systems. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2010, vol. 18, no. 1(52), pp. 70-81.
- T. Deserno, L. Burtseva, Iu. Secrieru, O. Popcova. CASAD – Computer-Aided Sonography of Abdominal Diseases – the concept of joint technique impact. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2009, vol. 17, no. 3(51), pp. 278-298.
- V. Macari, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. Simulator of P-Systems with String Replication Developed in Framework of P-Lingua 2.1. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2010, vol. 18, no. 2(53), pp. 246-268.
- M. Petic. Developing a derivatives generator. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2010, vol. 18, no. 1(52), Chişinau, pp. 82-90.
- V. Rogojin. On computational properties of gene assembly in ciliates. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2010, vol. 18, no. 2(53), pp. 171-209.
- S. Verlan. Recent Developments on Insertion-Deletion Systems. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2010, vol. 18, no. 2(53), pp. 210-245.
- E. Burca. Parsarea dicţionarului DLRLC prin metoda bazată pe configuraţii segmentare-coeziune-dependenţă. În: Studia Universitatis, Revistă ştiinţifică, USM, Seria “Ştiinţe exacte şi economice”, nr. 2(42), Chişinău, 2011, pp. 71-81, ISSN 1857-2073.
- C. Ciubotaru, S. Cojocaru, G. Magariu, Iu. Rogojin. Calculul biologic – o paradigmă a informaticii contemporane. Academos, Academia de Ştiinţa a Moldovei, nr. 3(22), 2011, pp. 93-95.
- Alhazov A., Antoniotti M., Freund R., Leporati A., Mauri G. Self-Stabilization in Membrane Systems. Computer Science Journal of Moldova 20, 2(59), 2012, 133-146. ISSN: 1561-4042.
- Curteanu N., Cojocaru S., Burca E. Parsing the Dictionary of Modern Literary Russian Language with the Method of SCDConfigurations. The Lexicographic Modeling. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Nr.1 (58), 2012, pp.42-81. ISSN: 1561-4042.
- Alhazov A. Developments in Networks of Evolutionary Processors. Computer Science Journal of Moldova. 2013, V.21, N1(61), 3-35. ISSN 1561-4042.
- Arnaut V., Gaindric C., Damian F., Magariu G., Rogojin Iu., Secrieru Iu., Verlan T., Vulpe N. Modele matematice de expertiză în domenii ştiinţifice. AKADEMOS: Revistă de ştiinţă, inovare, cultură şi artă. 2013, N2(29), 15-19. ISBN 1857-0461.
- Ciobanu A., Cojocaru S., Gaindric C., Magariu G., Teodorescu H. N., Verlan T. Sistem analitic informaţional pentru managementul activităţii de cercetare. AKADEMOS: revistă de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă. 2012, N4(27), 31-35. ISSN 1857-0461.
- Брук Н. Медицинские онтологии для представления текстовой и графической информации. Revista ştiinţifica a Universităţii de Stat din Moldova „Studia Universitatis”, N2 (62), 33-38. ISSN: 1857-2073 (print), ISSN: 2345-1033, 2013 (online).
Publications at international conferences
- A. Alhazov, G. Bel-Enguix, Yu. Rogozhin. Obligatory Hybrid Networks of Evolutionary Processors. In: International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Porto, 2009, pp. 613-618. http://www.icaart.org/Abstracts/2009/SpecialSessionNEPS_2009_Abstracts.htm.
- S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric. Decision support system in ultrasound investigations, Proceedings XIII-th International conference KDS-2007, vol.1, ITHEA, Sofia, 2007, pp. 241-246.
- Е.Т. Боян, С.К. Кожокару, А.Е. Колесников, Л.А. Малахова, К.С. Чуботару. О применении Р систем в компьютерной лингвистике. Международная научная конференция Megaling 2009 "Горизонты прикладной лингвистики и лингвистических технологий", 21-26 сентября, 2009, Киев, стр. 53.
- A. Alhazov, C. Ciubotaru, Yu. Rogozhin, S. Ivanov. Introduction to the Membrane Systems Language Class. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference "Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics", ICTEI 2010, vol. II, Chişinău, 2010, pp. 19-24. ISBN: 978-9975-45-136-9.
- E. Burca. Achiziţionarea cunoştinţelor lingvistice prin parsarea arborilor de sensuri din intrările de dicţionar. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference "Telecommunications, Electronics And Informatics" ICTEI 2010, vol.II, Chişinău, 20-23 mai, 2010, pp. 75-78. ISBN 978-9975-45-082-9, ISBN 978-9975-45-136-2.
- S. Ivanov, A. Panin, R. Melnic. GNU/Hurd: Inherent Modularity. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference "Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics" ICTEI 2010, Volume II, Chişinău 2010, 35-38. ISBN: 978-9975-45-136-9.
- S. Ivanov, V. Macari. CUDA in Simulating P Systems. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference"Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics" ICTEI 2010, Volume II, Chişinău 2010, pp. 198-201. ISBN: 978-9975-45-136-9.
- S. Ivanov, A. Panin, R. Melnic. Computer Worms and Viruses from Different Perspective of View. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference "Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics" ICTEI 2010, Volume II, Chişinău 2010, pp. 39-42. ISBN: 978-9975-45-136-9.
- M. Petic, V. Demidova. Identificarea computerizată a afixelor prin despărţirea automată în silabe a cuvintelor. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference „Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics”, ICTEI 2010, Volume I, Chişinău, 20-23 mai, 2010, pp. 128-13. ISBN 978-9975-45-082-9.
- Bogatencov P. P., Iliuha N. P., Secrieru G. V., Vaseanovici P. M. Partcipation of MD-GRID NGI in EGI-INSPIRE project – impact on grid technologies development in MOLDOVA. In: Distributed Computing and Grid-Technologies in Science and Education. Book of abstracts of the 5th International Conference (Dubna, July 16-21, 2012), Dubna, JINR, 2012, p. 31; ISBN 978-5-9530-0329-2.
- Boian E., Colesnicov A., Malahov L. Tools to construct social publicity, CAIM2012 - THE 20th Conference on applied and industrial mathematics, dedicated to Academician Mitrofan M. Cioban CAIM 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 22-25, 2012, 30-31. ISBN 978-9975-76-090-4.
- Gîsca V. Morfo-sintactic disambiguation as a step in computational text processing, Tезисы Ш международного научного симпозиума RETRO-2012, Украина, Крым, Партенит, 11.06.2012 – 16.06.2012, стр. 54.
- Cojocaru S., Gaindric C., Ciubotaru C. Research in Computer Science and Information Technology at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. CAIM2012 - The 20th Conference on applied and industrial mathematics, dedicated to Academician Mitrofan M. Cioban. CAIM 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 22-25, 2012, 88-91. ISBN 978-9975-76-090-4.
- Малахова Л., Колесников А. Старые манускрипты в эпоху информационных технологий. Tезисы Ш международного научного симпозиума RETRO-2012, Украина, Крым, Партенит, 11.06.2012 – 16.06.2012, стр. 85.
Publications at national conferences
- E. Boian, C. Ciubotaru, S. Cojocaru, A. Colesnicov, V. Demidova, L. Malahova. Aplicarea P-sistemelor la solutionarea unor probleme din lingvistica computaţională. In: Proceedings of the International Conference "Information and Communication Thechnologies - 2009", 1st Edition, Chisinau, Repuplic of Moldova, 2009, 18-19 may, pp. 30-33.
- E. Boian, Yu. Secrieru, D. Verlan. Modulul de asistenţă şi ghidul enciclopedic în sistemul Sonares. In: Proceedings of the International Conference "Information and Communication Thechnologies - 2009", 1st Edition, Chisinau, Repuplic of Moldova, May 18-19, 2009, pp. 34-37.
- Н. Брук. Способы аннотирования изображений и их применение в системе Sonares. In: Proceedings of the International Conference ICT+ “Information and Communication Technologies - 2009”, May 18-21, 2009, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova, pp. 125-128, ISBN 978-9975-66-134-8.
- E. Burca. Parsarea arborilor de sensuri din intrările de dicţionar. In: Proceedings of the International Conference "Information and Communication Thechnologies - 2009", Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, May 18-19, 2009, pp. 38-41.
- Л. Бурцева, Ю. Секриеру, О. Попкова, Д. Верлан. Организация пользовательского интерфейса в системах принятия решений в плохо формализованных областях. In: Proceedings of the International Conference "Information and Communication Technologies – 2009", 1st Edition, May 18-21, 2009, Chisinau, Repuplic of Moldova, pp.129-132.
- V. Macari. Test based development. In: Proceedings of the International Conference ICT+ "Information and Communication Technologies – 2009", May 18-21, 2009, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova, pp. 133-135.
- M. Petic. Automatizarea mecanismelor morfologice de generare a derivatelor. In: Proceedings of the International Conference "Information and Communication Technologies – 2009" ICT+, Chişinău, 2009, pp. 121-124.
- S. Cojocaru, A. Colesnicov, L. Malahov. Development of the technological tools for support of musical e-culture. Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference on "Microelectronics and Computer Science", ICMCS-2009, Chisinau, October 1-3, 2009, pp. 499-502.
- G. Magariu, T. Verlan. Some specific features of information analitical system for scientific institution. In: Con. Mathematics &IT: Research and Education (MITRE-2009), Chişinău, 2009, pp. 63-64.
- V. Macari, N. Bruc, E. Grabov. Some technological solutions on implementation of information analytical system for scientific institution, In: Abstracts of the Conference "Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education" (MITRE-2009), October 8-9, 2009, Chisinau, Moldova, USM.
- M. Petic. Particularităţile afixelor în automatizarea procesului de derivare. In: International Conference of Young Researchers. Scientific Abstracts, Chişinău, 2009.
- A. Colesnicov, L. Malahov. Problems of digitalization of scientific and didactic literature In: Abstracts of the Conference ”Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education” (MITRE-2009), October 8-9, 2009, Chisinau, Moldova, pp. 58.
- L. Burtseva, S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric. The ongoing project SonaRes: current state. In : Actual Problems of Mathematics and Informatics, Communications of Scientific Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Tiraspol State University and of the Faculty of Physics. Mathematics and Information Technologies, Chisinau, September 24-25, 2010, pp. 50-51. ISBN: 978-9975-76-039-3.
- A. Colesnicov, L. Malahov. Selection of processing tools in digital research environments, In: Actual problems jf mathematics and informatics. Communications of Scientific Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Tiraspol State University and of the Faculty of Physics. Mathematics and Information Technologies, Chişinău, September 24-26, 2010, pp. 88-89. ISBN: 978-9975-76-039-3.
- E. Boian. Morpho-syntactic analysis of scientific text. In: Mathematics & Information technologies: Research and Education (MITRE 2011), dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Moldova State University. Abstracts. August 22-25, 2011, Chişinău, pp. 126-127.
- E. Boian, S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, E. Grabov, V. Macari, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. Principles of elaboration of informational analytical system in research. In Scientific conference "Mathematics & IT: Research and Education (MITRE-2011)", Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 22-25, 2011, CEP USM, pp. 127-128, ISBN 978-9975-71-144-9.
- Е. Боян, К. Чуботару, С. Кожокару, А. Колесников, Л. Малахова. Моделирование словоизменения румынского языка средствами мембранных вычислений. в сборнике тезисов International Conference 2011 Megaling "Horizonts of Applied Linguistics and Linguistic Technologies", September 26-30, 2011.
- N. Bruc, G. Magariu, T. Verlan. Ultrasound images ontology elaborating for gallbladder. In Scientific conference "Mathematics & IT: Research and Education (MITRE-2011)", Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 22-25, 2011, CEP USM, pp. 129-130, ISBN 978-9975-71-144-9.
- E. Burca. The SCD parsing method applied to Russian Dictionaries, MegaLing'2011 "Horizons of applied linguistics and linguistics tehnologies", International Scientific Conference, spring session, Ukraine, Crimea, Parthenit, 12.05.-16.05.2011. УДК: 81'33, ББК 81.1я43, p. 49.
- L. Burtseva, S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, O. Popcova, Iu. Secrieru. Ultrasound diagnostics system SonaRes: structure and investigation process. In: Abstracts of the Second International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems (MDIS-2011), Sibiu, România, September 29 – October 02, 2011, p. 11.
- C. Ciubotaru, V. Gîsca. Utilization of attribute grammars in morpho-syntactic disambiguation. In: MITRE’2011, Conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Moldova State University. Abstracts, Augist 22-25, 2011, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 133-134.
- A. Colesnicov, L. Malahov. Using Virtual Machines in Automated Library Systems. Abstracts of the international conference Mathematics and Information technologies: research and education (MITRE-2011), August 22-25, 2011, Chisinau, pp. 135-136.
- M. Petic. Generative models in automatic derivational morphology. In: Abstracts of the Conference Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education (MITRE-2011), Chişinău, Moldova, 21-23 august, 2011, pp. 147-148.
- Gîsca V. A top-down parsing with attribute grammars. International Conference Mathematics & Information Technologies: Research and Education, MITRE 2013, Abstracts, August 18-22, 2013. 2013,109-110.
- Gîsca V. Dezambiguizarea morfo-sintactică – un pas în procesarea automată a textelor. Proceedings of the International Conference of Young Researchers, X edition, November 23, 2012, Chișinău Moldova. 2013, 112-112.