Redefined fuzzy Lie subalgebras M. Akram | pp.119-132 |
Generalized fuzzy subquasigroups M. Akram and W. A. Dudek | pp.133-146 |
Secondary representation of semimodules over a commutative semiring R. E. Atani and S. E. Atani | pp.147-154 |
Groups homeomorphisms: topological characteristics, invariant measures and classification L. A. Beklaryan | pp.155-174 |
Fuzzy regular congruence relations on hyper BCK-algebras R. A. Borzooei and M. Bakhshi | pp.175-186 |
On prolongations of quasigroups I. I. Deriyenko and W. A. Dudek | pp.187-198 |
On fuzzy relations and fuzzy quotient Gamma-groups K. Hila | pp.199-206 |
Fuzzy ideals in ordered semigroups I A. Khan, Y. B. Jun and M. Shabir | pp.207-220 |
The action of G22 on PL(Fp) Q. Mushtaq and N. Siddiqui | pp.221-228 |
Simple hyper K-algebras T. Roodbari, L. Torkzadeh and M. M. Zahedi | pp.229-238 |
Prime bi-ideals in ternary semigroups M. Shabir and M. Bano | pp.239-256 |