
Analytical and numerical methods for solving the problems of evolution, optimization and queuing theory

Programmee:Institutional Projects
Execution period:2015 – 2019
Institutions:Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
Project Leader:Lozovanu Dmitrii
Participants: Kolesnik Alexander, Mishkoy Gheorghe, Sheremet Victor, Naval Elvira, Secrieru Grigore, Gutuleac Elena, Mitev Lilia, Burca Fevronia, Smolina Liudmila, Ghereg Veronica, Cuznetov Elena, Ivanov Andrei, Bodac Dumitru, Nani Alexandru


The aim of the project is to elaborate analytical and numerical methods for solving the problems of evolution, optimization and queuing theory that arise in modeling of service and control of diverse economical, technical and information systems. The elaborated methods will be applied for studying the economic growth models, queuing priority systems, optimal transportation planning and solving some problems from mechanics, connected with studying the process of intensive loading of constructions.

The main results that are proposed for implementation represent:

The elaborated methods and algorithms will be tested and estimated from computational point of view and implemented in the software environment. For certain classes of the problems will be used the High Performance Computing (HPC) technologies and clusters with multiple processors. Possibilities of the obtained results implementation in research, education and national economy will be analyzed.