IMI/Publicaţii/QRS/Ediţii/QRS v.14, n.2 (16), 2006/

On the prime graph of L2(q), where q=p^alpha<100

Authors: B. Khosravi, S. S. Amiri


Let G be a finite group. We construct the prime graph of G as follows: the vertices of this graph are the prime divisors of |G| and two vertices p and q are joined by an edge if and only if G contains an element of order pq. The prime graph of G is denoted by Г(G). Mina Hagie (Comm. Algebra, 2003) determined finite groups G such that Г(G) =Г(S), where S is a sporadic simple group. In this paper we determine finite groups G such that Г(G) = Г(L2(q)) for some...

B. Khosravi,
S. S. Amiri
Department of Pure Mathematics,
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sci.
Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic),
424, Hafez Ave.
Tehran 15914, IRAN,
Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM),


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