On some pre-complete relative to positive expressibility classes of formulas in the 8-valued para-consistent extension of the logic S5. Andrei Rusu, Elena Rusu, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems (WIIS2023), October 19-21, 2023, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, pp. 199-206, 2023.
On some classes of formulas in S5 which are pre-complete relative to existential expressibility. A. Rusu, E. Rusu,, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Nr.3, 2023,pp. 395-408.
On Algorithms Related to Expressibility of Functions of Diagonalizable Algebras. Rusu A., Rusu E. (2021) In: Hošková-Mayerová Š., Flaut C., Maturo F. (eds) Algorithms as a Basis of Modern Applied Mathematics. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 404. Springer, Cham, p. 257-277, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61334-1_13
Research data in the context of open science: Case study of the Republic of Moldova. Rusu Andrei; Ţurcan Nelly; Cujba Rodica; Grecu Mihai. In: Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days . 2019. Viena, Austria. ISBN 978-3-7089-1898-3; 978-3-903035-24-9.
Public Research and Innovation Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova: Challenges and Opportunities. Cojocaru Igor; Roşca Alfreda; Rusu Andrei; Guzun Mihail. In: Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days . 2018. Viena, Austria. ISBN 978-3-7089-1737-5.
On computer aided knowledge discovery in logic and related Areas. Rusu Andrei; Rusu Elena. In: Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics. 2016. Chișinău, Republica Moldova. ISBN 978‐9975‐4237‐4‐8.
Medii virtuale multimodale distribuite. Popovici Dorin Mircea (coord), Zaharescu Eugen, Rusu Andrei, Puchianu Mădălina Crenguţa, Sburlan Dragoş, Vol. 3, 2015, Craiova: Ed. Universitaria, Bucureşti: Ed. ProUniversitaria, ISBN 978-606-14-0916-7, ISBN 978-606-26-0280-2, ISBN 978-606-26-0049-5
Medii virtuale multimodale distribuite. Crenguţă Mădălina-Bogdan; Rusu Andrei; Chelai Ozten; Nicola Aurelian. / Dorin Mircea Popovici (coord.). Bucureşti: Universitaria; ProUniversitaria, 2014. Vol. 1. 354 p. ISBN 978-606-26-0050-1; 978-606-14-0834-4.
Infinitely many precomplete with respect to parametric expressibility classes of formulas in a provability logic of propositions. Rusu Andrei. Analele Ştiinţifice a Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa. Seria matematica 2014, 22(1), 247-255. ISSN 1224-1784; EISSN 1844-0835. doi:10.2478/auom-2014-0020 (IF pentru anul 2013: 0.23).
On ontology of research, development and innovation in Republic of Moldova. Rusu A. In: Proceedings of the Third Conference of Mathematical Society of Moldova IMCS-5: dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 19-23 aug. 2014, Chişinău, Moldova: Proceedings IMCS-50. Chişinău: Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Acad. of Sciences of Moldova, 2014, pp. 553-556. ISBN: 978-9975-68-244-2.
О некоторых свойствах полных по выразимости систем формул в логике доказуемости Геделя–Леба. М. Ф. Раца, А. Г. Русу, Дискрет. матем., 12:4 (2000), 63–82 // M. F. Raţă, A. G. Rusu, “On some properties of systems, complete with respect to expressibility, of formulas in the Godel–Lob provability logic”, Discrete Math. Appl., 10:6 (2000), 553–570.
The construction of a numerable collection of pre-complete classes of formulas in an extension of the provability intuitionistic logic. Rusu A., Youth and Modern Science, Theses of referats of the Second republican conference of young researchers (December, 14–15, 1989), Stiinta, Chisinau, 1989, 32–33 (in Russian).
Publications in Computer Science Journal of Moldova, Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica and Quasigroups and Related Systems