SQS-3-Groupoid with q(x,x,y)=x M. H. Armanious | pp.1-8 |
Some results on hyper BCK-algebras R. A. Borzooei, M. Bakhshi | pp.9-24 |
Quasi p-ideals of quasi BCI-algebras W. A. Dudek, Y. B. Jun | pp.25-38 |
On groupoids with identity x(xy) = y L. Goracinova-Ilieva, S. Markovski, A. Sokolova | pp.39-54 |
m-systems and n-systems in ordered semigroups N. Kehayopulu | pp.55-58 |
Fuzzy congruences on groups M. Kondo | pp.59-70 |
Quotient groups induced by fuzzy subgroups Y. L. Liu | pp.71-78 |
Zeroids and idempoids in AG-groupoids Q. Mushtaq | pp.79-84 |
Characterization of division µ-LA-semigroups Q. Mushtaq, K. Mahmood | pp.85-90 |
A note on Salem numbers and Golden mean Q. Mushtaq, A. Mahmood | pp.91-93 |
Abel-Grassmann\'s bands P. V. Protic', N. Stevanovic' | pp.95-101 |
Hyper I-algebras and polygroups M. M. Zahedi, L. Torkzadeh, R. A. Borzooei | pp.103-113 |
Extensions of Latin subsquares and local embeddability of groups and group algebras M. Ziman | pp.115-125 |