Degrees: | PhD, Docent | Function: | Leading Researcher |
Date of birth: | December 22, 1947 | Publications: | 82 | Foreign languages: | Russian, English | Phone: | 73-81-10 | Email: | |
Research interests
Formal languages and compiler design, simulation systems: development and application
Important publications
- On some aspects of medical data quality.
Constantin Gaindric, Galina Magariu, Tatiana Verlan, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems (WIIS2023), October 19-21, 2023, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 128-140, 2023. - On some aspects of medical data quality.
C. Gaindric, G. Magariu, T. Verlan, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Nr.3, 2023,pp.381-394 - Data in the technologies of modern society.
C. Gaindric, G. Magariu, T. Verlan, Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022. - Digital divide: A glance at the problem in Moldova.
L.Burteva, S.Cojocaru, C.Gaindric, G. Magariu, T.Verlan, the chapter in the book "Information Communication Technologies and Human Development: Opportunities and Challenges", Editors: Mila Gasco Hernandez, Fran Equiza-Lopez and Manuel Acevedo-Ruiz; Idea Group Inc, 2007, Hershey, London, Melbourne, Singapore, pp. 77-115. Reeditat în: Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (6 Volumes). Edited by Craig Van Slyke, University of Central Florida, IGI Global, Hershey, New York, USA, 2008, Volume IV, Chapter 5.21, pp. 2531-2565. - Digital divide: Introduction to the problem.
L. Burtseva, S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, G. Magariu, T. Verlan, the chapter in the book "Information Communication Technologies and Human Development: Opportunities and Challenges", Editors: Mila Gasco Hernandez, Fran Equiza-Lopez and Manuel Acevedo-Ruiz; Idea Group Inc, 2007, Hershey, London, Melbourne, Singapore,pp. 57-76. Reeditat în: Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (6 Volumes). Edited by Craig Van Slyke, University of Central Florida, IGI Global, Hershey, New York, USA, 2008, Volume I, Chapter 1.6, pp.74-90. - Sistem de instruire asistată de calculator pentru morfologia limbii Române.
E.Boian, C.Ciubotaru, S. Cojocaru, G.Magariu, T. Verlan, Iu. Rogojin, Lucrările atelierului „Resurse lingvistice şi instrumente pentru prelucrarea limbii Române”, Iaşi, noiembrie 2006, pp. 135-139. - Компьютерное моделирование физических и биохимических процессов разложения органики на полигонах ТБО.
Б.Рыбакин, Дж.Маффия, Г. Магариу, Л.Бурцева, Т.Верлан, Тезисы, 4-й Международный конгресс по управлению отходами ВэйстТэк-2005, 31 мая - 3 июня 2005 г., Москва, стр. 246-247. - Electronic services in public administration (e-government); privacy and freedom of information (review of study made for situation in Moldova).
Burtseva L., Cojocaru S., Gaindric C., Magariu G., Verlan T. Computer science journal of Moldova, v.12, Nr.3(36), 2004, p.467-496. - SoWaDec: Computer modeling of biogas generation processes.
Rybakin B. P., Gennaro J. Maffia, Magariu G.A., Burtseva L V., Verlan T. B., Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova, August, 17-19, 2004, pp.274-278. - Информационно-аналитическая система "Научный потенциал Молдовы".
Бурцева Л.В., Верлан Т.Б., Гайндрик К.В., Кожокарь С.К., Магариу Г.А., Чеботарь К.С. BiT+, III International Conference on Informational Technologies 2003, 7-11 April, 2003, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Volume 3, 2003, pp. 174 – 179. - Model running visualization in simulation system SOL/PC.
G. A. Magariu, Proceedings European simulation meeting on simulation tools and applications, Gyor, Hungary, 1995, p.217-223. - Evaluation of characteristics and choice of working regimes of geliogeophysical informational-calculational system according to simulation results.
F.L.Dlikman, F.M.Frishberg, V.P.Sedyakin, G.A.Magariu,T.L.Tofan, L.V.Burtseva, In: Advances in Modeling and Analysis, B, AMSE Press, Vol. 31, 4, 23-29, 1994. - Analysis of experiment results in simulation system SOL/PC.
G.Magariu, L.Burtseva. Proceedings International AMSE Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation, Lviv (Ucraine), 1993, p.51-62. - Biological processes modelling by simulation system SOL/PC.
6. G. Magariu, L.Burtseva. 9th International conference on Control systems and Computer Science, CSCS 9. Conference Preprints. Bucharest, 25-28 May 1993.P.280-289. - Моделиpование инфоpмационного взаимодействия в центpе сбоpа и обpаботки геофизической инфоpмации с использованием специализиpованного языка СОЛ.
И.М.Кадыpова, А.С. Косов, В.П. Кpивчикова, Г.А.Магариу, Ф.М.Фpишбеpг, Тpуды Института прикладной геофизики Методология ракетных и спутниковых исследований в верхних слоях атмосферы, М.: Гидpометеоиздат, 1979, Вып.36, p.99-108. - К пpоблеме pеализации семантики в многоязыковых тpанслиpующих системах.
Магариу Г. В сб.:Теоpия и пpактика системного пpогpаммиpования. Киев: Изд. Ин-та кибеpнетики АН УССР, 1977, стр.100-109. - Диалоговые многоязыковые транслирующие системы.
М.Г.Гонца, Г.А.Бостан, Г.А.Магариу. 131 стр., Кишинев, "Штиинца", 1977. - Параметрические транслирующие системы.
М.Г.Гонца, М.Н.Маричук, Г.А.Бостан, Г.А.Магариу., ч.I Основные пpинципы и методы постpоения 114 стр, ч.II Входные языки и pуководство по эксплуатации системы СТАРТ.111 стр., Кишинев, "Штиинца", 1974. - Язык моделиpования СОЛ и некотоpые пpиципы его pеализации.
Г.А. Журавлева (Магариу), В сб.Пpикладная математика и пpогpаммиpование. Кишинев: Штиинца,1972, вып. 8, стр.62 – 72.
International projects:
- Project PII UNESCO „Crearea Centrului de Cercetare şi Pregătire a Cadrelor în Informatică”, 1997(participant).
- Project CRDF-MRDA MM2-3041 "Mathematical modeling of the process of solid waste biogaz generation for solid waste behavior forecasting, monitoring and management", 2003-2005 (participant).
- Proiect PNUD "Electronic Services in Public Administration (e-governance); Privacy and Freedom of Information" din cadrul grantului PNUD MOL/03/004 „Elaborarea strategiei naţionale de dezvoltare a societăţii informaţionale în Republica Moldova”, 2004 (participant).
- Proiect PNUD "Connectivity and public access to the Information Society technologies at the community level (on the basis of models of public-private partnership and successful practicies of local governance)" din cadrul grantului PNUD MOL/03/004 „Elaborarea strategiei naţionale de dezvoltare a societăţii informaţionale în Republica Moldova”, 2004 (participant).
- Project INTAS Nr 05-104-7633. "RoLTech. Platform for Romanian language technology: resources, tools and interfaces", 2006-2008 (participant).
- Project STCU N 4035 "Informationnal tools for assistance of sonographic examination", 2007-2010 (participant).
- Project STCU N 4032 "Power and efficiency of natural computing: neural-like P (membrane) systems", 2007-2010 (participant).
Publications in Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica and Quasigroups and Related Systems