IMCS/Publications/QRS/Issues/QRS v.14, n.2 (16), 2006/

Ideals in AG-band and AG*-groupoid

Authors: Q. Mushtaq, M. Khan


We have shown that an ideal I of an AG-band is prime iff ideal (S) is totally ordered; it is prime iff it is strongly irreducible. The set of ideals of S form a semilattice structure. We have proved that if a belongs to the centre of S, then S is zero-simple if and only if (Sa)S = S, for every a in S\{0}. Ideal structure in an AG_-groupoid S has also been investigated. It has been shown that if I is a minimal right ideal of S then Ia is a minimal left ideal of S, for all a in S. It has been shown also that every ideal of an AG_-groupoid S is prime if and only if it is idempotent and ideal (S) is totally ordered.

Qaiser Mushtaq,
Department of Mathematics,
Quaid-i-Azam University,


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