IMCS/Publications/BASM/Issues/BASM n1(104)-n2(105), 2024/

On the attractors of weakly hyperbolic IFS's with condensation

Authors: Vasile Glavan, Valeriu Guțu
Keywords: Iterated Function Systems, weak contractions, attractors, convex sets


We show that for any weakly hyperbolic IFS with condensation in $\mathbb{R}^n$ whose condensation set is a union of a finite collection of convex compact sets, there exists a standard weakly hyperbolic IFS with the same attractor.

Vasile Glavan
1Moldova State University,
Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and
Computer Science,
Str. A. Mateevici, 60,
2009 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
2University of Siedlce, Institute of Mathematics,
Str. Konarskiego, 2,
08-110 Siedlce, Poland

Valeriu Guțu
Moldova State University,
Department of Mathematics,
Str. A. Mateevici, 60,
2009 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
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