Function: | Researcher |
Date of birth: | May 26, 1971 | Publications: | 30 | Foreign languages: | Russian, English, French | Phone: | 73-81-30 | Email: | |
Research interests
eLearning, training systems, computer-aided systems, intelligent systems, knowledge acquisition, knowledge engineering, cognitive graphics
Important publications
- Challenges and solutions for illstructured medical data processing in mass casualty situations.
Iulian Secrieru, Elena Guțuleac, Olga Popcova, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems (WIIS2023), October 19-21, 2023, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 207-214, 2023. - Formalization of decision knowledge and reasoning for casualty prioritizing.
I.Secrieru, C. Gaindric, E. Guțuleac, O.Popcova, T. Bumbu, Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems WIIS2022, October 06-08, 2022, Chisinau Republic of Moldova, pp.160-166, ISBN 978-9975-68-461-3. - Emergency-SonaRes: A System for Ultrasound Diagnostics Support in Extreme Cases.
C. Gaindric, S. Cojocaru, O. Popcova, S. Puiu and Iu. Secrieru. In: H.-N.L. Teodorescu et al. (eds.), Improving Disaster Resilience and Mitigation - IT Means and Tools, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Part I, Fundamentals and Modeling, Chapter 18, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9136-6__18, 2014, pp.283-292. - System SonaRes extension for extreme cases.
S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, O. Popcova, S. Puiu, Iu. Secrieru. Abstracts of 2 nd Regional Workshop ”Health Technology Management”, April 10-11, 2014, Chisinau, Moldova, ISBN 978-9975-45-303-5, p. 37. - SonaRes methodology enhancement using knowledge discovery technique.
Secrieru Iu.. Proceedings of the Third Conference of Mathematical Society of Moldova IMCS-50, August 19-23, 2014, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. - Modele matematice de expertiză în domenii științifice.
V. Arnaut, C. Gaindric, F. Damian, G. Magariu, I. Rogojin, I. Secrieru, T. Verlan, N. Vulpe. Akademos Nr.2 (29), 2013, pp. 15-19. - Concept of computer-aided tools for diagnostics andclassifications of early stages of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
C. Gaindric, I. Secrieru, O. Popcova, S. Turcan. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems IIS2013, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 20-23, 2013, pp. 94 - 99, ISBN 978-9975-4237-1-7. - Concept of shared platform for clinicians and researchers in domain of ultrasound diagnostics.
S. Cojocaru, C. Gaindric, O. Popcova, I. Secrieru. Proceedings 2nd International conference on nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering ICNBME - 2013, Chisinau, Moldova, April, 18-20, 2013, pp. 667- 670. - Knowledge representation and reasoning for ultrasound medical diagnosics.
C. Gaindric, Iu. Secrieru, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Inteligent Information Systems IIS-2011,september 13-14, 2011, Chisinau, pp. 171-174. - SonaRes – computer-aided approach for advanced ultrasound medical diagnostics.
L.Burtseva, S.Cojocaru, C.Gaindric, O.Popcova, Iu.Secrieru, Proceedings of the International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering (ICNBME – 2011), Chisinau, Moldova, July 7-8, 2011, pp. 441-444. - SonaRes – Diagnostic decision support system for ultrasound examination.
L.Burtseva, S.Cojocaru, C.Gaindric, O.Popcova, Iu.Secrieru, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on e-Health and Bioingineering (EHB – 2011), Iasi, Romania, November 24-26, 2011, pp. 239-242, ISBN 978-606-544-078-4. - Организация пользовательского интерфейса в системах поддержки принятия решений в плохо формализованных областях.
Л. Бурцева, Ю. Секриеру, О. Попкова, Д. Верлан; Proceedings of the International Conference "Information and Communication Technologies - 2009", Chişinau, Moldova, May 18-21 2009, pp. 129-132, ISBN 978-9975-66-134-8 - Structured knowledge management techniques for the development of interactive and adaptive decision support system.
Iu. Secrieru; Computer Science Journal of Moldova, nr. 1 (49), vol. 17, 2009, Kishinev, pp. 58-73, ISSN 1561-4042. - Knowledge structurization and formalization for gallbladder ultrasound investigation domain.
O. Popcova, S. Puiu, Iu. Secrieru, Proceedings of the II International Conference on Advanced Information and Telemedicine Technologies for Health (AITTH 2008), Minsk, Belarus, October 1-3, 2008, pp. 98-102, ISBN 978-985-6744-45-0. - Knowledge Structure Modeling in Ultrasound Investigation Domain.
Iu.Secrieru, O.Popcova, S.Puiu, D.Sologub, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies (ECIT 2008), Iasi, Romania, July 10-12, 2008, CD, Performantica. - Asistenţă în cadrul SSD SONARES.
E.Boian, Iu.Secrieru, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference „Telecommunications, Electronics and Informatics”, Volume 1, 2008, pp. 225-228. - О результатах экспериментов по формированию базы знаний в области ультразвукового обследования.
Секриеру Ю.П., Попкова О.В., Сологуб Д.В. III Международная научно-техническая конференция: ИТНОП-2008 Информационные технологии в науке, образовании и производстве, 24-25 апреля 2008 г., Орел, стр.248-251. - Knowledge Structure Modeling in Ultrasound Investigation Domain.
Iu.Secrieru, O.Popcova, S.Puiu, D.Sologub. Conferinţa internaţională BIT+ „Tehnologii informaţionale-2007” ediţia a VII, 24-26 aprilie 2007, Chişinau, Moldova, pp. 59-60. - SONARES - A decision support system in ultrasound investigations.
L.Burtseva, S.Cojocaru, C.Gaindric, E.Jantuan, O.Popcova, I.Secrieru, D.Sologub. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, nr. 2 (44), vol. 15, 2007, Kishinev, pp. 153-177, ISSN 1561-4042. - Expert shell aimed at creation of the knowledge base for ultrasonic research intelligent system.
Iu.Secrieru, D.Sologub. Revista de inventică N48,v.IX AN XV-2005 pp.36-41, Iaşi, România. - Использование авторской поддержки процесса понимания текста и системного подхода в автоматизированном обучении.
Ю. Секриеру, ActaAcademia - 2002, Chisinau Evrica, 2002, 201-206. - Принятие решений в наркологии на основе прецедентов.
Печерский Ю.Н., Секриеру Ю.П., Хотиняну М.А., Москва: ВИНИТИ, 1999. - Hypertext technology in teaching: reality and trends.
Iu.Secrieru, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Vol.4, N1, 1996, pp.20-39. - Гипертекстовая технология и обучение.
Ю.П.Секриеру, М:ВИНИТИ, деп. 3323-B95, 1995, 11 стр. - Modificated repertory grid procedure for attribute problem domains.
Iu.Secrieru, Computer Science Journal of Moldova Vol.2, N2, 1994, pp.161-168. - Iu. Secrieru, Advances in modeling and Analysis, Vol.34, N1, 1995, pp. 57-63
The procedure for classifying concepts eliciting based on comparison of decisions.
Participation in scientific projects:
- 2004 (1 year) - 47.003C "Elaborarea şi utilizarea (în scopuri de cercetare şi consultanţă) a bazei de cunoştinţe în diagnosticul ultrasonografic", Consiliul Suprem pentru Ştiinţă şi Dezvoltare Tehnologică al AŞM (CSŞDT).
- 2006 (2 years) - 06-411-03-01P "Sistem informatic pentru diagnosticul ultrasonografic", CSŞDT.
- Martie 2007 (3 ani) - #4035 "Informational tools for assistance of sonographic examinations", Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU).
- 2008 (2 years) - 08.815.08.05A "Sistem automatizat de instruire în domeniul examinării ultrasonografice", CSŞDT.
Publications in Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica and Quasigroups and Related Systems