Authors: Victor Moraru, Emilian Guţuleac, Sergiu Zaporojan
This paper presents the descriptive compositional approach for uncertainty modelling and performance evaluation of dynamic reconfigurable discrete event systems (ReDES) using rewriting stochastic reward nets (ReSRN) with Z-fuzzy parameters (FReSRN) that can modify in run-time their own structure by the rewriting of the rules. The expected Z-fuzzy values of the transition and rewriting rule firing rates are calculated based on credibility theory, the FReSRN model is degenerated to a conventional ReSRN model. A case study for performance modelling and analysis of particular ReDES is given in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Victor Moraru
Technical University of Moldova
168, Stefan cel Mare Bd., MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Phone: + 373 60 60 96 04
Emilian Gut ¸uleac
Technical University of Moldova
168, Stefan cel Mare Bd., MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Phone: + 373 79 56 34 64
Sergiu Zaporojan
Technical University of Moldova
168, Stefan cel Mare Bd., MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Phone: + 373 68 22 82 12
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