Authors: N.A. Moldovyan, A.A. Moldovyan, N.D. Goots
Keywords: Variable bit permutations, data-dependent permutations, linear analysis, fast block cipher.
This paper describes linear characteristics of the variable bit permutations (VBP) that are used in the form of the data-dependent permutations. This primitive suites well to the design of fast cheap-hardware-oriented ciphers. Because of the existence of one characteristic with bias ? we discuss possibility to design a pure VBP-based block ciphers that are indistinguishable from a random transformation. We present design of the cipher which is based only on VBP, fixed permutations, and XOR operations. Performed analysis has shown that the designed pure VBP-based block cipher is secure against differential and linear attacks confirming the efficiency of the VBP as cryptographic primitive.
N.A. Moldovyan, A.A. Moldovyan, N.D. Goots
Specialized Center of Program Systems "SPECTR",
Kantemirovskaya str., 10,
St. Petersburg 197342, Russia;

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