Authors: A. Moldovyan, N. Moldovyan,
Izbaş Vladimir
Keywords: Software-oriented cipher, block encryption, pseudoprobabilistic cryptoscheme.
There are considered new fast software encryption function and some its cryptographical properties. It has been shown that the probability of the selection of two equivalent keys is very low. Crypto-robustness of this cipher has been evaluated on the basis of its probabilistic model.
A. Moldovyan, N. Moldovyan, V. Izbash
A. Moldovyan, N. Moldovyan
Institute of Modelling and Intellectualization
of Complex Systems,
5, Prof. Popov str., St-Petersburg,
197376, Russia
Phone: 7(812)2340415; fax 7(812)2349093
V. Izbash
Institute of Mathematics,
Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
5, Academiei str., Kishinev,
2028, Moldova
phone: (373-2) 73-80-29

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