
Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica

The journal "Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica" (ISSN: 1024-7696 and till 2000 ISSN: 0236-3089) has been published by "Vladimir Andrunachievici" Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. since 1990. It continues in part the journal "Izvestya Akademii Nauk Moldavskoi SSR. Seria Fiziko-Tekhnicheskikh i Matematicheskikh Nauk" (ISSN 0321-169X). The journal "Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold. Mat." is issued three times a year (May, August and December).

The journal publishes articles or short communications on mathematics containing original research results which were not published earlier in other journals or collections of papers and is not being submitted elsewhere. The fields covered by the journal are determined by the possibility of refereeing papers in Republic of Moldova and the scientific interests of the members of the Editorial Board. Survey papers ordered by the Editorial Board, reviews of new monographs, chronicle of scientific events are also published. The articles are published only in English and the publication is free-of-charge.

The journal is a single-blind peer-reviewed journal. All articles go through a two-step review process: each manuscript is evaluated by Editorial Board (as a preliminary condition of acceptance) for the purpose of meeting the basic requirements of the journal, that it is of sufficient quality to merit external review, and attempts of plagiarism. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements are not sent out for further review; submissions which meet the basic requirements are then sent out for single-blind peer-review by experts in the field. Following the external review, the authors are sent copies of the external reviewers’ comments and are notified as to the decision (accept as is, accept pending changes, revise and resubmit, or reject).

"Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica" adheres to the International Mathematical Union (IMU) recommendations for Best Current Practices for Journals and the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) about the best practice on publication ethics.

The Editorial Board of the journal comprises leading specialists in their fields from Russia, Romania, Ukraine, France, Canada and Moldova, including 5 members and 3 corresponding members of national academies of sciences. The journal are indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, SCOPUS, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) and Russian RZh Matematika.

The "Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold. Mat." is an Open Access journal, present in EBSCO, AMS Digital Mathematics Registry (DMR)Journal rankings for ARC (ERA journals), IndexCopernicuseLIBRARY.RU, JournalTOC.

From 2003 the journal is also available on MathNetRu.

"Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica" is a non-profit and non-commercial scientific journal, which publishes open access articles under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC-SA) License that permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium so long as the original work is properly cited.

Creative Commons License

Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License