Backtracking algorithm for lexicon generation. Ciubotaru, C. In: Intelligent information systems for solving weakly structured problems, processing knowledge and big data, ISBN 978 9975 68 462 0, 2022, pp.120 - 137.
Generation and visualization of graphical representations of finite automata. Ciubotaru, C. In: Intelligent information systems for solving weakly structured problems, processing knowledge and big data, ISBN 978 9975 68 462 0, 2022, pp. 9 - 17.
Baktraking algorithm for lexion generation. Ciubotaru, C. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2021, 85(1), pp.135 - 152.
Generation and visualization of graphical representations of finite automata. Ciubotaru, C. In International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems , 2020, pp. 52 - 60.
Mixed Algorithm for Combinations Generation. Ciubotaru, C. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2019, 80(2), pp.242 - 249.
Instrumentar pentru Digitizarea și Transliterarea Textelor Tipărite în Limba Româna cu Caractere Chirilice. Cojocaru, S.; Ciubotaru, C.; Colesnicov, A.; Malahov, L.; Bumbu, T. Revista Bibliotecii Academiei Române, Anul 2, Nr. 2, 2017, pp.27 - 38.
Regeneration of cultural heritage: Problems related to Moldavian Cyrillic alphabet. Malahov, L.; Ciubotaru, C.; Cojocaru, S.; Colesnicov, A; Demidova, V. In: Consilr 2015,Proceedings of the 11th International Conference “Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing the Romanian Language'', 2015, , pp. 177 - 184.
Word formation problems in Romanian and their solving by P systems. Alhazov, A.; Ciubotaru, C.; Cojocaru, S.; Colesnicov, A.; Malahov, L.; Petic, M. In: Workshop on Foundations of Informatics, Proceedings FOI 2015, 2015, pp. 268 - 282..
Expertiza proiectelor de cercetare fundamentală și aplicativă. Studiu de caz. Ciubotaru, C. Revista de Ştiință, Inovare, Cultură și Artă ,,Akademos”, 2014,(3)34, pp.51 - 55.
Electronic linguistic resources for historical standard Romanian. Boian, E.; Cojocaru, S.; Ciubotaru, C.; Colesnicov, A.; Malahov, L.; Petic, M. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference "Linguistic Resources and Tools for Processing of the Romanian Language", May 16 17, 2013, Miclăuşeni Iaşi, Romania, pp. 35 - 50.
Research in Computer Science and Information Technology at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. Cojocaru, S.; Gaindric, C.; Ciubotaru, C. In: CAIM2012 The 20th Conference on applied and industrial mathematics, dedicated to Academician Mitrofan M. Cioban, 2012, pp. 88 - 91.
Publications in Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica and Quasigroups and Related Systems