Authors: Radu Miron
Keywords: Generalized Lagrangian system, Lagrange equations, generalized kinetic energy.
A generalized Lagrangian mechanics is a triple Σ
GL = (M, ε, F
e) formed by a real
n-dimensional manifold
M, the generalized kinetic energy ε and the external forces F
e. The Lagrange equations (or fundamental equations) can be defined for a generalized Lagrangian mechanical system Σ
GL. We get a straightforward extension of the notions of Riemannian, or Finslerian, or Lagrangian mechanical systems studied in the recent book [7]. The applications of this systems in Mechanics, Physical Fields or Relativistic Optics are pointed out. Much more information can be found in the books or papers from References [1-10].
"Al. Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi, România
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