IMI/Publicaţii/QRS/Ediţii/QRS v.17, n.2 (22), 2009/

Periodic quasigroup string transformations

Authors: V. Dimitrova, S. Markovski and A. Mileva


Given a finite quasigroup (Q,*), a quasigroup string transformations el and dl over the strings of elements from Q are defined as follows. el( if and only if bi=bi-1*ai and dl( if and only if bi = ai-1*ai, for each i=1,2,...,n, where l=a0=b0 is a fixed element of Q. A quasigroup string e- or d-transformation t is periodical if for some periodic string we have t(a1a2...aka1a2...ak...a1a2...ak)= a1a2...aka1a2...ak...a1a2...ak. The quasigroup string transformations are used in many fields, like: cryptography for designing different cryptographic tools, coding theory for designing error-detecting and error-correcting codes, etc. The properties of the quasigroup string transformations depend on the used quasigroups, and some quasigroups are suitable for cryptographic designs, while some others are suitable for code designs. We give a characterization of the quasigroups producing periodic string transformations, and for that aim quasigroups with period k are defined. One can use this characterization for choosing suitable quasigroups in some applications.


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