IMI/Publicaţii/BASM/Ediţii/BASM n.1 (56), 2008/

Orthogonal Solutions for a Hyperbolic System.

Authors: Ovidiu Cârjă, Mihai Necula, Ioan I. Vrabie


We consider the hyperbolic system
ut=a∇ν+f1(u, ν),
νt=a∇u+f2(u, ν),
u(0, x)=ξ(x),
ν(0, x)=η(x)
and we are looking for necessary and sufficient conditions on the forcing terms fi, i=1, 2, in order that the semigroup solutions, u and ν, starting from orthogonal data ξ, η∈L2(ℜn), remain orthogonal on ℜ+.

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