IMCS/Publications/QRS/Issues/QRS v.9, n.1 (9), 2002/

Dual positive implicative hyper K-ideals of type 3

Authors: Torkzadeh L., Zahedi M. M.


In this note first we define the notion of dual positive implicative hyper K-ideal of type 3, where for simplicity is written by DPIHKI - T3. Then we determine all of the nonisomorphic hyper K-algebras of order 3, which have D = {0; 1} as a DPIHKI - T3. To do this first we show that D = {1} and D ={1; 2} can not be DPIHKI - T3. Then we prove some lemmas which are needed for proving the main theorem. Finally we conclude that there are exactly 219 non-isomorphic hyper K-algebras of order 3 with the requested property.

Torkzadeh L.,
Zahedi M. M.
Department of Mathematics Received May 21, 2002
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
E-mail: (L. Torkzadeh)
E-mail: (M.M. Zahedi)


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