On November 25, 2009 was published the call for proposals FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IRSES.
International Research Staff Exchange Scheme - IRSES - is announced by the European Commission to intensify cooperation with the countries of the European Neighborhood Policy and those which have signed with EU the cooperation agreements in the field of science and technology. Thus, the Republic of Moldova is one of the few countries eligible to participate in this international exchange scheme of researchers.
Deadline: March 25, 2010, 17.00 (Brussels time).
Budget: € 30 000 000.
Members of the Scientific Moldovan Diaspora collaborating in at least two research institutions from at least two different Member States can develop jointly with scientists from the republic of Moldova proposals, that will form the basis for cooperation to help developing the country of origin. This is already possible trough the IRSES Programme.
Details on: http://international.asm.md/diaspora-stiintifica/oportunitati-de-cooperare-a-diasporei-stiintifice.html.