IMI/Publicaţii/CSJM/Ediţii/CSJM v.14, n.1 (40), 2006/

Linguistic Resources and Technologies for Romanian Language

Authors: Dan Cristea, Corina Forascu


This paper revises notions related to Language Resources and Technologies (LRT), including a brief overview of some resources developed worldwide and with a special focus on Romanian language. It then describes a joined Romanian, Moldavian, English initiative aimed at developing electronically coded resources for Romanian language, tools for their maintenance and usage, as well as for the creation of applications based on these resources.

D. Cristea 1, 2, C. Forascu 1, 3
1 University "Al. I. Cuza" of Iasi,
Faculty of Computer Science
2 Institute for Computer Science,
Romanian Academy, Iasi - Romania
3 Institute for Artificial Intelligence,
Romanian Academy, Bucharest - Romania
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