Degrees: | PhD, Associate Professor | Function: | Researcher |
Date of birth: | July 4, 1983 | Publications: | 75 | Foreign languages: | Russian, English, French | Email: | |
Curriculum Vitae
Research interests
Natural language processing, theoretical computer science, programarea orientată obiect, tehnologii informaţionale, didactica informaticii, sisteme distribuite, programare paralelă
Important publications
- E-course: developing a model for content generation.
Parahonco A., Petic M. In: Logic and Artificial Intelligence, 2023, Chisinau. 199-207. ISBN 978-9975-68-484-2. - Different aspects on extractive text summarization as a part of content generation for e-courses.
Alexandr Parahonco, Mircea Petic, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems (WIIS2023), October 19-21, 2023, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 169180, 2023. - Supplementing elearning systems with adaptive content generation elements.
A. Parahonco, M. Petic, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Nr.3, 2023, pp.351-366 - How to create an adaptive e-learning system.
Parahonco A., Petic M. The 17th Edition of the International Conference on Linguistic Resources and tools for natural language processing and the 2nd DeLORo Workshop, 10-12 November 2022, Chișinău - E-learning content processing situations and their solutions.
Parahonco A., Petic M. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 154 – 159. ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3 - Developing A Tool For Texts With Heterogeneous Structure Processing.
Petic M., Dumbraveanu R., Chilat S. In: Electrotechnic and Computer Systems Journal, № 23 (99), 2016, Section Artificial Intelligence Systems, 2016, Odessa, pp. 79-82. - Vocabulary Enrichment for text analsys.
Petic M., Cojocaru S. In: Proceedings System Analisys and Information Technology SAIT 2015, Kiev, Ukraine, June 22-25, 2015, pp. 37-38. - Transliteration and Alignment of Parallel Texts from Cyrillic to Latin.
M. Petic, D. Gîfu, In: Proceedings of LREC-2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26 - 31 May 2014, pp. 1819-1823. - Workflow Petri nets used in Modeling of parallel architectures.
I. Titchiev, N. Iliuha, M. Petic. Proceedings of the International Conference “Intelligent Information Systems” (IIS2013), Chisinau, Moldova, 20-23 August 2013, ISBN 978-9975-4237-1-7, pp. 163-167. - Web exploitation for computational derivational morphology.
M. Petic, In: Collection of scientific articles "Retrospective of philology in information knowledge society " presented at the III International Scientific Symposium RETRO’2012, Parthenit, Crimeea, Ukraine, 11-15 June, 2012, p. 89. - Generative mechanisms of Romanian derivational morphology.
M. Petic, In: Memoirs of the Scientific Section of the Romanian Academy, Series IV, Tome
XXXIV, Bucureşti: Editura Academiei, 2011, pp. 21-30. - Automatic derivational morphology contribution to Romanian
lexical Acquisition.
M. Petic, Research in Computing Science, Mexico, vol. 46, 2010, pp.
67-78. - Stages in automatic derivational morphology processing.
S. Cojocaru, E. Boian, M. Petic, KEPT2009, Knowledge Engineering, Principles and Techniques, Selected Papers, Cluj-Napoca, July 2 - 4, 2009, pp. 97-104. - Completarea automată a resurselor lingvistice româneşti.
M. Petic, Lucrările Atelierului "Resurse Lingvistice şi Instrumente pentru prelucrarea limbii române", Ed. Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi, 2008, pp. 151-160. - Automatic extraction of the analysable formations with simple prefixes
M. Petic, Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Young Scientists "Computer Science and Engineering-2007", Lvov, october 2007, pp. 215-217;
- Belousov Scholarship, 2009.
- Award of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science for Young Scientists, 2008.
Publications in Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica and Quasigroups and Related Systems