Authors: Belal Batiha and Firas Ghanim
Keywords: Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari method, Riccati equation, Variational iteration method, Adomian decomposition method; Homotopy perturbation method
The solution of quadratic Riccati differential equations can be found by classical numerical methods
like Runge-Kutta method and the forward Euler method. Batiha {\it et al.}\,\,\cite{batiha07} applied variational iteration method (VIM) for the solution of General Riccati Equation. In the paper of El-Tawil {\it et al.}\, \cite{Magdy2004} they used the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) to solve the nonlinear Riccati equation. In \cite{Abbasbandy06} Abbasbandy applied Iterated He's homotopy perturbation method for solving quadratic Riccati differential equation. In \cite{Abbasbandy06a} Abbasbandy used the Homotopy perturbation method to get an analytic solution of the quadratic Riccati differential equation, and a comparison with Adomian's decomposition method was presented. In \cite{Abbasbandy07} Abbasbandy employed VIM to find the solution of the quadratic Riccati equation by using Adomian's polynomials. Tan and Abbasbandy \cite{TanAbb06} employed the Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) to find the solution of the quadratic Riccati equation. Batiha \cite{batiha2015} used the multistage variational iteration method (MVIM) to solve the quadratic Riccati differential equation.
Belal Batiha
Department of Mathematics, Jadara University, Irbid,
Firas Ghanim
College of Sciences, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United
Arab Emirates

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