IMI/Publicaţii/BASM/Ediţii/BASM n.3 (46), 2004/

On check character systems over groups. (English)

Authors: Beliavscaia Galina, A. Diordiev


In this note we study check character systems (with one control symbol) over groups (over abelian groups) and the check formula a1*delta a2*delta2a3*...*deltan an+1 = e, where e is the identity of a group, delta is an automorphism (a permutation) of a group. For a group we consider strongly regular automorphisms (anti-automorphisms), their connection with good automorphisms and establish necessary and sufficient conditions in order that a system to be able to detect all single errors, transpositions, jump transpositions, twin errors and jump twin errors simultaneously.

Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
Academy of Sciences of Moldova
5 Academiei str. Chisinau,
MD-2028 Moldova


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