Fuzzy isomorphism and quotient of fuzzy subpolygroups R. Ameri, H. Hedayati | pp.175-184 |
On graded weakly primary ideals S. E. Atani | pp.185-191 |
On decomposable hyper BCK-algebras R. A. Borzooei, H. Harizavi | pp.193-202 |
Factorization of simple groups involving the alternating group M. R. Darafsheh | pp.203-211 |
Intuitionistic fuzzy approach to n-ary systems W. A. Dudek | pp.213-228 |
Affine regular dodecahedron in GS-quasigroups Z. Kolar—Begovic, V. Volenec | pp.229-236 |
Maple implementation of the ElGamal public key encryption scheme working in SMG(pm) C. Koscielny | pp.237-244 |
Computing in GF(pm) and in gff(nm) using Maple C. Koscielny | pp.245-264 |
AES with the increased confidentiality C. Koscielny | pp.265-268 |
A class of quasigroups associated with a cubic Pisot number V. Krcadinac, V. Volenec | pp.269-280 |
On medial-like identities M. Polonijo | pp.281-288 |