IMCS/Publications/BASM/Issues/BASM n3(97), 2021/

The q.Zariski topology on the quasi-primary spectrum of a ring

Authors: Mahdi Samiei, Hosein Fazaeli Moghimi
Keywords: quasi-primary ideal, q.Zariski topology


Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity. We topologize $\q(R)$, the quasi-primary spectrum of $R$, in a way similar to that of defining the Zariski topology on the prime spectrum of $R$, and investigate the properties of this topological space. Rings whose q.Zariski topology is respectively $T_0$, $T_1$, irreducible or Noetherian are studied, and several characterizations of such rings are given.

Department of Mathematics, Velayat University,
Iranshar, Iran
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