IMCS/Publications/CSJM/Issues/CSJM v.32, n.3 (96), 2024/

Restrictions on Multicounter and Partially-Blind Multicounter Languages

Authors: Oscar H. Ibarra, Ian McQuillan


We introduce a new way of defining languages accepted by multicounter machines. Given a multicounter machine $M$ and $m \ge 0$, the $m$-crossing language accepted by $M$ is the set of all words where there is an accepting computation of $M$ on $w$ such that, for each counter $j$, each value $c$ that can appear in the counter is crossed at most $m$ times. We study this concept with multicounter machines and also with the partially-blind restriction where a counter cannot detect whether it contains zero or not. We show that both multicounter and partially-blind multicounter languages with one cross define exactly the reversal-bounded multicounter languages, while two crosses can accept strictly more including non-semilinear languages. We find that surprisingly, the family of $m$-crossing languages accepted by multicounter machines, for some $m$, and the family of $m$-crossing languages accepted by partially-blind multicounter machines, for some $m$, coincide. Decidability properties regarding $m$-crossing languages are also analyzed.\footnote[1]{\ \ Supported, in part, by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Grant 2022-05092 (Ian McQuillan)

Oscar Ibarra
Department of Computer Science, University of California,
Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

Ian McQuillan
Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A9, Canada



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