Laboratory "Mathematical Modeling"
Research domains
- Mathematical modeling;
- Numerical methods;
- Probability theory;
- Game theory and optimal control;
- Modeling of economic processes.
Monographs and Chapters in monographs
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Optimization of Stochastic Discrete Systems and Control on Complex Networks. Springer, 2015. 400 p. ISBN: 978-3-319-11832-1.
- Kolesnik A., Ratanov N. Telegraph Processes and Option Pricing. SpringerBriefs in Statistics. 2013, 128 p. ISBN: 978-3-642-40525-9.
- Рыбакин Б. П. Параллельное программирование для графических ускорителей. Москва: Издательство НИИСИ РАН, 2011, 261 p. ISBN 978-5-93838-046-2.
- Lozovanu D., Pickl Şt. Optimization and Multiobjective Control of Time-Discrete Systems. Springer, 2009, 300p
- Lozovanu D., Fonoberova M. Optimal Dynamic Flows in Neworks and Algoritms for Finding Them. În cartea "Analisis of Complex Networks" (edited by Matthias Dehmer and Frank Emmert-Sterb) WILEY -VCH Verlag GMBh&Co. KgaA. 2009, p. 377-400.
- Lozovanu D. Multiobjective Control of Time-Discrete Systems and Dynamic Games on Networks. În cartea "Pareto Optimality, Game Theory and Equilibria", seria: "Springer Optimization and Its Applications" (edited by Chinchuluun A., Pardalos P.M., Migdalas A., Pitsoulis L.), 2008, vol. 17, p. 665-759.
Publicaţii în reviste internaţionale
Articles in journals with impact factor 1,0-2,9
- Şeremet V. A method to derive thermoelastic Green’s functions for bounded domains (on examples of two-dimensional problems for parallelepipeds), Journal Acta Mechanica, 2016, pp.18, doi:10.1007/s00707-016-1680-8 Springer, ISSN: 0001-5970. (IF: 1.694).
- Şeremet V. Steady-state Green’s functions for thermal stresses within rectangular region under point heat source, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2016, 39 (8), 906-927; Publisher: Taylor&Francis. ISSN: 0149-5739 (Print). (IF: 1.211).
- Şeremet V. Method to derive thermoelastic Green’s functions for cylindrical domains 2016, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2016, pp.13, DOI: 10.1080/01495739.2016.1237266. (IF: 1.211).
- Şeremet V. New Thermoelastic Green’s Functions by Using New Integral Representations of Beltrami-Michell Equations, Journal Eng. Mech. 2015, 141 (11), Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers. ISSN: 0733-9399 eISSN: 1943-7889. (IF: 1.29).
- Şeremet V. A new efficient unified method to derive new constructive formulas and explicit expressions for plane and spatial thermoelastic Green’s functions, Acta Mechanica, 2015, V. 226, Issue 1, 211-230. Publisher: Springer Vienna, ISSN 0001-5970 (Print), 1619-6937 (Online). (IF: 1.465).
- Kolesnik A. D. Probability law for the Euclidean distance between two planar random flights. Journal of Statistical Physics, Springer. 2014, 154(4). (IF: 1.65).
- Rybakin B., Egorova E., Stamov L. Accelerated Solution of Problems of Combustion Gas Dynamics on GPUs. Computers and Fluids, V. 90, 10 February 2014, 164–171. (IF :2.81).
- Rybakin B., Goryachev V. The supersonic shock wave interaction with low-density gas bubble. Acta Astronautica, Elsevier, V. 94, Issue 2, February 2014, 749–753. (IF:1.01)
- Şeremet V. Static equilibrium of a thermoelastic half-plane: Green's functions and solutions in integrals. Archive of Applied Mechanics, publisher: Springer. 2014, 84(4), 553-570. ISSN 0939-1533. (IF:1.438).
- Şeremet V. A new approach to constructing Green's functions and integral solutions in thermoelasticity. Acta Mechanica, publisher: Springer. 2014, 225(3), 737-755. ISSN 0001-5970. (IF:1.268).
- Şeremet V. A new efficient unified method to derive new constructive formulas and explicit expressions for plane and spatial thermoelastic Green's functions, Acta Mechanica, publisher: Spring. DOI 10.1007/s00707-014-1160-y. 2014, ISSN 0001-5970. (IF:1.268).
- Şeremet V. Recent integral representations for thermoelastic Green’s functions and many examples of their exact analytical expressions. Journal of Thermal Stresses, Taylor&Francis. 2014, 37(5), 561-584. ISSN 0149-5739. (IF: 1.169).
- Şeremet V., Carrera E. Solution in Elementary Functions to a BVP of Thermoelasticity: Green's Functions and Green's-Type Integral Formula for Thermal Stresses within a Half-Strip. Journal of Thermal Stresses, Taylor&Francis. 2014, 37(8), 947-968. ISSN 0149-5739. (IF: 1.169).
- Rybakin B.P. Modeling of III-D problems of gas dynamics on multiprocessing computers and GPU. Journal Computers & Fluids. Ed. Elsevier, 2013, V.80, 403-407. ISSN 0045-7930. (IF:1.467).
- Seremet V., Cretu I. Influence functions, integral formulas, and explicit solutions for thermoelastic spherical wedges. Journal Acta Mechanica. 2013, 224(4), 893-918. ISSN 0001-5970. (IF:1.3).
- Rybakin B. Modeling of III-D Problems of Gas Dynamics on Multiprocessing Computers and GPU. Computers & Fluids. 2012, 128-134. ISSN 0045-7930. DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.01.016, 31-JAN-2012. (IF:1.81).
- Şeremet V. New closed-form Green function and integral formula for a thermoelastic quadrant. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2012, 36, 799-812. ISSN 0307-904X. (IF:1.579).
- Kolesnik A.D., Pinsky M.A. Random evolutions are driven by the hyperparabolic operators. În: Journal of statistical physics, 2011, vol. 142, 828-846. (IF:1.447).
- Kolesnik A. Random motions at finite speed in higher dimensions. Journal of Statistical Physics. Springer, 2008, nr. 131, p. 1039-1065. (IF: 1.650).
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. A constructive algorithm for max-min paths problems on energy networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier. Amsterdam-New York-Boston, 2008, nr. 3, p.136-145. (IF: 1.192).
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Algorithms and the calculation of Nash Equilibria for multiobjective control of time-discrete systems and polynomial-time algorithms for dynamic c-games on networks. European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier. Amsterdam-New York-Boston, 2007, nr. 181(3), p. 1214-1232. (IF: 1.543).
Articles in journals with impact factor 0,1-0,9
- Bogatencov P., Secrieru G., Degteariov N., Iliuha N. Scientific computing infrastructure and services services in Moldova. Springer Link, Journal Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters. September 2016, vol. 13(5), 685–688, DOI: 10.1134/S1547477116050125, ISSN: 1547-4771 (Print) 1531-8567 (Online). (IF: 0.42).
- Kolesnik A. Integral equation for the transition density of the multidimensional Markov random flight. Theory of Stochastic Processes, 2015, vol. 20(36), no. 2, 42-53. ISSN 0321-3900. (IF: 0.32).
- Kolesnik A. The explicit probability distribution of the sum of two telegraph processes. Stochastics and Dynamics, 2015, 15(2), ID 1550013, 32 pp. ISSN: 0219-4937 (Print), ISSN: 1793-6799 (Online). (IF: 0.51).
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Determining the optimal strategies for discrete control problems on stochastic networks with discounted costs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2015, 182, 169-180. ISSN 0166-218X. (IF 0.86).
- Şeremet V., Hui Wang. Thermoelastic Equilibrium of Some Semi-Infinite Domains Subjected to the Action of a Heat Source. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2015, V. 38, Issue 5, 509-525; Publisher: Taylor&Francis. ISSN 0149-5739 (Print), 1521-074X (Online). (IF: 0.992).
- Şeremet V., Hui Wang. Two-dimensional Green’s Function for Thermal Stresses in a Semi-Layer Under a Point Heat Source. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2015, V. 38, Issue 7, 756-774; Publisher: Taylor&Francis. ISSN 0149-5739 (Print), 1521-074X (Online). (IF: 0.992).
- Kolesnik A. D. Probability distribution function for the Euclidean distance between two telegraph processes. Advances in Applied Probability. 2014, 46(4). (IF: 0.55).
- Lozovanu D., Pickl St. Determining the optimal strategies for discrete control problems on stochastic networks with discounted costs. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 2014, 6, 12 p. (IF: 0.838).
- Rybakin B., Goryachev V. The supersonic shock wave interaction with low-density gas bubble. Journal Acta Astronautica. Ed. Elsevier, Online 2013, 94(2014), 749-753. ISSN 0094-5765. (IF:0.701).
- Şeremet V. Exact elementary Green’s functions and integral formulas in thermoelasticity for a half-wedge. ASCE, Engineering Mechanics. 2012, 138(7), 721-737. ISSN 0733-9399. (IF:0.99).
- Şeremet V. Thermoelastostatic equilibrium of a spatial quadrant: Green’s function and solution in integrals. Arch Appl Mech. DOI: 10.1007/s00419-012-0625-5, 2012, 23 p. ISSN 1432-0681. (IF:0.95).
- Lozovanu D. The game-theoretical approach to Markov decision processes and determining Nash equlibria for stochastic positional games. În: International journal of mathematical modelling and Numerical optimization. V.2, N2, 2011, 162-175. ISSN 2040-3607. (IF:0.513).
- Lozovanu D., Pickl St. A dynamic programming approach for finite Markov processes and algorithms for the calculation of the limit matrix in Markov chains. Optimization. Vol.60, Issue10-11, 2011, 1339-1358. ISSN 0233-1934. (IF:0.8).
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Algorithms for solving discrete optimal control problems with varying time of states’transactions of dynamical systems. Dynamics of continuous, discrete and impulsive systems, ser. B: Applications and Algorithms. ISSN 1492-8760. 2010, 17, p. 101-111 (IF: 0.513).
- Kolesnik A. The explicit probability distribution of a six-dimensional random flight. Theory Stochast. Process. Kiev, 2009, vol.15, issue 1, p. 33-39. (IF: 0.265).
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Discrete Control and Algorithms for Solving Antagonistic Dynamic Games on Networks. Optimization. 2009, vol. 58, nr. 8, p. 665—683. (IF: 0.810).
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Algorithms for Solving Discrete Optimal Control Problems with Infinite Time Horizon and Determining Mean Cost Cycles in a Directed Graph as a Decision Support tool. Central European Journal of Operation Research, Springer. 2009, vol. 17, nr. 3, p. 255—264. (IF: 0.333).
- Kolesnik A. An asymptotic relation for the density of a multidimensional random evolution with rare Poissonian switchings. Ukrainia Mathematical Journal. Kiev, 2008, vol. 60, nr. 12, p. 1915-1926. (IF: 0.333).
- Kolesnik A. A limit theorem for symmetric Markovian random evolution in . Theory of Stochastic Processes. Kiev, 2008, vol. 14(30), nr. 1, p. 69-75. (IF: 0.256).
- Луговой П., Мейш В., Рыбакин Б., Секриеру Г. Численное моделирование динамики подкрепленной оболочки при нестационарной нагрузке. Международный научный журнал “Прикладная Механика”. Киев, 2008, vol. 44, nr. 7, с. 83-90. (IF: 0.333).
- Lugovoi P., Meish V., Rybakin B., Secrieru G. Numerical simulation of the dynamics of a reinforced shell subject to nestationary load. International Appleid Mechanics, Springer. 2008, vol. 44, nr. 7, p. 788-793. (IF: 0.333).
- Mishkoy Gh., Rykov V., Giordano S., Bejan A. Multidimensional Analogs of the Kendall Equation for Priority Queueing Systems: Computational Aspects. Automatics and Remote Control, Pleiades Publishing. USA , 2008, vol. 69, nr. 6, p. 980-992. (IF: 0.557).
- Мишкой Г., Рыков В., Джордано С., Бежан А. Многомерные аналоги уравнения Keндала и загрузка прибора для приоритетных систем: вычислительныe аспекты. Автоматика и Телемеханика. Москва, 2008, nr. 6, p. 82-95. (IF: 0.557).
- Kolesnik A. A note on planar random motion at finite speed. Journal of Applied Probability. Ed. UK., Sheffield, 2007, vol. 44, nr. 3, p. 838-842. (IF: 0.694).
- Kolesnik A. A four-dimensional random motion at finite speed. Journal of Applied Probability. Ed. UK., Sheffield, 2006, vol. 43, nr. 4, p. 1107-1118. (IF: 0.694).
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. An approach for an algorithmic solution of discrete optimal control problems and their games-theoretical extension. Central Europian Journal of Operational Research, Springer. Germany, 2006, nr. 4, p. 1-20. (IF: 0.333).
- Луговой П. З., Мейш В. Ф., Рыбакин Б. П., Секриеру Г. В. Динамика составных подкрепленных оболочечных конструкций при нестационарных нагрузках. Приклад. Механика. Киев, 2006, vol. 42, nr. 4, p. 100-107. (IF: 0.333).
- Луговой П. З., Мейш В. Ф., Рыбакин Б. П., Секриеру Г. В. О численном решении динамических задач теории подкрепленных оболочек. Приклад. Механика. Киев, 2006, vol. 42, nr. 5, p. 50-56. (IF: 0.333).
Other certified journals
- Costea A., Ticu R., Ion L., Mishkoy Gh. The role of the traffic coeficient in the analysis of information processes in a seaport. În: Annals of Constanta Maritime University, România. 2015, XVI, 23, 135-138. ISSN 582-3601.
- Doga-Mîrzac M., Naval E. Theoretical and methodological approaches on the evaluation of business incubators. Journal of Financing and Monetary Economics. Annual Review. No. 1/2014.252-257. ISSN 2392-9685, ISSN L 2392-9685.
- Mishkoy Gh. Generalized Priority Systems. Analytical Results and Numerical Algorithms. Serdica Journal of Computing, Bulgaria. 2014, 8(3), 281-290. ISSN 1312-6555.
- Miscoi Gh., Mitev L. Performance characteristics for DD priority discipline with semi-Markov switching. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer. 2014, 204-218. ISSN 1865-0929.
- Rybakin B., Bogatencov P., Secrieru G., Iluha N. Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement Strategy for Numerically Solving of Gas Dynamics Problems on Multicore Computers. Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies. High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe's Research Communities. Volume 2, 2014, 123-130. ISBN: 978-3-319-01519-4.
- Şeremet V. A new technique to derive many explicit thermoelastic Green's functions. Transylvanian Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics, 2014, 2, 17 p.
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Special Sadlle Point conditions for Max-Min Discrete Control Problem and Algorithms for Determining the Optimal Strategies. Control Applications of Optimization, 2(1), 2012, 234-239. ISBN 978-3-902823-14-4.
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Determining the optimal Strategies for Antagonistic Positional Games in Markov Decision Processes. Operation Research Proceedings. Springer, 2012, 229-235. ISBN 978-3-642-29209-5.
- Şeremet V. Green’s Tensor for an Elastic Circle and Its Application in Micromechanics of Defects in Solids. Transilvanian Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics. 2012, 4(1), 61-73. ISSN 2067-239X.
- Seremet V. Thermoelastostatic Equilibrium of Some Spherical Semi-wedges: Green’s Functions and Integral Formulas. Transilvanian Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics. 2012, 4(1), 75-97. ISSN 2067-239X.
- Bacon J., Bejan A., Beresford A., Evans D., Gibbens R., Moody K. Using realtime road trafic data to evaluate congestion. În: Dependable and Historic Computing, Essays Dedicated to Brian Randell on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday, Jones, Cliff B.; Lloyd, John L. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6875, 2011, 93–117, ISBN 978-3-642-24540-4.
- Birchenko V., Bejan A., Usnich A., Davies D. Application of inflow control devices to heterogeneous reservoirs. În: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 78, 534–541, ISSN 0920-4105; doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2011.06.022.
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. An extention of a polynomial time algorithm for the calculation of the limit state matrix in a random graph. În: International Jounal of Computing Anticipatory Systems. V.25, 2011, 92-97.
- Mişcoi Gh., Bejenari D. Numerical k busy periods algorithms for polling systems with semi-Marcov switching. ROMAI Journal. Romania, 2009, 5(2), 119-126. ISSN 1841-5512.
- Mişcoi Gh., Benderschi O. Generalized Priority Models with “ Look ahead” Strategy: Numerical Algorithms for Busy Periods. ROMAI Journal, Romania, 2010, 6(1), 125-134. ISSN 1841-5512.
- Lozovanu D., Pickl St. Multilayered Network Games: Algorythms for Solving Discrete Optimal Control Problems with Infinite Time Horison via Minimal Mean Cost Cycles and a Game-Theoretical Approach. Operation Research Proceedings, Springer. 2009, p. 513-518.
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Algorithms for solving multiobjective discrete control problems and dynamic c-games on networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Elsevier. Amsterdam-New York-Boston, 2007, nr. 155(14), p. 158-180.
- Lozovanu D., Fonoberova M. Optimal dynamic multicommodity flows in networks. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Amsterdam, 2006, nr. 25, p. 93–100.
- Pickl S., Lozovanu D. Nash Equilibria Condition For Cyclic Games with p Players. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Amsterdam, 2006, nr. 25, p. 123-129.
Lista publicaţiilor electronice în străinătate
- Kolesnik A. D. Integral equation for the transition density of the multidimensional Markov random flight. 2016, arXiv: 1601.06998, 15 pp.
- Kolesnik A. D. Asymptotic relation for the transition density of the three-dimensional Markov random flight on small time intervals. 2016, arXiv: 1604.08362, 19 pp.
- Lozovanu D., Pickl St. Determining the optimal strategies for zero-sum average stochastic positional games. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier, 2016, vol. 55, 155-159 DOI: 10.1016/j.endm2016.10.039.
- Mişcoi Gh., Costea A., Ţicu I. R., Pomazan C. Algorithms of evalution of the waiting time and the modelling of the terminal activity based on the traffic coefficient in the seaport. PONTE International Scientific Researches Journal, 2016, vol. 72, no. 8, 237-248.
- Kolesnik A. Linear forms of the telegraph random processes driven by partial differential equations. 2015, arXiv: 1503.00871, 23 pp.
Articles in the encyclopedia
- Şeremet V. Green's Functions in Three-Dimensional Thermoelastostatics. Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses. 2061-2070, 2014.
- Kolesnik A. D. Stochastic models of transport processes. În: International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. 2010, Springer, (articol nr.572, 6 p.).
Educational works
- Corlat A., Corsac S. Curs de Teorie a Multimilor. Chişinău, Un ASM, Biotehdesign, 2014. 61 p. ISBN 978-9975-933-55-1.
- Mişcoi Gh., Bejenari D., Mitev L. Lucrări de laborator la Teoria Aşteptării (lb. rom., rusă, engl.). Ciclul de lucrări de laborator, Editura ULIM, 2014. 103 p. ISBN 978-9975-124-45-4.
- Naval E. ECONOMETRIE (Recomandări practice). Note de curs. INCE, Chişinău, 2014. 162 p. ISBN 978-9975-9799-7-9.
- Навал Е. ЭКОНОМЕТРИКА (Практические рекомендации). Курс лекций. INCE, Chişinău, 2014. 184 стр. ISBN 978-9975-9799-8-6.
- Corlat A., Corsac S. Culegere de probleme de calcul diferenţial şi integral. Material didactic la disciplina Analiza matematică. UnAŞM. Ch.: Biotehdesign, 2012, 65 p. ISBN 978-9975-4366-2-5.
- Corlat A., Corlat S. Grafuri. Noţiuni. Algoritmi. Implementări. Material didactic. UnAŞM. Ch.: Biotehdesign, 2012, 131 p. ISBN 978-9975-4366-7-0.
- Mişcoi Gh. Probabilitate şi Statistică Matematică. Curs de lecţii. Elan Poligraf, Chisinau, 2012. 110 p. ISBN 978-9975-9664-2-9.
- Rîbachin B. Параллельное программирование с помощью ОреnMP (курс лекций). Chişinău: USM CECMI., 2009. 50 p.
- Buzurniuc Ş., Secrieru G. Programarea ăn limbajul C. Chişinău: Elena-V, 2008. 200 p.
- Mişcoi Gh. Teoria probabilităţilor şi statistica matematică. Chişinău: Elan Poligraf, 2007. 120p.
Articles in national journals:
category A
- Lozovanu D. Stationary Nash Equilibria for Average Stochastic Games with Finite State and Action Spaces. Buletinul AŞM, seria Matematica, 2016, 2(81), 71-92. ISSN 1024-7696.
- Lozovanu D., Capcelea M. Algorithms for solving stochastic discrete optimal control problems on networks. Buletinul AŞM, seria Matematica, 2014, 3(76), 80-89. ISSN 1024-7696.
category B+
- Mişcoi Gh., Bejenari D., Mitev L., Ţicu I.R. Numerical solutions of Kendall and Pollaczek-Khintchin equations for exhaustive polling systems with semi-Markov delays. Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2016, v.24, 2(71), 255-272. ISSN 1561-4042.
category B
- Mişcoi Gh. Cercetări în domeniul Teoriei Aşteptării realizate de tineri matematicieni din Moldova, ACADEMOS, 2016, 2 (41), 51-55. ISSN 1857-0461.
- Lozovanu D. Determining the Optimal Paths in Networks with Rated Transition Time Costs. Buletinul AŞM, seria Mathematica. 2014, 1(74), 14-22. ISSN 1024-7696.
- Naval E. Modelarea creşterii ceconomice in condiţiile corupţiei avansate. Revistă de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă “ŞTIINŢĂ ŞI INOVARE” (AKADEMOS). 2014, 1(32), 47-51. ISSN 1857-0461.
- Naval E., Mocanu N. Modelarea dezvoltării sectorului agro-industrial în condiţii de incertitudine şi risc. Economie şi Sociologie. 2013, 3, 92-104. ISSN 1857-4130.
- Naval E., Şuşu-Ţurcan A. Application of the statistical and mathematical methods for estimating the indicators of the innovational growth. Economie şi Sociologie. 2012, 4, 92-104. ISSN 1857-4130.
- Bogatencov P., Secrieru G. Calculul performant: oportunităţi şi perspective pentru cercetare. Revistă de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă "ŞTIINŢĂ ŞI INOVARE" (AKADEMOS). 2012, 1(24), 64-69. ISSN 1857-0461.
- Gutuleac E. Mathematical modeling of high-speed loads effects on storage tanks. Computer Science Jornal of Moldova. 2012, v.20, 1(58), 33-41. ISSN 1561-4042.
- Kolesnik A. Moment analysis of the telegraph random process. Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. 2012, 1(68), 90-107. ISSN 1024-7696.
- Kolikov K., Krastev G., Epitropov Y., Corlat A. Analytically determining of the relative inaccuracy (error) of indirectly measurable variable and dimensionless scale characterizing quality of the experiment. Computer Science Jornal of Moldova. 2012, v.20, 1(58), 15-32. ISSN 1561-4042.
- Mishkoy Gh., Krieger Udo, Bejenari D. Matrix algorithm for Polling models with PH distribution. Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. 2012, 1(68), 70-80. ISSN 1024-7696.
- Naval E. Some approach for macroeconomic modeling of the economy in transition. Economie şi Sociologie. 2012, 3, 32-39. ISSN 1857-4130.
- Naval E. The stochastic optimal growth problem. Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. 2012, 1(68), 15-21. ISSN 1024-7696.
- Naval E., Ţurcan A. Sistemul naţional de inovare în contextul abordării sistemice. Intellectus. 2012, 3, 73-79. ISSN 1810-7079.
- Naval E. Impactul sectoarelor C&D şi TIC asupra evoluţiei economice. Revistă de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă "ŞTIINŢĂ ŞI INOVARE" (AKADEMOS). 2012, 4(27), 43-48. ISSN 1857-0461.
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Algorithms for determining the state-time probabilities and the limit matrix in Markov chains. În: Buletinul AŞM, ser. Matematica, 2011, 1(65), 66-82. ISSN 1024-7696.
- Naval E., Timuş A. Inovarea şi creşterea economică în Republica Moldova. În: Economie şi Sociologie. Chişinău, 2011, 1, 155-164. ISSN 1857-4130.
- Lazari A. Algorithms for Determining the Transient and Diferential Matrices in Finite Markov Processes. Buletinul AŞM, ser. Matematica. 2010, 2(63), 84-99. ISSN 1024-7696.
- Lozovanu D., Lazari A. An Approach for Determining the Matrix of Limiting State Probabilities in Discrete Marcov Processes. Buletinul AŞM, ser. Matematica. 2010, 1, 33-48. ISSN 1024-7696.
- Rybakin B., Sider N. Numerical modeling of multidimensional problems of gravitational gas dynamics with high resolution schemes. Buletinul AŞM, ser. Matematica. 2010, 1, 92-102. ISSN 1024-7696.
- Dehmer M., Popovscaia M. Towards Structural Network Analysis. Buletinul AŞM, ser. Matematica. 2010, 1, 3-22. ISSN 1024-7696.
- Kolesnik A. The distribution of a planar random evolution with random start point. Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. Chişinău, 2009, 1(59), 79-86.
- Lozovanu D., Pickl S. Dznamical programming algorithms for solving stochastic discrete control problems. Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. Chişinău, 2009, 2(60), 73-91.
- Rybakin B., Shider N. Computer modeling of multidimensional problems of gravitational gas dynamics on multiprocessor computers. Computer Science Journal of Moldova. Chişinău, 2009, vol. 2, 1(49), 3-13.
- Kolesnik A. Symmetric random evolution in the space . Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. Chişinău, 2008, 2(57), 114-117.
- Kolesnik A. Moments of the Markovian random evolutions in two and four dimensions. Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. Chişinău, 2008, 2(57), 68-80.
- Korolyuk V., Mishkoy Gh, Mamonova A., Griza Iu. Queuing system evolution in phase merging scheme. Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. Chişinău, 2008, 3, 83-88.
- Lozovanu D., Lazari A. Discrete Optimal Control Problem with Varying Time of States Transactions of Dynamical System and Algorithm for its solving. Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. Chişinău, 2008, 2(57), 46-58.
- Mishkoy Gh. A virtual analog of Pollaczek-Khintchin transform equation. Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. Chişinău, 2008, 2, 81-91.
- Mishkoy Gh., Benderschi O., Giordano S., Bejan A. On numerical algorithms for solving multidimensional analogs of the Kendall functional equation. Buletinul AŞM, Matematica. Chişinău, 2008, 2, 118-121.
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category C
- Mitev L. Aplicaţii ale modelelor Pollingii în sistemele informatice de comunicaţii. Revista Ştiinţifică Studii Economice, ULIM, 2015, an. 9, nr.1, 200-208. ISSN 1857-226X.
- Mişcoi Gh., Badarau E. Noi generaţii de sisteme de recomendare şi algoritmi pentru implementarea lor în comerţul electronic. Analele USM, 2015.
- Mitev L. Modele şi metode în studierea sistemelor polling. Studia Universitatis, Seria ştiinţe exacte şi economice, USM, 2014. ISSN 1857-2073.
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- Bejenari D., Mitev L. Formule aproximative pentru sisteme Polling cu timp discret. Revista Ştiinţifică Studii Economice, ULIM, an. VI, 2012, (3-4), 326-331.
- Mişcoi Gh., Bejenari D., Mitev L. Modele semi-Markoviene de servire cu priorități. În: Articolele din Analele ULIM, Seria Economie. Chişinău, ULIM, 2011, v. 11, 95-105, ISBN 978–9975–9747–5–2, ISSN 1857-1468.
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- Mişcoi Gh., Bejenari D. Algoritmi numerici pentru perioada de ocupare în modele exhaustive Polling. Analele ULIM, Seria Economie. Chişinău, 2010, v. 10, 54- 63. ISSN 1857-1468.
- Griza Iu., Koroliuk, V.S., Mamonova A.V., Mişcoi Gh. Queueing Systems with semi-Marcov flows in diffusion approximation schemes. Studia Universitatis, seria "Ştiinţe exacte şi economice". Chişinău, USM. 2009, 7(27), 65-70, ISSN 1857-1735.
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- Mişcoi Gh., Gribencea Al. Modelarea matematică a dinamicii investiţiilor pe pieţe departe de saturaţie. Revista ştiinţifică Studii economice, ULIM. Chişinău, 2007, 3, 484-506.
- Mishkoy Gh., Giordano S., Bejan A. Priority queueing systems and prioritization phenomena in information networks. Meridian Engineering. Chişinău, 2006, 4, 11-14.