IMI/Publicaţii/BASM/Ediţii/BASM n.2 (51), 2006/

On an algebraic method in the study of integral equations with shift.

Authors: Vasile Neaga


The work is centred on the sdudy of algebra generated by singular integral operators with shifts with continuous coefficients. We determine the set of maximal ideals of quotient algebra , , with respect to the ideal of compact operators. Prove that the bicompact of maximal ideals of is isomorphic to the topological product (Γ × j) × (Γ × k), where j = ± 1 and k = ± 1 Necessary and sufficient condition are established for operators of to be noetherian and to admit equivalent regularization in space Lp(Γ, ρ), regularizators for noetherian operators are constructed. The study is done in the space Lp(Γ, ρ) with weight and is based on the theory of Ghelfand [1] concerning Banach algebras.



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